S Kasiviswanathan
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S Kasiviswanathan
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S Kasiviswanathan
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Kasiviswanathan, S.
Kasiviswanathan, Subbiah
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9 results
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- PublicationCharacterization of silver selenide thin films grown on Cr-covered Si substrates(01-03-2009)
;Mohanty, Bhaskar Chandra ;Malar, P. ;Osipowicz, Thomas ;Murty, B. S. ;Varma, ShikhaThermal stability of silver selenide thin films formed from the solid-state reaction of Ag-Se diffusion couples on Si substrates covered with a thin Cr film, is investigated. Glancing angle X-ray diffraction (GXRD), XPS, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) are used to characterize the as-deposited films and those annealed at 100, 200, 300, and 400 °C. The results reveal the formation of polycrystalline orthorhombic silver selenide films that remain stable without compositional change upon thermal annealing, in marked contrast to the agglomeration exhibited by silver selenide films deposited on Si without Cr film. The improvement in the thermal stability is attributed to compressive stress relief by a grainy morphology with large surface area, the formation of which is promoted by partially oxidized Cr adhesion film. © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. - PublicationSIMS study of effect of Cr adhesion layer on the thermal stability of silver selenide thin films on Si(01-04-2008)
;Mohanty, Bhaskar Chandra ;Tyagi, A. K. ;Balamurugan, A. K. ;Varma, ShikhaEffect of heat treatment on silver selenide films grown from diffusion-reaction of Ag and Se films on Cr-buffered Si substrates was investigated up to 400 °C. X-ray diffraction (XRD), Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) were used to characterize the films. XRD patterns of the films showed stress assisted change in preferential orientation of the films upon annealing: the films annealed at 200 °C exhibited a strong orientation along (2 0 0) plane, which changed to (0 1 3) after annealing at 300 and 400 °C. Dynamic SIMS measurements showed that Cr is confined to the interface and that there is no diffusion of Cr into silver selenide. © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - PublicationGrowth and Rutherford backscattering spectrometry study of direct current sputtered indium oxide films(22-09-2005)
;Malar, P. ;Mohanty, Bhaskar ChandraIn2O3 thin films were grown by direct current reactive sputtering. Structural investigations using X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy confirmed the single-phase and polycrystalline nature of the films. Rutherford backscattering spectrometry study of the interface of In2O3 films with Si indicated the formation of ∼20 nm thick intermediate region consisting of silicon, oxygen and indium. Annealing at 875 K in oxygen atmosphere led to an increase in interface layer thickness. Broadening of the interface and diffusion of silicon into In2O3 were observed in films annealed in argon at 875 K. Oxygen-to-indium atomic concentration ratio in the as-grown films was ∼1.44, which was found to vary depending upon the annealing conditions. However, films deposited over Si/SiO2 showed a sharp interface between the In2O3 film and SiO2. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - PublicationThermal stability of silver selenide thin films on silicon formed from the solid state reaction of Ag and Se films(05-12-2006)
;Mohanty, Bhaskar ChandraThermal stability of silver selenide thin films grown on silicon substrates by the solid state reaction of Se and Ag films is studied. The as-deposited as well as films annealed at different temperatures for 60 min in argon were investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) measurements. Analysis of the XRD and RBS data of as-deposited films indicated the formation of single phase orthorhombic silver selenide from the reaction of Ag and Se films at room temperature. RBS spectra of films annealed at 473 K and above showed features characteristic of agglomerated morphology. SEM images showed the smooth morphology of the as-deposited films to evolve into a discontinuous island state with annealing temperature. The results suggest that above ∼ 473 K, the films are thermally unstable and agglomerate through holes generated at grain boundaries. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - PublicationMicro-raman spectroscopy studies of bulk and thin films of cuInTe 2(24-08-2009)
