Now showing 1 - 10 of 73
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    Coarsening induced phase transformation of hafnia in polymer-derived Si-Hf-C-N-O ceramics
    Sujith, Ravindran
    Kousaalya, Adhimoolam Bakthavachalam
    Coarsening induced reverse phase transformation of hafnia in polymer-derived Si-Hf-C-N-O ceramics was studied experimentally. X-ray diffraction and high resolution transmission electron microscopy were used to obtain information regarding nanocrystalline structure. Hafnia crystallites precipitated out from the amorphous ceramic matrix on heat treatment were observed to remain as tetragonal hafnia below a critical crystallite radius of 4 nm. Prolonged heat treatment has resulted in coarsening, as explained by Lifshitz-Slyozov-Wagner model, resulting in reverse phase transformation from tetragonal to monoclinic hafnia. © 2011 The American Ceramic Society.
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    Synthesis and phase stability of precursor derived HfO 2/Si-C-N-O nanocomposites
    Sujith, Ravindran
    Kousaalya, Adhimoolam Bakthavachalam
    Hafnium alkoxide modified polysilazane was synthesized by the drop-wise addition of hafnium tetra(n-butoxide) to polysilazane. The solid state thermolysis (SST) temperature and the ceramic yield for both the polysilazane and modified polysilazane were determined by performing thermogravimetry. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy was performed to understand the polymer to ceramic conversion as well as the bonding characteristics of the ceramics. The modified polymer after crosslinking was subjected to SST at 800 °C at a constant heating rate of 5 °C/min for a dwell time of 2 h in atmospheric ambience. From the X-ray diffractograms, the as-thermolysed ceramics were observed to remain X-ray amorphous and on heat-treatment resulted in the crystallization of tetragonal hafnia. However, on heat-treatment at 1500 °C, reverse phase transformation from tetragonal to monoclinic hafnia was observed. Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy were employed to further understand the phase evolution. The thermal stability and the influence of amorphous matrix on the coarsening of HfO 2 were also evaluated. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd and Techna Group S.r.l. All rights reserved.
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    Microstructural transitions in camphene-based freeze casted ceria: effect of primary building blocks
    Mukkavilli, Raghunath Sharma
    Papakollu, Kousik
    Porous ceria for high temperature catalytic applications demands structural integrity concomitant with sinter resistance and improved gas permeability. The current state of the art hinges on complex synthesis methodologies which are not only expensive but also lack flexibility in pore tailorability. Hence, the development of porous scaffolds through low-cost processes without compromising on the functionality is in order. Herein, we demonstrate porous ceria with an open porosity of 88% developed through camphene assisted freeze casting for the first time. Microstructural evolution with different building blocks–micrometre-sized particles and short fibres were also studied. Preliminary catalytic activity obtained via temperature programmed reduction exemplified similar profiles showing no effect of the initial building blocks on the activity.
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    Corrosion behavior of polymer-derived SiHfCN(O) ceramics in salt and acid environments
    Jothi, Sudagar
    Ravindran, Sujith
    Powder particles of polymer derived SiHfCN(O) ceramics were pulsed electric current sintered at 1300 and 1500 °C to produce amorphous and partially crystalline ceramic pellets for corrosion studies in salt (NaCl or Na2SO4) and acid (HF) environments. While, sodium dramatically accelerated phase transformation and catalyzed the crystallization process, the open porosity acted as the main cause for sodium penetration in these materials. The samples, however, were completely disintegrated during fluoride acid tests. The cristobalite and HfO2 crystalline phases were severely corroded and it was found that the SiC grains were relatively stable in comparison with other phases in the system.
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    Influence of hot isostatic pressing on the microstructure and mechanical properties of a spray-formed Al-4.5 wt.% Cu alloy
    Devaraj, S.
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    Appa Rao, G.
    Al-4.5 wt.% Cu alloy was spray atomized and deposited at varied spray heights ranging from 300 to 390 mm. The average grain sizes decreased from ∼ 29 to ∼ 18 μm and a concomitant increase in the hardness and the 0.2% yield strength (YS) with increase in the spray height. The respective hardness values of SF-300, SF-340, and SF-390 are 451 ± 59, 530 ± 39, and 726 ± 39 MPa and the YS are 108 ± 7, 115 ± 8, and 159 ± 10 MPa. The transmission electron micrographs revealed the morphological changes of the Al2Cu phase from irregular shaped to small plate-shaped and then subsequently to spheroidal shape due to high undercooling encountered during spray atomization with increase in spray height from 300 to 390 mm. The porosity of the spray formed deposits varied between 5 to 12%. Hot isostatic pressing of spray deposits reduced the porosity to less than 0.5% without any appreciable increase in grain size. A dislocation creep mechanism seems to be operative during the secondary processing. A comparison between as-spray formed and hot isostatically pressed deposits exemplifies improvement in mechanical properties as a result of elimination of porosity without affecting the fine grain sizes achieved during the spray-forming process. © 2014 ASM International.
