Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
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    Investigation of non-linear dependence of exciton recombination efficiency on PCBM concentration in P3HT:PCBM blends
    Babusenan, Anu
    Mondal, Suman
    Ramaswamy, Saranya
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    A systematic study of the photoluminescence quenching efficiencies in P3HT: PCBM blends showed a non-linear dependence on the PCBM concentration. We find a faster decrease in PL emission initially which later flattens out around 1:1 composition which tallies well with sample compositions known to give the best power conversion efficiencies. This implies that the exciton dissociation rates dominate the photocurrent generation in these films. We obtained a maximum of 91% photoluminescence quenching for films with a 1:1 blend ratio. A mean field based phenomenological model is presented, which very well describes our experimental results. The generation of free carriers due to various proposed mechanisms like dissociation and delocalization are collectively considered in the model. The model helps us understand the underlying physics and dependence of the quenching efficiency on parameters like excitation intensities. The proposed model will be useful in predicting the behaviour of exciton dissociation in new organic blends.
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    A path-integral characterization of run and tumble motion and chemotaxis of bacteria
    Renadheer, C. S.
    Roy, Ushasi
    Bacteria such as Escherichia coli move about in a series of runs and tumbles: while a run state (straight motion) entails all the flagellar motors spinning in counterclockwise (CCW) mode, a tumble is caused by a shift in the state of one or more motors to clockwise (CW) spinning mode. In the presence of an attractant gradient in the environment, runs in the favourable direction are extended, and this results in a net drift of the organism in the direction of the gradient. Existing theoretical predictions for the drift velocity are limited to exponentially distributed run durations. However, recent experimental observations strongly suggest that the CCW and CW intervals have gamma, rather than exponential distributions. We present a path-integral method which can be used to compute various quantities of interest for the run and tumble walk, with and without chemotaxis, for arbitrary distributions of run and tumble intervals, as power series expansions in the gradient. The effectiveness of the method is demonstrated by deriving a number of existing results for the mean-squared displacement (including motion with directional persistence and algebraically distributed run times) and also chemotactic drift (with exponentially distributed run intervals) in a systematic way, starting from a set of general formulae. New results for chemotactic drift velocity for gamma-distributed run and tumble intervals are then derived, in the limit of weak gradients. Finally, by making use of available experimental data, we make testable predictions for the dependence of the drift velocity on the clockwise bias of the flagellar motor.
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    Zero-order ultrasensitivity: A study of criticality and fluctuations under the total quasi-steady state approximation in the linear noise regime
    Jithinraj, P. K.
    Roy, Ushasi
    Zero-order ultrasensitivity (ZOU) is a long known and interesting phenomenon in enzyme networks. Here, a substrate is reversibly modified by two antagonistic enzymes (a 'push-pull' system) and the fraction in modified state undergoes a sharp switching from near-zero to near-unity at a critical value of the ratio of the enzyme concentrations, under saturation conditions. ZOU and its extensions have been studied for several decades now, ever since the seminal paper of Goldbeter and Koshland (1981); however, a complete probabilistic treatment, important for the study of fluctuations in finite populations, is still lacking. In this paper, we study ZOU using a modular approach, akin to the total quasi-steady state approximation (tQSSA). This approach leads to a set of Fokker-Planck (drift-diffusion) equations for the probability distributions of the intermediate enzyme-bound complexes, as well as the modified/unmodified fractions of substrate molecules. We obtain explicit expressions for various average fractions and their fluctuations in the linear noise approximation (LNA). The emergence of a 'critical point' for the switching transition is rigorously established. New analytical results are derived for the average and variance of the fractional substrate concentration in various chemical states in the near-critical regime. For the total fraction in the modified state, the variance is shown to be a maximum near the critical point and decays algebraically away from it, similar to a second-order phase transition. The new analytical results are compared with existing ones as well as detailed numerical simulations using a Gillespie algorithm. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.
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    Memory, bias, and correlations in bidirectional transport of molecular-motor-driven cargoes
    Bhat, Deepak
    Molecular motors are specialized proteins that perform active, directed transport of cellular cargoes on cytoskeletal filaments. In many cases, cargo motion powered by motor proteins is found to be bidirectional, and may be viewed as a biased random walk with fast unidirectional runs interspersed with slow tug-of-war states. The statistical properties of this walk are not known in detail, and here, we study memory and bias, as well as directional correlations between successive runs in bidirectional transport. We show, based on a study of the direction-reversal probabilities of the cargo using a purely stochastic (tug-of-war) model, that bidirectional motion of cellular cargoes is, in general, a correlated random walk. In particular, while the motion of a cargo driven by two oppositely pulling motors is a Markovian random walk, memory of direction appears when multiple motors haul the cargo in one or both directions. In the latter case, the Markovian nature of the underlying single-motor processes is hidden by internal transitions between degenerate run and pause states of the cargo. Interestingly, memory is found to be a nonmonotonic function of the number of motors. Stochastic numerical simulations of the tug-of-war model support our mathematical results and extend them to biologically relevant situations. © 2013 American Physical Society.