;Ananthan, M. R. ;Mohanty, Bhaskar ChandraMicro-Raman spectroscopy measurements were made on polycrystalline and amorphous thin films of CuInTe2 as well as bulk polycrystalline CuInTe2. Various vibrational modes exhibited by the bulk and polycrystalline thin films were attributed to those expected for single crystal CuInTe2. Raman spectra of amorphous films presented a broad spectrum, decomposition of which revealed the presence of elemental tellurium on the film surface. Laser-induced changes on CuInTe2 thin films were studied by acquiring spectra with higher laser beam power. Modes due to tellurium appeared when the spectra were acquired during laser-sample interaction, indicating tellurium segregation. The Raman spectra measured from polycrystalline films during high laser power irradiation did not show decrease in the intensity of the A1 mode of CuInTe2 in spite of loss of tellurium from the lattice. This has been interpreted as related to an increased contribution from the undistorted subsurface CuInTe2 region at higher excitation power. © 2009 IOP Publishing Ltd. - PublicationGrowth and SIMS study of d.c.-sputtered indium oxide films on silicon(01-03-2005)
;Malar, P. ;Mohanty, Bhaskar Chandra ;Balamurugan, A. K. ;Rajagopalan, S. ;Tyagi, A. K.Indium oxide thin films were grown onto Si and quartz substrates by d.c. reactive sputtering of elemental indium. X-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy studies confirmed the single-phase and polycrystalline nature of the films. Secondary ion mass spectrometry investigations of In 2O3/Si structures showed the formation of an inhomogeneous interface region ̃20 nm thick between In2O3 and Si. The overall feature of the interface remained the same under annealing in an oxygen atmosphere, but annealing in an argon atmosphere drastically altered the nature of the interface. The observations indicate that interface formation and stability depend critically on the availability of oxygen. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. - PublicationAtomic force microscopy study of thermal stability of silver selenide thin films grown on silicon(15-09-2006)
;Mohanty, Bhaskar Chandra ;Murty, B. S. ;Vijayan, V.Silver selenide thin films were grown on silicon substrates by the solid-state reaction of sequentially deposited Se and Ag films of suitable thickness. Transmission electron microscopy and particle-induced X-ray emission studies of the as-deposited films showed the formation of single phase polycrystalline silver selenide from the reaction of Ag and Se films. Atomic force microscopy images of the as-deposited and films annealed at different temperatures in argon showed the film morphology to evolve into an agglomerated state with annealing temperature. The results indicate that when annealed above 473 K, silver selenide films on silicon become unstable and agglomerate through holes generated at grain boundaries. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. - PublicationTwo-prism setup for surface plasmon resonance studies(01-03-2005)
;Mohanty, Bhaskar ChandraA two-prism experimental arrangement having wide angular scan ranges for the study of surface plasmon resonance is presented. The setup has a single rotating element instead of a high cost goniometer and a stationary photodetector which is positioned such that it always receives the reflected beam normally. The usefulness of the setup has been verified by experimental and theoretical studies of plasmon resonance at an Au-air interface. © 2005 American Institute of Physics. - PublicationCharacterization of interface between CuInSe2 and In 2O3(01-11-2005)
;Malar, P. ;Mohanty, Bhaskar ChandraCuInSe2/In2O3 structures were formed by depositing CuInSe2 films by stepwise flash evaporation onto In 2O3 films, which were grown by DC reactive sputtering of In target in presence of (Ar+O2) gas mixture. Phase purity of the CuInSe2 and In2O3 films was confirmed by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) studies. X-ray diffraction (XRD) results on CuInSe2/In2O3/glass structures showed sharp peaks corresponding to (112) plane of CuInSe2 and (222) plane of In2O3. Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) investigations were carried out on CuInSe2/In2O 3/Si structures in order to characterize the interface between In2O3 and CuInSe2. The results show that the CuInSe2 films were near stoichoimetric and In2O 3 films had oxygen deficient composition. CuInSe2/In 2O3 interface was found to include a ∼20 nm thick region consisting of copper, indium and oxygen. Also, the In2O 3/Si interface showed the formation of ∼20 nm thick region consisting of silicon, indium and oxygen. The results are explained on the basis of diffusion/reaction taking place at the respective interfaces. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.