Surendran Sankunny
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Surendran Sankunny
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Surendran Sankunny
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Surendran, S.
Sankunny, Surendran
Surendran, Sankunny
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13 results
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- PublicationEnhancing the material properties of carbon fiber epoxy composite by incorporating electrospun polyacrylonitrile nanofibers(01-01-2022)
;Vijay Kumar, Vishnu ;Ramakrishna, Seeram; Composite materials are a superior class of material used in almost every field of engineering like construction, military, aerospace, ocean structures, communication, and various other high-performance applications owing to their high specific strength and modulus, increased design flexibility, desirable thermal expansion characteristics good resistance to fatigue and corrosion, and economic efficiency. However, their ply-by-ply nature makes them susceptible to delamination, which originates from the propagation of microcracks in the weak resin-rich layers. Many attempts have been made to address the lack of mechanical properties of this weak interlaminar region. A particularly promising approach involves the incorporation of nanofibers between the reinforcement layers as the composite is laid up. This work involves studying the property improvements in carbon fiber epoxy composite by interleaving electrospun polyacrylonitrile (PAN) nanofibers. Experimental testing involving Tensile, Izod, Charpy and high velocity impact tests showed improved material properties for the PAN nano-interleaved composite. These improvements achieved by nanofiber interleaving shows a greater potential in addressing major concerns for critical application of composite materials in future. - PublicationApplication of composites for ship structural parts(01-12-2010)
; Chandrabose, KannanIn the past, there were very serious casualties under the actions of extreme waves including loss of precious lives. There are cases like loss of M V Derbyshire (Faulkner, 2001) due to hatch cover failure in extreme weather conditions. Use of composite materials in marine fields as major or minor components off floating platforms is discussed in this paper. Application of composites on board ships reduces the self weight and lowers the position of vertical centre of gravity of the floating vessel. There are advantages in using composite structures in marine environment. A link-span fitted with a composite deck and the feasibilities of using composite for hatch covers of bulk carrier ship is described in this paper. In the case of bulk carriers, failure of hatch cover especially in the forward part of the vessel leads to flooding of the forward cargo compartment and occasionally results in fatal casualty. The foremost hatch cover and the next one within 25% length of the vessel © 2010 by ASME. - PublicationDynamic fracture toughness of coated structural components at different temperatures(01-12-2012)
;Manjunath, G. L.Fracture toughness is a material property in the same sense that yield strength is a material property. The determination of fracture toughness for dynamic loading conditions is not very straight-forward, as dynamic crack growth speed in supersonic speed and the speed range is 1 to 2 km/sec. The improvement of fracture toughness of metals plays a vital role in the design and manufacturing of structural components. To achieve this purpose, industries rely up on coatings which are an integral part of manufacturing. These coated samples are tested by Charpy V-notch impact testing for estimating dynamic fracture toughness. These coatings improve the wear and corrosion resistance of the materials and they tend to reduce the strength of the materials, because of the increased residual stresses due to the coating process. These defects cannot be precluded from these coated and treated components. The strength of those components in the presence of such defects can be analyzed by fracture mechanics approach. An attempt has been made to analyze the effect of coating methods like electroplating and PVD (Physical Vapour Deposition), coating thickness, heat treatment and the service temperature on the fracture behaviour of metals. The experiments have been carried out on EN8 steel and aluminium for different temperatures. The specimen preparation and experimentations were carried out according to the ASTM standard E-23. The FRANC 2D (Fracture Analysis Code) has been relied upon for estimating the stress intensity factor at different crack length and temperature. Copyright © 2012 by ASME. - PublicationEnhancing the properties of Carbon fiber thermoplastic composite by nanofiber interleaving(01-01-2022)
;Kumar, Vishnu Vijay; ; Ramakrishna, SeeramThermoplastic composites have growing significance due to the rising demand for cost-effective and lightweight materials with high structural endurance and recyclability. The composition of composites is altered to enhance their overall properties. Electrospun Polyacrylonitrile nanofiber interleaving in Carbon fiber thermoplastic composite is investigated in this paper. Material properties are estimated using Tensile, Izod, Charpy, and Ballistic testing. Experimental results suggest that the nanofiber interleaving resulted in a composite with enhanced properties. The study can be further extended in investigating the effect of nanofibrous addition in various composites. - PublicationCFD simulation of the moonpool on the total resistance of a drillship at low forward speed(01-01-2017)
