Abhishek Sinha
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Abhishek Sinha
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Abhishek Sinha
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Sinha, Abhishek
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6 results
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- PublicationFundamental Limits on the Regret of Online Network-Caching(08-06-2020)
;Bhattacharjee, Rajarshi ;Banerjee, SubhankarOptimal caching of files in a content distribution network (CDN) is a problem of fundamental and growing commercial interest. Although many different caching algorithms are in use today, the fundamental performance limits of the network caching algorithms from an online learning point-of-view remain poorly understood to date. In this paper, we resolve this question in the following two settings: (1) a single user connected to a single cache, and (2) a set of users and a set of caches interconnected through a bipartite network. Recently, an online gradient-based coded caching policy was shown to enjoy sub-linear regret. However, due to the lack of known regret lower bounds, the question of the optimality of the proposed policy was left open. In this paper, we settle this question by deriving tight non-asymptotic regret lower bounds in the above settings. In addition to that, we propose a new Follow-the-Perturbed-Leader-based uncoded caching policy with near-optimal regret. Technically, the lower-bounds are obtained by relating the online caching problem to the classic probabilistic paradigm of balls-into-bins. Our proofs make extensive use of a new result on the expected load in the most populated half of the bins, which might also be of independent interest. We evaluate the performance of the caching policies by experimenting with the popular MovieLens dataset and conclude the paper with design recommendations and a list of open problems. - PublicationOptimizing Age-of-Information in Adversarial Environments with Channel State Information(01-01-2022)
;Mandal, Avijit ;Bhattacharjee, RajarshiThis paper considers a multi-user downlink scheduling problem with access to the channel state information at the transmitter (CSIT) to minimize the Age-of-Information (AoI) in a non-stationary environment. The non-stationary environment is modelled using a novel adversarial framework. In this setting, we propose a greedy scheduling policy, called MA-CSIT, that takes into account the current channel state information. We establish a finite upper bound on the competitive ratio achieved by the MA-CSIT policy for a small number of users and show that the proposed policy has a better performance guarantee than a recently proposed greedy scheduler that operates without CSIT. In particular, we show that access to the additional channel state information improves the competitive ratio from 8 to 2 in the two-user case and from 18 to 8/3 in the three-user case. Finally, we carry out extensive numerical simulations to quantify the advantage of knowing CSIT in order to minimize the Age-of-Information for an arbitrary number of users. - PublicationOptimizing Age-of-Information in Adversarial and Stochastic Environments(01-10-2022)
; Bhattacharjee, RajarshiWe design efficient online scheduling policies to maximize the freshness of information delivered to the users in a cellular network under both adversarial and stochastic channel and mobility assumptions. The information freshness achieved by a policy is investigated through the lens of a recently proposed metric - Age-of-Information (AoI). We show that a natural greedy scheduling policy is competitive against any optimal offline policy in minimizing the AoI in the adversarial setting. We also derive universal lower bounds to the competitive ratio achievable by any online policy in the adversarial framework. In the stochastic setting, we show that a simple index policy is near-optimal for minimizing the average AoI in two different mobility scenarios. Further, we prove that the greedy scheduling policy minimizes the peak AoI for static users in the stochastic setting. Simulation results show that the proposed policies perform well under realistic conditions. - PublicationCompetitive algorithms for minimizing the maximum age-of-information(23-11-2020)
;Bhattacharjee, RajarshiIn this short paper, we consider the problem of designing a near-optimal competitive scheduling policy to maximize the freshness of available information uniformly across N mobile users. Motivated by the unreliability and non-stationarity of the emerging 5G-mmWave channels for high-speed users, we forego of any statistical modeling assumptions of the wireless channels and user-mobility. Instead, we allow the channel states and the mobility patterns to be dictated by an omniscient adversary. It is not difficult to see that no competitive scheduling policy can exist for the corresponding throughput-maximization problem in this adversarial model. Surprisingly, we show that there exists a simple online distributed scheduling policy with a finite competitive ratio for maximizing the freshness of information in this model. We also prove that the proposed policy is competitively optimal up to an O(logN) factor. - PublicationFundamental Limits of Age-of-Information in Stationary and Non-stationary Environments(01-06-2020)
;Banerjee, Subhankar ;Bhattacharjee, RajarshiWe study the multi-user scheduling problem for minimizing the Age of Information (AoI) in cellular wireless networks under stationary and non-stationary regimes. We derive fundamental lower bounds for the scheduling problem and design efficient online policies with provable performance guarantees. In the stationary setting, we consider the AoI optimization problem for a set of mobile users travelling around multiple cells. In this setting, we propose a scheduling policy and show that it is 2-optimal. Next, we propose a new adversarial channel model for studying the scheduling problem in non-stationary environments. For N users, we show that the competitive ratio of any online scheduling policy in this setting is at least Ω(N). We then propose an online policy and show that it achieves a competitive ratio of O(N2). Finally, we introduce a relaxed adversarial model with channel state estimations for the immediate future. We propose a heuristic model predictive control policy that exploits this feature and compare its performance through numerical simulations. - PublicationFundamental Limits on the Regret of Online Network-Caching(08-07-2020)
;Bhattacharjee, Rajarshi ;Banerjee, SubhankarOptimal caching of files in a content distribution network (CDN) is a problem of fundamental and growing commercial interest. Although many different caching algorithms are in use today, the fundamental performance limits of the network caching algorithms from an online learning point-of-view remain poorly understood to date. In this paper, we resolve this question in the following two settings: (1) a single user connected to a single cache, and (2) a set of users and a set of caches interconnected through a bipartite network. Recently, an online gradient-based coded caching policy was shown to enjoy sub-linear regret. However, due to the lack of known regret lower bounds, the question of the optimality of the proposed policy was left open. In this paper, we settle this question by deriving tight non-asymptotic regret lower bounds in the above settings. In addition to that, we propose a new Follow-the- Perturbed-Leader-based uncoded caching policy with near-optimal regret. Technically, the lower-bounds are obtained by relating the online caching problem to the classic probabilistic paradigm of balls-into-bins. Our proofs make extensive use of a new result on the expected load in the most populated half of the bins, which might also be of independent interest.We evaluate the performance of the caching policies by experimenting with the popular Movie- Lens dataset and conclude the paper with design recommendations and a list of open problems.