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    A graph partitioning algorithm for leak detection in water distribution networks
    Rajeswaran, Aravind
    Narasimhan, Sridharakumar
    Urban water distribution networks (WDNs) are large scale complex systems with limited instrumentation. Due to aging and poor maintenance, significant loss of water can occur through leaks. We present a method for leak detection in WDNs using repeated water balance and minimal use of additional off-line flow measurements. A multi-stage graph partitioning approach is used to determine where the off-line flow measurements are to be made, with the objective of minimizing the measurement cost. The graph partitioning problem is formulated and solved as a multi-objective mixed integer linear program (MILP). We further derive an approximate method inspired by spectral graph bisection to solve the MILP, which is suitable for very large scale networks. The proposed methods are tested on large scale benchmark networks, and the results indicate that on average, flows in less than 3% of the pipes need to be measured to identify the leaky pipe or joint.
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    Optimal control of water distribution networks with storage facilities
    Sankar, Gokul Siva
    Mohan Kumar, S.
    Narasimhan, Sridharakumar
    Optimal operation of water distribution networks (WDNs) is concerned with meeting consumer demands at desired pressures in an efficient and equitable manner while conserving resources. This can be achieved by implementing advanced control schemes such as model predictive control (MPC). If sufficient water is available, the control objective is to meet consumer demands while preventing wastage. On the other hand, if the available water is insufficient or inadequate to meet consumer demands at the required pressures, equitable distribution of the available resource is of primary importance. In this contribution, a nonlinear model predictive controller is proposed for optimal operation of WDNs that can deal with both the above situations. The proposed approach takes into account availability of storage facilities at the source and demand points. In addition, the control algorithm can account for plant-model mismatch. Performance of the proposed model based control strategy is illustrated through numerical simulations of an illustrative WDN operating under various water availability scenarios. In the water sufficient scenario, the proposed MPC strategy is able to meet the consumer requirements while minimizing the excess amount of water supplied. In the water deficient scenario, the MPC algorithm is able to exploit the available storage facilities at consumer end to reduce the daily supply deficit by about 20%. Using a longer prediction horizon in MPC results in a further reduction of about 40% in the daily supply deficit.
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    Optimal operation of water distribution networks with intermediate storage facilities
    Kurian, Varghese
    Chinnusamy, Saravanan
    Natarajan, Ashok
    Narasimhan, Sridharakumar
    The nexus between water and energy reveals that transporting water for end use is a highly energy intensive operation. In this work we consider the optimal operation of a water distribution network consisting of pumps delivering water to different reservoirs, with each reservoir catering to a time varying demand. Pumps and ON/OFF valves are used as manipulated variables to minimize energy consumption while meeting the demand. Due to the nonlinear nature of the pump operating curve and the hydraulics, this results in a Mixed Integer Nonlinear Program (MINLP). We propose a three step decomposition approach to solve this problem efficiently. The applicability of this technique is demonstrated on a water network proposed for a municipality in India and the potential advantages are reported. We also compare the solution times required for the proposed technique and a standard solver and demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed approach.