Now showing 1 - 10 of 10
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    Eigenstate entanglement between quantum chaotic subsystems: Universal transitions and power laws in the entanglement spectrum
    Tomsovic, Steven
    Srivastava, Shashi C.L.
    Bäcker, Arnd
    We derive universal entanglement entropy and Schmidt eigenvalue behaviors for the eigenstates of two quantum chaotic systems coupled with a weak interaction. The progression from a lack of entanglement in the noninteracting limit to the entanglement expected of fully randomized states in the opposite limit is governed by the single scaling transition parameter Λ. The behaviors apply equally well to few- and many-body systems, e.g., interacting particles in quantum dots, spin chains, coupled quantum maps, and Floquet systems, as long as their subsystems are quantum chaotic and not localized in some manner. To calculate the generalized moments of the Schmidt eigenvalues in the perturbative regime, a regularized theory is applied, whose leading-order behaviors depend on Λ. The marginal case of the 1/2 moment, which is related to the distance to the closest maximally entangled state, is an exception having a ΛlnΛ leading order and a logarithmic dependence on subsystem size. A recursive embedding of the regularized perturbation theory gives a simple exponential behavior for the von Neumann entropy and the Havrda-Charvát-Tsallis entropies for increasing interaction strength, demonstrating a universal transition to nearly maximal entanglement. Moreover, the full probability densities of the Schmidt eigenvalues, i.e., the entanglement spectrum, show a transition from power laws and Lévy distribution in the weakly interacting regime to random matrix results for the strongly interacting regime. The predicted behaviors are tested on a pair of weakly interacting kicked rotors, which follow the universal behaviors extremely well.
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    Fluctuations in classical sum rules
    Elton, John R.
    Tomsovic, Steven
    Classical sum rules arise in a wide variety of physical contexts. Asymptotic expressions have been derived for many of these sum rules in the limit of long orbital period (or large action). Although sum-rule convergence may well be exponentially rapid for chaotic systems in a global phase-space sense with time, individual contributions to the sums may fluctuate with a width which diverges in time. Our interest is in the global convergence of sum rules as well as their local fluctuations. It turns out that a simple version of a lazy baker map gives an ideal system in which classical sum rules, their corrections, and their fluctuations can be worked out analytically. This is worked out in detail for the Hannay-Ozorio sum rule. In this particular case the rate of convergence of the sum rule is found to be governed by the Pollicott-Ruelle resonances, and both local and global boundaries for which the sum rule may converge are given. In addition, the width of the fluctuations is considered and worked out analytically, and it is shown to have an interesting dependence on the location of the region over which the sum rule is applied. It is also found that as the region of application is decreased in size the fluctuations grow. This suggests a way of controlling the length scale of the fluctuations by considering a time dependent phase-space volume, which for the lazy baker map decreases exponentially rapidly with time. © 2010 The American Physical Society.
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    Entanglement and localization transitions in eigenstates of interacting chaotic systems
    (22-07-2016) ;
    Srivastava, Shashi C.L.
    Ketzmerick, Roland
    Bäcker, Arnd
    Tomsovic, Steven
    The entanglement and localization in eigenstates of strongly chaotic subsystems are studied as a function of their interaction strength. Excellent measures for this purpose are the von Neumann entropy, Havrda-Charvát-Tsallis entropies, and the averaged inverse participation ratio. All the entropies are shown to follow a remarkably simple exponential form, which describes a universal and rapid transition to nearly maximal entanglement for increasing interaction strength. An unexpectedly exact relationship between the subsystem averaged inverse participation ratio and purity is derived that prescribes the transition in the localization as well.
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    Universal Scaling of Spectral Fluctuation Transitions for Interacting Chaotic Systems
    Srivastava, Shashi C.L.
    Tomsovic, Steven
    Ketzmerick, Roland
    Bäcker, Arnd
    The statistical properties of interacting strongly chaotic systems are investigated for varying interaction strength. In order to model tunable entangling interactions between such systems, we introduce a new class of random matrix transition ensembles. The nearest-neighbor-spacing distribution shows a very sensitive transition from Poisson statistics to those of random matrix theory as the interaction increases. The transition is universal and depends on a single scaling parameter only. We derive the analytic relationship between the model parameters and those of a bipartite system, with explicit results for coupled kicked rotors, a dynamical systems paradigm for interacting chaotic systems. With this relationship the spectral fluctuations for both are in perfect agreement. An accurate approximation of the nearest-neighbor-spacing distribution as a function of the transition parameter is derived using perturbation theory.
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    Entanglement between two subsystems, the Wigner semicircle and extreme-value statistics
    Bhosale, Udaysinh T.
    Tomsovic, Steven
    The entanglement between two arbitrary subsystems of random pure states is studied via properties of the density matrix's partial transpose ρ12T 2. The density of states of ρ12T 2 is close to the semicircle law when both subsystems have dimensions which are not too small and are of the same order. A simple random matrix model for the partial transpose is found to capture the entanglement properties well, including a transition across a critical dimension. Log negativity is used to quantify entanglement between subsystems and analytic formulas for this are derived based on the simple model. The skewness of the eigenvalue density of ρ12T 2 is derived analytically, using the average of the third moment over the ensemble of random pure states. The third moment after partial transpose is also shown to be related to a generalization of the Kempe invariant. The smallest eigenvalue after partial transpose is found to follow the extreme value statistics of random matrices; namely, the Tracy-Widom distribution. This distribution, with relevant parameters obtained from the model, is found to be useful in calculating the fraction of entangled states at critical dimensions. These results are tested in a quantum dynamical system of three coupled standard maps, where one finds that if the parameters represent a strongly chaotic system, the results are close to those of random states, although there are some systematic deviations at critical dimensions. © 2012 American Physical Society.
