M.V. Sangaranarayanan
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M.V. Sangaranarayanan
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M.V. Sangaranarayanan
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M.V., Sangaranarayanan
Sangaranarayanan, M. V.
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6 results
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- PublicationConducting polymers-based electrochemical supercapacitors - Progress and prospects(01-01-2013)
;Ramya, R. ;Sivasubramanian, R.The progress in the field of electrochemical supercapacitors employing polyaniline and polypyrrole during the past decade is reviewed, with special emphasis on electrochemical characterization techniques. The magnitude of the specific capacitance from the galvanostatic charge-discharge studies, cyclic voltammetry and impedance spectroscopy has been compiled. The merit of the Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy in deducing the system parameters is pointed out. The unsolved issues pertaining to the conducting polymers based supercapacitors are highlighted. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. - PublicationControlled growth of polypyrrole microtubes on disposable pencil graphite electrode and their supercapacitor behavior(20-11-2019)
;Mondal, Subrata ;Aravindan, N.In the present study, we have reported a simple, facile and robust method for the controlled growth of polypyrrole microtubes (PPy MTs) on pencil graphite electrodes (PGE) via potentiostatic deposition without using any templates or structure-directing agents. The crucial role of the supporting electrolytes in dictating the formation of microtubules is analyzed and their nucleation – growth mechanism has been studied using the well-known Scharifker - Hills and Palomer – Pardove models. These microtubules modified pencil graphite electrodes exhibit a satisfactory supercapacitor behavior which has been demonstrated using voltammetric, charge-discharge and impedance studies. It has been observed that, the tubular-like geometry of PPy is more preferable for supercapacitor behavior than other morphology of PPy in the present context. Moreover, the influences of temperature on the specific capacitance and cycle stability have also been investigated. The effect of supporting electrolytes on the supercapacitive behavior of PPy MTs modified PGE have also been analyzed and a significant enhancement in the specific capacitance value with improved rate capability is observed in acidic medium than that of neutral medium. The profound increase in the magnitude of the specific capacitance of the bare pencil graphite electrodes upon modification with PPy MTs has been ascribed to its enhanced surface roughness, fractal dimension and porosity. - PublicationA novel non-enzymatic sensor for urea using a polypyrrole-coated platinum electrode(07-01-2013)
;Mondal, SubrataThe potentiodynamic polymerization of pyrrole is carried out on Pt electrodes using sodium dodecyl sulphate and the coated electrode is employed for sensing of urea non-enzymatically. Employing amperometric and impedimetric methods, urea is estimated in mildly acidic conditions. A detection limit of 40 μM is obtained along with a linearity of 80-1440 μM and a sensitivity of 1.11 μA μM-1 cm-2 from the amperometric data. The Nyquist plot is employed for the construction of the calibration curve from the impedance analysis. The interference of different compounds such as ascorbic acid, uric acid, sodium chloride and calcium chloride is also analyzed. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. - PublicationAnalysis of polypyrrole-coated stainless steel electrodes - Estimation of specific capacitances and construction of equivalent circuits(01-01-2008)
;Ramya, R.The galvanostatic polymerization of pyrrole is carried out on stainless steel electrodes using p-toluene sulphonic acid. The morphology of the film is studied from Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) measurements while the nature of the substrate is analysed using Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDAX) technique. The electrochemical behaviour is studied using cyclic voltammetry, charge-discharge analysis and impedance spectroscopy. The feasibility of the electrode for supercapacitor applications is investigated. The specific capacitance is estimated as ∼102 Farads per gram with 10 3 charge-discharge cycles. A plausible equivalent circuit for the system is proposed and the circuit parameters are obtained by non-linear regression analysis. © Indian Academy of Sciences. - PublicationInfluence of solvent composition on the anti-corrosion performance of copper-polypyrrole (Cu-PPy) coated 304 stainless steel(01-06-2016)
;Aravindan, N.Copper-polypyrrole (Cu-PPy) was electrochemically deposited on 304 stainless steel (SS) surfaces from various compositions of water-methanol binary mixtures containing both pyrrole monomer and metal precursor using double pulse chronoamperometry. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive analysis of X-ray (EDAX) were employed to understand the morphology and composition of the Cu-PPy coated SS. The anti-corrosive performances of the modified electrodes were investigated in 0.5 M NaCl using potentiodynamic polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) techniques. We found that after 300 h of immersion period, the Cu-PPy coating prepared from a solution containing 1:4 water to methanol volume ratio exhibited a better corrosion protection to SS than coatings prepared from other compositions. This behavior was rationalized using the low permeability and enhancement in the barrier property of the Cu-PPy coatings with increase in MeOH content. - PublicationA novel, rapid synthetic protocol for controllable sizes, conductivities and monomer units of soluble polypyrrole(09-10-2015)
;Mondal, SubrataWe report a facile synthesis of polypyrrole spheres with controllable sizes, monomer units and conductivities using sodium nitrite and nitric acid in presence of the anionic surfactant sodium tetradecyl sulfate. The rapid synthesis of polypyrrole spheres was accomplished without employing any explicit oxidizing agents. The characterization of polypyrrole (PPy) is carried out using FTIR, XRD, SEM, TEM and TGA while the molecular weight is estimated from the MALDI TOF analysis. The precise tuning of various physicochemical properties is accomplished by altering the concentrations of sodium nitrite and is attributed to the in situ generation of NO2. The size of the PPy spheres varies from 45 nm to 350 nm depending upon the concentration of NaNO2. The dynamic light scattering studies provide mechanistic insights into the role of sodium nitrite in altering the pyrrole-incorporated micellar size of the surfactant, leading to different diameters of the PPy spheres. The surfactant-induced solubility of PPy is rationalized with the help of the X-ray diffraction patterns. The solution of PPy in dimethylsulfoxide has a remarkable ability of selectively detecting Cu2+ and Hg2+ among a host of other bimetallic ions, as inferred from colorimetry and UV-Visible absorption spectroscopy.