Now showing 1 - 6 of 6
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    Natural convection heat transfer of cold water in an eccentric horizontal cylindrical annulus - A numerical study
    Raghavarao, C. V.
    A numerical study of the natural convection heat transfer of cold water, having the density inversion between two isothermal eccentric horizontal cylinders is studied. A general code is developed for the body fitted coordinate system. This procedure transforms an arbitrarily shaped physical domain into a rectangular (square) domain. The governing equations in this computational domain are solved by the upwind finite difference scheme. The numerical solutions are obtained for a Rayleigh number (Ra) ranging between 103-105, a Prandtl number (Pr) 12.0 and inversion parameter (γ) 0, - 1 and - 2. The affect of the radius ratio (R) on the flow patterns and heat transfer coefficients is studied by taking the Radius ratio as 1.5 and 2. The eccentricity affect is studied by moving the center of the inner cylinder horizontally and vertically (both positive and negative directions) with respect to the center of the outer cylinder. For the cases considered in the present study, it is again for γ = - 1, the minimum heat transfer is observed like in the case of concentric annulus.
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    Universal matrices with new infinite elements for quasiharmonic equation
    Raghavarao, C. V.
    A new approach to developing serendipity quadrilateral infinite elements is presented. Using these elements universal matrices for quasiharmonic equation are developed. For a particular member of the family these matrices are independent of the size and shape of the element. Using these matrices the element stiffness matrix can be generated in a simpler manner by taking into account the size and shape of the element. Copyright © 1994 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd
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    Steady flow past a circular cylinder with parabolic velocity distribution at high reynolds numbers - A numerical study
    Raghavarao, C. V.
    A steady, viscous, incompressible flow past a circular cylinder is studied numerically at moderately high Reynolds numbers. A variable shear flow with velocity curvature factor G is taken as the incident flow. The drag coefficient is calculated at Re = 1000 and 2000 with G = 0, 0.1 and 1.0. The results for G = 0, which correspond to uniform flow, are compared with the existing results for Reynolds numbers upto 500. The non-zero curvature is found to affect the breadth of the wake bubble, the separation angle and the drag coefficient.
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    Natural convection heat transfer of cold water between concentric cylinders for high rayleigh numbers-a numerical study
    Raghavarao, C. V.
    A numerical study of the natural convection heat transfer of cold water, having a density inversion between two isothermal horizontal concentric cylinders is studied. The governing equations are solved by upwind finite difference method for different annulus radius ratios with Rayleigh number range 102-105 and the inversion parameter λ varies between -2 and 0. The results indicate that the flow patterns are greatly influenced by the inversion parameter, which determines the effect of the additional convection that arises from the inversion of density of water at 3.98°C within the annulus. © 1994.
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    Steady simple shear flow past a circular cylinder at moderate and high Reynolds numbers - A numerical study
    Raghavarao, C. V.
    Steady, viscous, incompressible flow past a circular cylinder, placed symmetrically in a simple shear field, has been studied numerically using the upwind finite-difference method at moderate and high Reynolds numbers up to 500. The present results are in good agreement with the theoretical and numerical results which are available at small and moderate Reynolds numbers. Unlike the flow at moderate Reynolds numbers up to Re = 70, here a vortex is formed near the surface of the cylinder which grows in size as the Reynolds number increases. The separation of the flow on the surface of the cylinder is also observed.
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    A note on application of cubic splines to two point boundary value problems
    Raghavarao, C. V.
    Suresh, S.
    Two methods are proposed to solve a linear two point boundary value problem without eliminating the Mi's from the system of equations. © 1994.