Shankar Narasimhan S

Data reconciliation for chemical reaction systems using vessel extents and shape constraints
01-01-2017, Srinivasan, Sriniketh, Billeter, Julien, Shankar Narasimhan S, Bonvin, Dominique
Concentrations measurements are typically corrupted by noise. Data reconciliation techniques improve the accuracy of measurements by using redundancies in the material and energy balances expressed as relationships between measurements. Since in the absence of kinetic models these relationships cannot integrate information regarding past measurements, they are expressed in the form of algebraic constraints. This paper shows that, even in the absence of a kinetic model, one can use shape constraints to relate measurements at different time instants, thereby improving the accuracy of reconciled estimates. The construction of shape constraints depends on the operating mode of the reactor. Moreover, it is shown that the representation of the reaction system in terms of vessel extents helps identify additional shape constraints. A procedure for deriving shape constraints from measurements is also described. Data reconciliation using both numbers of moles and extents is illustrated via a simulated case study.

Deconstructing principal component analysis using a data reconciliation perspective
09-06-2015, Shankar Narasimhan S, Nirav Pravinbhai Bhatt
Data reconciliation (DR) and principal component analysis (PCA) are two popular data analysis techniques in process industries. Data reconciliation is used to obtain accurate and consistent estimates of variables and parameters from erroneous measurements. PCA is primarily used as a method for reducing the dimensionality of high dimensional data and as a preprocessing technique for denoising measurements. These techniques have been developed and deployed independently of each other. The primary purpose of this article is to elucidate the close relationship between these two seemingly disparate techniques. This leads to a unified framework for applying PCA and DR. Further, we show how the two techniques can be deployed together in a collaborative and consistent manner to process data. The framework has been extended to deal with partially measured systems and to incorporate partial knowledge available about the process model.

Robust and reliable estimation via Unscented Recursive Nonlinear Dynamic Data Reconciliation
01-12-2006, Vachhani, Pramod, Shankar Narasimhan S, Raghunathan Rengasamy
The quality of process data in a chemical plant significantly affects the performance and benefits gained from activities like performance monitoring, online optimization and control. Since many chemical processes often exhibit nonlinear dynamics, techniques like Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Nonlinear Dynamic Data Reconciliation (NDDR) have been developed to improve the data quality. There are various issues that arise with the use of either of these techniques: EKF cannot handle inequality or equality constraints, while the NDDR has high computational cost. Recently a recursive estimation technique for nonlinear dynamic processes has been proposed which combines the merits of EKF and NDDR techniques. This technique, named as Recursive Nonlinear Dynamic Data Reconciliation (RNDDR), provides state and parameter estimates that satisfy bounds and other constraints imposed on them. However, the estimate error covariance matrix in RNDDR is computed in the same manner as in EKF, that is, the effects of both nonlinearity and constraints are neglected in the computation of the estimate error covariance matrix. A relatively new method known as the Unscented Kalman Filter has been developed for nonlinear processes, in which the statistical properties of the estimates are computed without resorting to linearization of the nonlinear equations. This leads to improved accuracy of the estimates. In this paper, we combine the merits of the Unscented Kalman Filter and the RNDDR to obtain the Unscented Recursive Nonlinear Dynamic Data Reconciliation (URNDDR) technique. This technique addresses all concerns arising due to the presence of nonlinearity and constraints within a recursive estimation framework, resulting in an efficient, accurate and stable method for real-time state and parameter estimation for nonlinear dynamic processes. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Data reconciliation and its application in mineral processing industries
01-12-2012, Shankar Narasimhan S
Data Reconciliation is a technique that has been developed more than fifty years ago and has been refined over the past few decades and is now being deployed routinely in several process industries such as refining, petrochemicals, mineral processing and hydro-metallurgy. The main aim of data reconciliation is to obtain accurate estimates of all process variables and parameters using plant measurements that are invariably corrupted by random errors and may also contain biases and other gross errors. These reconciled estimates are subsequently used either in offline exercises such as simulation, retrofitting, and de-bottlenecking or in online optimization and control applications. In this presentation, a brief history of data reconciliation, its assumptions, and uses are reviewed. New developments in this area are highlighted such as robust data reconciliation to handle model uncertainties, and reconciliation using identified models derived purely from operating data. Several case studies in the mineral processing industries reported in the literature are also highlighted to indicate the potential benefits of this technique.

Data Reconciliation in Reaction Systems using the Concept of Extents
01-01-2015, Srinivasan, Sriniketh, Billeter, Julien, Shankar Narasimhan S, Bonvin, Dominique
Concentrations measured during the course of a chemical reaction are corrupted with noise, which reduces the quality of information. When these measurements are used for identifying kinetic models, the noise impairs the ability to identify accurate models. The noise in concentration measurements can be reduced using data reconciliation, exploiting for example the material balances as constraints. However, additional constraints can be obtained via the transformation of concentrations into extents and invariants. This paper uses the transformation to extents and invariants and formulates the data reconciliation problem accordingly. This formulation has the advantage that non-negativity and monotonicity constraints can be imposed on selected extents. A simulated example is used to demonstrate that reconciled measurements lead to the identification of more accurate kinetic models.

A theoretically rigorous approach to soft sensor development using Principal Components Analysis
20-06-2011, Naveen Kartik, C. K., Shankar Narasimhan S
Soft sensors are increasingly being used to estimate difficult to measure variables using using a mathematical model and other easily measured variables. Partial Least Squares and Principal Components Regression are two popular methods for developing the linear models used in soft sensors. However, the optimality of these methods has not been established. In this article, we develop a soft sensing technique by combining PCA with conecpts drawn from Data Reconciliation techniques. The solution we propose is a mathematically rigorous approach to the problem when the measurements are corrupted with homoscedastic or heteroscedastic errors. © 2011 Elsevier B.V.