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Optical study of a 3-D elliptical hyperboloid concentrator

01-12-2011, Saleh Ali, Imhamed M., Mallick, Tapas K., O'Donovan, Tadhg S., Kew, Peter A., Srinivasa K Reddy

The optical performance of a solar concentrator is mostly depends on the geometry of the concentrator profile. In the present paper, work focuses on the optical efficiency of 3-D Elliptical Hyperboloid Concentrator (3-D EHC) using Optis™ Ray-trace software. An extensive theoretical prediction, using a 3-D ray tracing technique has been adopted in the current investigation to calculate the optical efficiency of a novel 3-D EHC. The effect of source angle (from +90° to -90°) on the optical efficiency of a 3-D EHC is reported. Due to the wide acceptance angle of the Elliptical Hyperboloid solar Concentrator, the optical efficiency was found to be 87% for a concentration ratio of 18x. Due to the three-dimensional nature of the Elliptical hyperboloid solar concentrator, the optical efficiency and the concentration ratio are also a function geometric parameters such as the ratio of the concentrator height to each of the receiver's major and minor axes; a parametric study of these variables has also been conducted The aperture length was fixed for all simulations. Results presented also show the distribution of the concentrated radiant energy over the receiver/absorber. For the range of parameters investigated, an optimum design is presented.

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Optimization of the least-material approach for passive Ultra-High CPV cooling

14-12-2015, Micheli, Leonardo, Fernandez, Eduardo F., Almonacid, Florencia, Srinivasa K Reddy, Mallick, Tapas K.

The attention around Ultra-High CPV is increasing year by year, because of the potential cost-cutting achievable by increasing the concentration ratio. In these systems, an adequate thermal management becomes particularly important: cooling systems are required to be compact, reliable and efficient. In this work, the geometry of a passive heat sink for a 4000x CPV application is optimized to reduce the volume and the costs, limiting the effects on the thermal performance. The same approach is used to model the behavior of a UHCPV heat sink in New Orleans, LA (USA): the hourly cell temperatures are presented in the paper.

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Plate micro-fins in natural convection: An opportunity for passive concentrating photovoltaic cooling

01-01-2015, Micheli, Leonardo, Srinivasa K Reddy, Mallick, Tapas K.

The raise in temperature is a non-negligible issue for concentrating photovoltaics (CPV), where the sunlight is concentrated up to thousands of times and a large amount of heat is collected on the solar cells. Micro-fins have been identified as one of the most promising solution for CPV cooling: despite its potentials, the number of publications on this subject is still limited. The present paper resumes the state-of-the-art of the research on micro-fins, in order to identify the most convenient fin geometry for CPV applications. The results of the investigation conducted in this work show that, compared to a conventional heat sink, micro-fins can improve the thermal performance and, at the same time, lower the weight of a system. For this reason, they are particularly beneficial for tracked systems, such as CPV, where a reduced weight means a reduced load for the tracker. The heat transfer coefficients measured through an experimental setup are used to predict the performance of a micro-finned CPV system in natural convection: an optimized fin array is found able to enhance the mass specific power up to 50% compared to an unfinned surface.

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Status and perspective of concentrating photovoltaic systems: The results of the BioCPV project and opportunities for a sustainable energy supply to rural areas

01-01-2015, Mallick, Tapas K., Micheli, Leonardo, Banerjee, Sambhu, Shanks, Katie, Lokeswaran, S., Baig, Hasan, Calabria, Fausto, Sarmah, Nabin, Walker, Mark, Theristis, Marios, Srinivasa K Reddy, Ghosh, Prakash, Walker, Gavin, Choudhury, Shibani, Pourkashanian, Mohamed, O'Donovan, Tadgh, Hamilton, Joel, Poggio, Davide, Giddings, Donald, Hazara, Amit, Balachandran, S., Grant, David, Nimmo, William, Ma, Lin, Mathew, Anil K., Goswami, Ramansu, Chakraborty, Amit, Dinha, Debasree, Bandyopadhyay, Kunal, Almonacid, Florencia, Fernandez, Eduardo F.

The present paper reports the results of the BioCPV project, a venture of six universities conceived to develop a novel integrated renewable energy system for an autonomous electrical power generation for rural electrification. Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV) is coupled to an Anaerobic Digestion Biogas system through a smart control mechanism to maximize the efficiency and to supply electricity uninterruptedly. The excess electricity generated during the day time is used to generate hydrogen, stored using metal hydride technologies and released during evening hours as input of an electricity generator. The waste heat of the CPV is recovered and used to accelerate the biogas production. The outcomes of the research on concentrating photovoltaic technologies are resumed: two high-concentrating systems have been developed, different thermal and electrical models have been proposed and the results of innovative researches on optics, building-integration and cooling have been presented.

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Design and production of a 2.5 kWe insulated metal substrate-based densely packed CPV assembly

01-01-2014, Micheli, Leonardo, Sarmah, Nabin, Luo, Xichun, Srinivasa K Reddy, Mallick, Tapas K.

The original design of a new 144-cell concentrating photovoltaic assembly is presented in this paper. It is conceived to work under 500 suns and to generate about 2.5 kWe. An insulated metal substrate was selected as baseplate, in order to get the best compromise between costs and thermal performances. It is based on a 2mm thick aluminum plate, which is in charge of removing the heat as quick as possible. The copper pattern and thickness has been designed accordingly to the IPC Generic Standard on Printed Board Design and to the restrictions of fit a reflective 125x primary optics and a 4x secondary refractive optics. The original outline of the conductive copper layer has been developed to minimize Joule losses by reducing the number of interconnections between the cells in series. Multijunction solar cells and Schottky bypass diodes have been soldered onto the board as surface mounted components. All the fabrication processes are described. This board represents a novelty for the innovative pattern of the conductive layer, which can be easily adapted to be coupled with different optics geometries and to allocate a different number of cells. The use of an IMS as baseplate will give an experimental contribution to the debate about the exploitability of this kind of substrates in CPV. This board is being characterized indoor and outdoor: the results will be used to improve the design and the reliability of the future receivers.