;Sivabalan, P.A moonpool is meant to access the underwater part of hull from onboard ship. Moonpools are openings right through the hull from deck to bottom, allowing equipments, ROVs, etc. to be put into the water at a location on the vessel under permissible ship motion condition. Open moonpools in a drillship are causing additional resistance when the ship is in forward speed. It was shown that the water inside the moonpool started to oscillate at forward speed. The drillship is mainly subjected to two types of motions of water mass inside the column namely, piston mode and sloshing mode. The later mode will be dominant in longer moonpools and piston mode in shorter. The amplitude of water particles inside the moonpool is correlated with the forward speed such that increased forward speed leads to increased amplitudes. The main objective of this study is to find the total resistance and the free surface flow caused by the moonpool when the drillship is at low forward speed condition. Drillship with and without moonpool are considered for the study. Proven packages are used to calculate the calm water resistance of the drillship with moonpool. The incremental change in resistance caused by the moonpool in forward motion is a measure of water motion inside the moonpool for that particular field. - PublicationLASER SPECTROSCOPIC ANALYSIS AND CHARACTERIZATION STUDIES OF MARINE BIOFOULING(01-01-2023)
;Thomas, Della; Marine biofouling refers to the undesirable growth and adhesion of marine organisms such as barnacles, macro-algae, microbial slimes etc. on immersed structures. Tropical ocean environment teems with microorganisms, of which some adhere, both to the static ship hull and while en-route to the destination increasing roughness1. A laboratory-scale LIBS technique was used to analyse biofouling samples and its constituent common water-borne algae and bacterial species2. Biofouling composition was determined by collecting samples from marine structures and vessels and analysing them in laboratories. Biofouling characterization tests were also done such as SEM analysis. The Quanta 200 FEG Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) was used for obtaining the SEM images. The structure of quartz crystal in the biofouling samples was also determined. - PublicationStudy on the adequacy of scantlings of hatch covers of capsize bulk carriers and suggestions for alternate materials(01-12-2009)
; Kannan, C.Hatch cover failure leads to flooding of the forward cargo compartment and occasionally results in fatal casualty. The foremost hatch cover and the next one within 25% length of the vessel are prone to the impact by shipping of green water. The loss of hundreds of bulk carriers with the precious lives is a nightmare to both designers and insurers. The tail of Rayleigh distribution of showing the extreme rare wave heights is a matter needed great attraction of designers and analysts. Though rare, the extreme wave heights are responsible for the failure of bulk carrier ships. Deficiency in the scantling of bulk carrier covers is brought out in this paper and suggestions for betterment are proposed. Suggestions to use better material having higher strength to weight ratio is made. The tricky point is that the more we increase the strength of the hatch cover the more is its self weight. The position of vertical centre of gravity of vessel goes up and that is not desirable for commercial ships in many aspects. Unlike tanker ships decks the decks of bulk carrier ships are weakened by the presence of the hatch covers. - PublicationExperiments to determine thruster design parameters of a moored floating platform(01-01-2013)
;Sajjan, Sharanabasappa C.; Lee, S. K.Control devices are selected in the preliminary design stage of any large platforms. This is true for deciding fin area for roll/pitch control of moving platform and thruster sizes and numbers for maneuvering assistance in the case of very low speed conditions. For moored platform the excursions are to be determined to activate the thruster system to reduce the line tension. In the case of a drill ship with moonpool there are some additional parameters of interaction. To some extent the parameters can be contained by optimizing the size and shapes of moon pools on board ships. The dynamics of a moored platform fitted with moon pool are determined here. Such responses are necessary to arrive at the actual sizes and numbers of thrusters to keep the vessel within the tolerances of excursion for ease and accurate operations. © IFAC. - PublicationBiofouling characterization and its effect on resistance of surface ship(01-01-2019)
;Thomas, Della; Manufacture of coatings to tackle the biofouling menace has been of prime concern for the shipping industry since industrial revolution. Even though many types of coatings exist in the market, they have not been able to wipe out the problem of biofouling completely. The proposed approach which combines both the resistance due to biofouling on ships, as well as biofouling characterization, will surely serve as a critical input for the manufacture of efficient anti-fouling coatings. Resistance simulations have been carried out for a tanker ship by Maxsurf® wherein the hull fouling effect has been accounted for by modified ITTC 1978 empirical formula considering roughness. Different draft conditions were relied upon to find out the resistance at various Froude numbers. The fouling growth conditions considered are small and medium calcareous fouling. The simulated results also have been validated by towing tank experiments, for no-foul condition, for speeds varying from 0.3 to 1.1 m/s and different drafts. The additional power requirement was determined for various loading conditions and speed ranges. - PublicationLaser Spectroscopy for Marine Biofouling Analysis(05-10-2020)
;Thomas, Della; ; Sriyuthamurthy, P.In the present study, femtosecond Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy LIBS technique has been used to investigate the growth of biofouling on Fiber Reinforced Plastic (FRP) panels submerged in the Indian Ocean for various stages of growth. The coupons were suspended in the Indian Ocean at a depth of 1m at a distance of 480 m from the shoreline. The panels were recovered from the sea at regular intervals of 5, 10, 15 and 20 days. Growth of fouling panels were monitored and related with contact angle measurements. Elemental characterization conducted with Femtosecond LIBS indicated the presence of the elements Al, Ca, N, Ba, and Na. The study would help in creating a database for marine biofouling.