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    Thermal Shock Resistance of Precursor Derived Si-Hf-C-N(O) Foams
    Sridar, Soumya
    Awin, Eranezhuth Wasan
    Kousaalya, Adhimoolam Bakthavachalam
    Thermal shock resistance of precursor derived Si-Hf-C-N(O) foams at temperatures varying from 800o-1000oC subjected to multiple thermal cycles was investigated. The as-synthesized foams possessed interconnected pores with an average cell size of 1.09 mm. The X-ray diffractograms of the foams before and after thermal cycling showed that the amorphous nature of the foams was retained. FTIR spectra exhibited that there was no change in the bonding characteristics due to thermal shock. A damage parameter (DS) based on the compressive strength was used to quantify the extent of damage. Densification was expected to occur in the first thermal cycle and the strut structures did not show any sign of cracking. However, cracking of struts occurred in the third thermal cycle which caused severe damage.
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    Friction Welding of Electron Beam Melted γ-TiAl Alloy Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb
    Sankar, G. S.
    Karthik, G. M.
    Mohammad, Ashfaq
    Janaki Ram, G. D.
    In the current work, rotary friction welding of electron beam melted (EBM) γ-TiAl alloy Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb (at%) was investigated. Welding experiments were conducted using cylindrical bars of 12 mm diameter and 70 mm height in as-fabricated and heat treated (1275 °C/2 h/furnace cooling) conditions. No cracking problems were encountered during friction welding of as-fabricated EBM samples. However, in as-welded condition, the joints did not perform well in tensile tests and failures were observed to invariably occur at the weld interface. Friction welded joints produced in heat treated EBM samples were also found to suffer from the same problem. In both the cases, the weld region showed fine, fully lamellar γ + α2 microstructure and relatively high hardness. In order to overcome the problem, a post-weld heat treatment (PWHT) was carried out at 1275 °C/2 h/furnace cooling. After the PWHT, the weld region showed a more desirable duplex microstructure consisting of equiaxed primary γ and relatively coarser lamellar γ + α2. The PWHTed joints showed satisfactory tensile properties, and no failures were observed at the weld interface.
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    Machine learning application for prediction of sapphire crystals defects
    Klunnikova, Yulia Vladimirovna
    Anikeev, Maxim Vladimirovich
    Filimonov, Alexey Vladimirovich
    We investigate the impact of different numbers of positive and negative examples on machine learning for sapphire crystals defects prediction. We obtain the models of crystal growth parameters influence on the sapphire crystal growth. For example, these models allow predicting the defects that occur due to local overcooling of crucible walls in the thermal node leading to the accelerated crystal growth. We also develop the prediction models for obtaining the crystal weight, blocks, cracks, bubbles formation, and total defect characteristics. The models were trained on all data sets and later tested for generalization on testing sets, which did not overlap the training set. During training and testing, we find the recall and precision of prediction, and analyze the correlation among the features. The results have shown that the precision of the neural network method for predicting defects formed by local overcooling of the crucible reached 0.94.
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    Filimonov, A. V.
    Bondarenko, V. B.
    The paper studies the high-temperature structure of a chaotic potential (CP) induced in heterojunctions of the group III nitrides by the electrostatic field of charged dislocations. The CP amplitude in the junction plane has been obtained taking into account the spatial dispersion of a dielectric response of two-dimensional electron gas. The dependence of the CP properties on the parameters of the system was found. In particular, the magnitude of the CP amplitude exceeds that of the thermal energy, if the two-dimensional non-degenerate gas given in III-nitride heterojunctions and the dislocation densities being up to and over 1010 cm–2
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    Barnacle cement: An etchant for stainless steel 316L?
    Sangeetha, R.
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    Venkatesan, R.
    Localized corrosion of stainless steel beneath the barnacle-base is an unsolved issue for the marine industry. In this work, we clearly bring out for the first time the role of the barnacle cement in acting as an etchant, preferentially etching the grain boundaries, and initiating the corrosion process in stainless steel 316L. The investigations include structural characterization of the cement and corroded region, and also chemical characterization of the corrosion products generated beneath the barnacle-base. Structural characterization studies using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) reveals the morphological changes in the cement structure across the interface of the base-plate and the substrate, modification of the steel surface by the cement and the corrosion pattern beneath the barnacle-base. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) of the corrosion products show that they are composed of mainly oxides of iron thereby implying that the corrosion is aerobic in nature. A model for the etching and corrosion mechanism is proposed based on our observations. © 2010 Elsevier B.V.