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Enhancing ultra-high CPV passive cooling using least-material finned heat sinks

28-09-2015, Micheli, Leonardo, Fernandez, Eduardo F., Almonacid, Florencia, Srinivasa K Reddy, Mallick, Tapas K.

Ultra-high concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) systems aim to increase the cost-competiveness of CPV by increasing the concentrations over 2000 suns. In this work, the design of a heat sink for ultra-high concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) applications is presented. For the first time, the least-material approach, widely used in electronics to maximize the thermal dissipation while minimizing the weight of the heat sink, has been applied in CPV. This method has the potential to further decrease the cost of this technology and to keep the multijunction cell within the operative temperature range. The designing procedure is described in the paper and the results of a thermal simulation are shown to prove the reliability of the solution. A prediction of the costs is also reported: a cost of 0.151$/Wp is expected for a passive least-material heat sink developed for 4000x applications.

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Design of a 16-cell densely-packed receiver for high concentrating photovoltaic applications

01-01-2014, Micheli, Leonardo, Sarmah, Nabin, Luo, Xichun, Srinivasa K Reddy, Mallick, Tapas K.

A novel densely packed receiver for concentrating photovoltaics has been designed to fit a 125× primary and a 4× secondary reflective optics. It can allocate 16 1cm2-sized high concentrating solar cells and is expected to work at about 300 Wp, with a short-circuit current of 6.6 A and an open circuit voltage of 50.72 V. In the light of a preliminary thermal simulation, an aluminum-based insulated metal substrate has been use as baseplate. The original outline of the conductive copper layer has been developed to minimize the Joule losses, by reducing the number of interconnections between the cells in series. Slightly oversized Schottky diodes have been applied for bypassing purposes and the whole design fits the IPC-2221 requirements. A fullscale thermal simulation has been implemented to prove the reliability of an insulated metal substrate in CPV application, even if compared to the widely-used direct bonded copper board. The Joule heating phenomenon has been analytically calculated first, to understand the effect on the electrical power output, and then simulate, to predict the consequences on the thermal management of the board. The outcomes of the present research will be used to optimize the design of a novel actively cooled 144-cell receiver for high concentrating photovoltaic applications. © 2014 The Authors.

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Enhancing the performance of BICPV systems using phase change materials

28-09-2015, Sharma, Shivangi, Sellami, Nazmi, Tahir, Asif, Srinivasa K Reddy, Mallick, Tapas K.

Building Integrated Concentrated Photovoltaic (BICPV) systems have three main benefits for integration into built environments, namely, (i) generating electricity at the point of use (ii) allowing light efficacy within the building envelope and (iii) providing thermal management. In this work, to maintain solar cell operating temperature and improve its performance, a phase change material (PCM) container has been designed, developed and integrated with the BICPV system. Using highly collimated continuous light source, an indoor experiment was performed. The absolute electrical power conversion efficiency for the module without PCM cooling resulted in 7.82% while using PCM increased it to 9.07%, thus showing a relative increase by 15.9% as compared to a non-PCM system. A maximum temperature reduction of 5.2°C was also observed when the BICPV module was integrated with PCM containment as compared to the BICPV system without any PCM containment.

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Numerical investigation of micro-channel based active module cooling for solar CPV system

01-01-2014, Srinivasa K Reddy, Lokeswaran, S., Agarwal, Pulkit, Mallick, Tapas K.

Concentrating photovoltaic (CPV) technology is one of the fastest growing solar energy technologies achieving higher electrical conversion efficiencies. The increase in temperature of solar CPV cell significantly reduces the performance; the efficiency of a CPV system can be improved by introducing effective thermal management or cooling system. This paper presents the design and numerical analysis of a heat sink based on micro-channels for efficient cooling of a commercial high concentration photovoltaic (HCPV) cell. A combinatory model of an array of micro-channels enclosed in a wide parallel flow channel design is developed. The optimized geometry of the micro-channel heat sink was found by using commercial CFD software ANSYS 13. Based on numerical simulations, it is found that the optimum configuration of micro-channel with 0.5mm width and aspect ratio of 8. The micro-channels provided high heat transfer over heat generations spots and parallel flow channels resulted in lower pressure drop. The temperature rise across the micro-channel is estimated as10K in CPV module of 120 × 120 mm2 and with a pressure drop of 8.5 kPa along a single channel with six such channels in each modules at a flow rate of 0.105 liter/s. © 2014 The Authors.

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Photovoltaic system integrated with phase change material for South west UK climate

13-09-2018, Khanna, Sourav, Reddy, K. S., Mallick, Tapas K.

In photovoltaic (PV) cells, a fraction of the incident solar energy is transformed into electrical energy. Most of the part is transformed into heat which elevates the cell temperature resulting in reduced electrical efficiency. A box containing phase change material (PCM) can be attached on the dark side of the PV panel to reduce the operating temperature of the PV which elevates the electrical efficiency. In the current work, a mathematical model is presented for analyzing the electrical and thermal performances of only PV and PV-PCM systems at South West UK. Ansys-Fluent software has been used for carrying out the calculations. The results show that, for the June month at Cornwall, UK (50.17°N, 5.12°W), (a) the integration of PCM box at the back of a roof integrated 4kWp PV system decreases the PV temperature by 20°C near noon, (b) the electrical output is improved from 2.6kW to 2.9kW using PCM near noon and (c) the total daily electrical output is increased from 17.7kWh/day to 18.9kWh/day using PCM.