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    Polymerisation force of a rigid filament bundle: Diffusive interaction leads to sublinear force-number scaling
    Valiyakath, Jemseena
    Polymerising filaments generate force against an obstacle, as in, e.g., microtubule-kinetochore interactions in the eukaryotic cell. Earlier studies of this problem have not included explicit three-dimensional monomer diffusion, and consequently, missed out on two important aspects: (i) the barrier, even when it is far from the polymers, affects free diffusion of monomers and reduces their adsorption at the tips, while (ii) parallel filaments could interact through the monomer density field ("diffusive coupling"), leading to negative interference between them. In our study, both these effects are included and their consequences investigated in detail. A mathematical treatment based on a set of continuum Fokker-Planck equations for combined filament-wall dynamics suggests that the barrier-induced monomer depletion reduces the growth velocity and also the stall force, while the total force produced by many filaments remains additive. However, Brownian dynamics simulations show that the linear force-number scaling holds only when the filaments are far apart; when they are arranged close together, forming a bundle, sublinear scaling of force with number appears, which could be attributed to diffusive interaction between the growing polymer tips.
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    Transport of organelles by elastically coupled motor proteins
    Bhat, Deepak
    Abstract.: Motor-driven intracellular transport is a complex phenomenon where multiple motor proteins simultaneously attached on to a cargo engage in pulling activity, often leading to tug-of-war, displaying bidirectional motion. However, most mathematical and computational models ignore the details of the motor-cargo interaction. A few studies have focused on more realistic models of cargo transport by including elastic motor-cargo coupling, but either restrict the number of motors and/or use purely phenomenological forms for force-dependent hopping rates. Here, we study a generic model in which N motors are elastically coupled to a cargo, which itself is subjected to thermal noise in the cytoplasm and to an additional external applied force. The motor-hopping rates are chosen to satisfy detailed balance with respect to the energy of elastic stretching. With these assumptions, an (N + 1) -variable master equation is constructed for dynamics of the motor-cargo complex. By expanding the hopping rates to linear order in fluctuations in motor positions, we obtain a linear Fokker-Planck equation. The deterministic equations governing the average quantities are separated out and explicit analytical expressions are obtained for the mean velocity and diffusion coefficient of the cargo. We also study the statistical features of the force experienced by an individual motor and quantitatively characterize the load-sharing among the cargo-bound motors. The mean cargo velocity and the effective diffusion coefficient are found to be decreasing functions of the stiffness. While the increase in the number of motors N does not increase the velocity substantially, it decreases the effective diffusion coefficient which falls as 1/N asymptotically. We further show that the cargo-bound motors share the force exerted on the cargo equally only in the limit of vanishing elastic stiffness; as stiffness is increased, deviations from equal load sharing are observed. Numerical simulations agree with our analytical results where expected. Interestingly, we find in simulations that the stall force of a cargo elastically coupled to motors is independent of the stiffness of the linkers. Graphical abstract: [Figure not available: see fulltext.]
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    Effects of aging in catastrophe on the steady state and dynamics of a microtubule population
    Jemseena, V.
    Several independent observations have suggested that the catastrophe transition in microtubules is not a first-order process, as is usually assumed. Recent in vitro observations by Gardner et al. [M. K. Gardner, Cell 147, 1092 (2011)CELLB50092-867410.1016/j.cell.2011.10.037] showed that microtubule catastrophe takes place via multiple steps and the frequency increases with the age of the filament. Here we investigate, via numerical simulations and mathematical calculations, some of the consequences of the age dependence of catastrophe on the dynamics of microtubules as a function of the aging rate, for two different models of aging: exponential growth, but saturating asymptotically, and purely linear growth. The boundary demarcating the steady-state and non-steady-state regimes in the dynamics is derived analytically in both cases. Numerical simulations, supported by analytical calculations in the linear model, show that aging leads to nonexponential length distributions in steady state. More importantly, oscillations ensue in microtubule length and velocity. The regularity of oscillations, as characterized by the negative dip in the autocorrelation function, is reduced by increasing the frequency of rescue events. Our study shows that the age dependence of catastrophe could function as an intrinsic mechanism to generate oscillatory dynamics in a microtubule population, distinct from hitherto identified ones.
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    Theoretical results for chemotactic response and drift of E. coli in a weak attractant gradient
    Reneaux, Melissa
    The bacterium Escherichia coli (E. coli) moves in its natural environment in a series of straight runs, interrupted by tumbles which cause change of direction. It performs chemotaxis towards chemo-attractants by extending the duration of runs in the direction of the source. When there is a spatial gradient in the attractant concentration, this bias produces a drift velocity directed towards its source, whereas in a uniform concentration, E. coli adapts, almost perfectly in case of methyl aspartate. Recently, microfluidic experiments have measured the drift velocity of E. coli in precisely controlled attractant gradients, but no general theoretical expression for the same exists. With this motivation, we study an analytically soluble model here, based on the Barkai-Leibler model, originally introduced to explain the perfect adaptation. Rigorous mathematical expressions are obtained for the chemotactic response function and the drift velocity in the limit of weak gradients and under the assumption of completely random tumbles. The theoretical predictions compare favorably with experimental results, especially at high concentrations. We further show that the signal transduction network weakens the dependence of the drift on concentration, thus enhancing the range of sensitivity. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.