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    Scheduling algorithms for optimizing age of information in wireless networks with throughput constraints
    Kadota, Igor
    Modiano, Eytan
    Age of Information AoI is a performance metric that captures the freshness of the information from the perspective of the destination. The AoI measures the time that elapsed since the generation of the packet that was most recently delivered to the destination. In this paper, we consider a single-hop wireless network with a number of nodes transmitting time-sensitive information to a base station and address the problem of minimizing the expected weighted sum AoI of the network while simultaneously satisfying timely-throughput constraints from the nodes. We develop four low-complexity transmission scheduling policies that attempt to minimize AoI subject to minimum throughput requirements and evaluate their performance against the optimal policy. In particular, we develop a randomized policy, a Max-Weight policy, a Drift-Plus-Penalty policy, and a Whittle's Index policy, and show that they are guaranteed to be within a factor of two, four, two, and eight, respectively, away from the minimum AoI possible. The simulation results show that Max-Weight and Drift-Plus-Penalty outperform the other policies, both in terms of AoI and throughput, in every network configuration simulated, and achieve near-optimal performance.
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    On Minimizing the Maximum Age-of-Information for Wireless Erasure Channels
    Srivastava, Arunabh
    Age-of-Information (AoI) is a recently proposed metric for quantifying the freshness of information from the UE's perspective in a communication network. Recently, Kadota et al. [1] have proposed an index-type approximately optimal scheduling policy for minimizing the average-AoI metric for a downlink transmission problem. For delay-sensitive applications, including real-time control of a cyber-physical system, or scheduling URLLC traffic in 5G, it is essential to have a more stringent uniform control on AoI across all users. In this paper, we derive an exactly optimal scheduling policy for this problem in a downlink system with erasure channels. Our proof of optimality involves an explicit solution to the associated average-cost Bellman Equation, which might be of independent theoretical interest. We also show that the resulting Age-process is positive recurrent under the optimal policy, and has an exponentially light tail. Finally, motivated by typical applications in small-cell residential networks, we consider the problem of minimizing the peak-AoI with throughput constraints to specific UEs, and derive a heuristic policy for this problem. Extensive numerical simulations have been carried out to compare the efficacy of the proposed policies with other well-known scheduling policies, such as Randomized scheduling and Proportional Fair.