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    Kolmogorov-Sinai entropy of many-body Hamiltonian systems
    (25-07-2011) ;
    Tomsovic, Steven
    The Kolmogorov-Sinai (KS) entropy is a central measure of complexity and chaos. Its calculation for many-body systems is an interesting and important challenge. In this paper, the evaluation is formulated by considering N-dimensional symplectic maps and deriving a transfer matrix formalism for the stability problem. This approach makes explicit a duality relation that is exactly analogous to one found in a generalized Anderson tight-binding model and leads to a formally exact expression for the finite-time KS entropy. Within this formalism there is a hierarchy of approximations, the final one being a diagonal approximation that only makes use of instantaneous Hessians of the potential to find the KS entropy. By way of a nontrivial illustration, the KS entropy of N identically coupled kicked rotors (standard maps) is investigated. The validity of the various approximations with kicking strength, particle number, and time are elucidated. An analytic formula for the KS entropy within the diagonal approximation is derived and its range of validity is also explored. © 2011 American Physical Society.
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    Quantum coherence controls the nature of equilibration and thermalization in coupled chaotic systems
    Pulikkottil, Jethin J.
    Srivastava, Shashi C.L.
    Kieler, Maximilian F.I.
    Bäcker, Arnd
    Tomsovic, Steven
    A bipartite system whose subsystems are fully quantum chaotic and coupled by a perturbative interaction with a tunable strength is a paradigmatic model for investigating how isolated quantum systems relax toward an equilibrium. It is found that quantum coherence of the initial product states in the energy eigenbasis of the subsystems - quantified by the off-diagonal elements of the subsystem density matrices - can be viewed as a resource for equilibration and thermalization as manifested by the entanglement generated. Results are given for four distinct perturbation strength regimes, the ultraweak, weak, intermediate, and strong regimes. For each, three types of tensor product states are considered for the initial state: uniform superpositions, random superpositions, and individual subsystem eigenstates. A universal timescale is identified involving the interaction strength parameter. In particular, maximally coherent initial product states (a form of uniform superpositions) thermalize under time evolution for any perturbation strength in spite of the fact that in the ultraweak perturbative regime the underlying eigenstates of the system have a tensor product structure and are not at all thermal-like; though the time taken to thermalize tends to infinity as the interaction vanishes. Moreover, it is shown that in the ultraweak regime the initial entanglement growth of the system whose initial states are maximally coherent is quadratic-in-time, in contrast to the widely observed linear behavior.
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    Extreme statistics of complex random and quantum chaotic states
    (31-01-2008) ;
    Tomsovic, Steven
    Bohigas, Oriol
    Majumdar, Satya N.
    Complex random states have the statistical properties of the Gaussian and circular unitary ensemble eigenstates of random matrix theory. Even though their components are correlated by the normalization constraint, it is nevertheless possible to derive compact analytic formulas for their extreme values' statistical properties for all dimensionalities. The maximum intensity result slowly approaches the Gumbel distribution even though the variables are bounded, whereas the minimum intensity result rapidly approaches the Weibull distribution. Since random matrix theory is conjectured to be applicable to chaotic quantum systems, we calculate the extreme eigenfunction statistics for the standard map with parameters at which its classical map is fully chaotic. The statistical behaviors are consistent with the finite-N formulas. © 2008 The American Physical Society.
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    Ordered level spacing probability densities
    Srivastava, Shashi C.L.
    Tomsovic, Steven
    Bäcker, Arnd
    Spectral statistics of quantum systems have been studied in detail using the nearest neighbour level spacings, which for generic chaotic systems follows random matrix theory predictions. In this work, the probability density of the closest neighbour and farther neighbour spacings from a given level are introduced. Analytical predictions are derived using a 3 × 3 matrix model. The closest neighbour density is generalized to the kth closest neighbour spacing density, which allows for investigating long-range correlations. For larger k the probability density of kth closest neighbour spacings is well described by a Gaussian. Using these kth closest neighbour spacings we propose the ratio of the closest neighbour to the second closest neighbour as an alternative to the ratio of successive spacings. For a Poissonian spectrum the density of the ratio is flat, whereas for the three Gaussian ensembles repulsion at small values is found. The ordered spacing statistics and their ratio are numerically studied for the integrable circle billiard, the chaotic cardioid billiard, the standard map and the zeroes of the Riemann zeta function. Very good agreement with the predictions is found.
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    Entanglement production by interaction quenches of quantum chaotic subsystems
    Pulikkottil, Jethin J.
    Srivastava, Shashi C.L.
    Bäcker, Arnd
    Tomsovic, Steven
    The entanglement production in bipartite quantum systems is studied for initially unentangled product eigenstates of the subsystems, which are assumed to be quantum chaotic. Based on a perturbative computation of the Schmidt eigenvalues of the reduced density matrix, explicit expressions for the time-dependence of entanglement entropies, including the von Neumann entropy, are given. An appropriate rescaling of time and the entropies by their saturation values leads a universal curve, independent of the interaction. The extension to the nonperturbative regime is performed using a recursively embedded perturbation theory to produce the full transition and the saturation values. The analytical results are found to be in good agreement with numerical results for random matrix computations and a dynamical system given by a pair of coupled kicked rotors.