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Eigenstate entanglement between quantum chaotic subsystems: Universal transitions and power laws in the entanglement spectrum

14-09-2018, Tomsovic, Steven, Lakshminarayan, Arul, Srivastava, Shashi C.L., Bäcker, Arnd

We derive universal entanglement entropy and Schmidt eigenvalue behaviors for the eigenstates of two quantum chaotic systems coupled with a weak interaction. The progression from a lack of entanglement in the noninteracting limit to the entanglement expected of fully randomized states in the opposite limit is governed by the single scaling transition parameter Λ. The behaviors apply equally well to few- and many-body systems, e.g., interacting particles in quantum dots, spin chains, coupled quantum maps, and Floquet systems, as long as their subsystems are quantum chaotic and not localized in some manner. To calculate the generalized moments of the Schmidt eigenvalues in the perturbative regime, a regularized theory is applied, whose leading-order behaviors depend on Λ. The marginal case of the 1/2 moment, which is related to the distance to the closest maximally entangled state, is an exception having a ΛlnΛ leading order and a logarithmic dependence on subsystem size. A recursive embedding of the regularized perturbation theory gives a simple exponential behavior for the von Neumann entropy and the Havrda-Charvát-Tsallis entropies for increasing interaction strength, demonstrating a universal transition to nearly maximal entanglement. Moreover, the full probability densities of the Schmidt eigenvalues, i.e., the entanglement spectrum, show a transition from power laws and Lévy distribution in the weakly interacting regime to random matrix results for the strongly interacting regime. The predicted behaviors are tested on a pair of weakly interacting kicked rotors, which follow the universal behaviors extremely well.

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Entanglement production in quantized chaotic systems

01-01-2005, Bandyopadhyay, Jayendra N., Arul Lakshminarayan

Quantum chaos is a subject whose major goal is to identify and to investigate different quantum signatures of classical chaos. Here we study entanglement production in coupled chaotic systems as a possible quantum indicator of classical chaos. We use coupled kicked tops as a model for our extensive numerical studies. We find that, in general, chaos in the system produces more entanglement. However, coupling strength between two subsystems is also a very important parameter for entanglement production. Here we show how chaos can lead to large entanglement which is universal and describable by random matrix theory (RMT). We also explain entanglement production in coupled strongly chaotic systems by deriving a formula based on RMT. This formula is valid for arbitrary coupling strengths, as well as for sufficiently long time. Here we investigate also the effect of chaos on the entanglement production for the mixed initial state. We find that many properties of the mixed-state entanglement production are qualitatively similar to the pure state entanglement production. We however still lack an analytical understanding of the mixed-state entanglement production in chaotic systems. © Indian Academy of Sciences.

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Out-of-time-order correlators in bipartite nonintegrable systems

01-01-2019, Prakash, R., Lakshminarayan, A.

Out-of-time-order correlators being explored as a measure of quantum chaos, are studied here in a coupled bipartite system. Each of the subsystems can be chaotic or regular and lead to very different out-of-time-order correlators growths both before and after the scrambling or the Ehrenfest time. We present preliminary results then on weakly coupled subsystems which have very different Lyapunov exponents. We also review the case when both the subsystems are strongly chaotic when a random matrix model can be pressed into service to derive an exponential relaxation to saturation.

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Impact of local dynamics on entangling power

11-04-2017, Jonnadula, Bhargavi, Prabha Mandayam, Zyczkowski, Karol, Arul Lakshminarayan

It is demonstrated here that local dynamics have the ability to strongly modify the entangling power of unitary quantum gates acting on a composite system. The scenario is common to numerous physical systems, in which the time evolution involves local operators and nonlocal interactions. To distinguish between distinct classes of gates with zero entangling power we introduce a complementary quantity called gate typicality and study its properties. Analyzing multiple, say n, applications of any entangling operator, U, interlaced with random local gates we prove that both investigated quantities approach their asymptotic values in a simple exponential form. These values coincide with the averages for random nonlocal operators on the full composite space and could be significantly larger than that of Un. This rapid convergence to equilibrium, valid for subsystems of arbitrary size, is illustrated by studying multiple actions of diagonal unitary gates and controlled unitary gates.

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Fluctuations in classical sum rules

25-10-2010, Elton, John R., Arul Lakshminarayan, Tomsovic, Steven

Classical sum rules arise in a wide variety of physical contexts. Asymptotic expressions have been derived for many of these sum rules in the limit of long orbital period (or large action). Although sum-rule convergence may well be exponentially rapid for chaotic systems in a global phase-space sense with time, individual contributions to the sums may fluctuate with a width which diverges in time. Our interest is in the global convergence of sum rules as well as their local fluctuations. It turns out that a simple version of a lazy baker map gives an ideal system in which classical sum rules, their corrections, and their fluctuations can be worked out analytically. This is worked out in detail for the Hannay-Ozorio sum rule. In this particular case the rate of convergence of the sum rule is found to be governed by the Pollicott-Ruelle resonances, and both local and global boundaries for which the sum rule may converge are given. In addition, the width of the fluctuations is considered and worked out analytically, and it is shown to have an interesting dependence on the location of the region over which the sum rule is applied. It is also found that as the region of application is decreased in size the fluctuations grow. This suggests a way of controlling the length scale of the fluctuations by considering a time dependent phase-space volume, which for the lazy baker map decreases exponentially rapidly with time. © 2010 The American Physical Society.

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Transport of entanglement through a Heisenberg-XY spin chain

09-01-2006, Subrahmanyam, V., Arul Lakshminarayan

The entanglement dynamics of spin chains is investigated using Heisenberg-XY spin Hamiltonian dynamics. The various measures of two-qubit entanglement are calculated analytically in the time-evolved state starting from initial states with no entanglement and exactly one pair of maximally entangled qubits. The localizable entanglement between a pair of qubits at the end of chain captures the essential features of entanglement transport across the chain, and it displays the difference between an initial state with no entanglement and an initial state with one pair of maximally-entangled qubits. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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Protocol using kicked Ising dynamics for generating states with maximal multipartite entanglement

17-02-2015, Mishra, Sunil K., Arul Lakshminarayan, Subrahmanyam, V.

We present a solvable model of iterating cluster state protocols that lead to entanglement production, between contiguous blocks, of 1 ebit per iteration. This continues until the blocks are maximally entangled, at which stage an unravelling begins at the same rate until the blocks are unentangled. The model is a variant of the transverse-field Ising model and can be implemented with controlled-not and single-qubit gates. The interqubit entanglement as measured by the concurrence is shown to be zero for periodic chain realizations, while for open boundaries there are very specific instances at which these can develop. Thus we introduce a class of simply produced states with very large multipartite entanglement content of potential use in measurement-based quantum computing.

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Using the Hadamard and related transforms for simplifying the spectrum of the quantum baker's map

08-09-2006, Arul Lakshminarayan, Meenakshisundaram, N.

We rationalize the somewhat surprising efficacy of the Hadamard transform in simplifying the eigenstates of the quantum baker's map, a paradigmatic model of quantum chaos. This allows us to construct closely related, but new, transforms that do significantly better, thus nearly solving many states of the quantum baker's map. These transforms, which combine the standard Fourier and Hadamard transforms in an interesting manner, are constructed from eigenvectors of the shift permutation operator that are also simultaneous eigenvectors of bit-flip (parity) and possess bit-reversal (time-reversal) symmetry. © 2006 IOP Publishing Ltd.

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Local entanglement structure across a many-body localization transition

06-04-2016, Bera, Soumya, Arul Lakshminarayan

Local entanglement between pairs of spins, as measured by concurrence, is investigated in a disordered spin model that displays a transition from an ergodic to a many-body localized phase in excited states. It is shown that the concurrence vanishes in the ergodic phase and becomes nonzero and increases in the many-body localized phase. This happen to be correlated with the transition in the spectral statistics from Wigner to Poissonian distribution. A scaling form is found to exist in the second derivative of the concurrence with the disorder strength. It also displays a critical value for the localization transition that is close to what is known in the literature from other measures. An exponential decay of concurrence with distance between spins is observed in the localized phase. Nearest neighbor spin concurrence in this phase is also found to be strongly correlated with the disorder configuration of on-site fields: nearly similar fields implying larger entanglement.

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Multifractal eigenstates of quantum chaos and the Thue-Morse sequence

01-06-2005, Meenakshisundaram, N., Arul Lakshminarayan

We analyze certain eigenstates of the quantum baker's map and demonstrate, using the Walsh-Hadamard transform, the emergence of the ubiquitous Thue-Morse sequence, a simple sequence that is at the border between quasiperiodicity and chaos, and hence is a good paradigm for quantum chaotic states. We show a family of states that are also simply related to the Thue-Morse sequence and are strongly scarred by short periodic orbits and their homoclinic excursions. We give approximate expressions for these states and provide evidence that these and other generic states are multifractal. © 2005 The American Physical Society.