Now showing 1 - 5 of 5
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    Predictive models for ground motion parameters using artificial neural network
    Dhanya, J.
    Sagar, Dwijesh
    In this article, a predictive model for ground motion characteristics is developed using the artificial neural network (ANN) technique. This model is developed to predict peak ground acceleration (PGA), peak ground velocity (PGV), peak ground displacement (PGD), spectral acceleration at 0.2 and 1 s. The input parameters of the model are moment magnitude (Mw), closest distance to rupture plane (Rcd), shear wave velocity in the region (Vs30), and focal mechanism (F). The updated NGA-West2 database released by Pacific Engineering Research Center (PEER) is employed to develop the model. A total of 13,678 ground motion records are used to develop the model. The ANN architecture considered in the study has four input nodes in the input layer, three neurons in the hidden layer, and three output nodes in the output layer. The ANN is trained by a hybrid technique combining genetic algorithm and Levenberg–Marquardt technique. The results of the study are found to be comparable with the existing relation in the global database. The model developed can be further used to estimate seismic hazard.
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    Regional ground motion simulation around Delhi due to future large earthquake
    Jayalakshmi, S.
    The seismic activity in the capital city of Delhi is a matter of concern in the design and safety of numerous infrastructure facilities such as buildings, pipelines, railway lines and heritage structures. The city is continuously exposed to several small and large earthquakes due to local and Himalayan earthquake sources. Determination of ground motion in this region is an important problem for engineers to estimate hazard due to future damaging earthquakes. This article discusses the application of the spectral finite element method to simulate ground motion time histories in and around Delhi for regional earthquakes. The regional ground motions are obtained using the SPECFEM3D Globe package considering the effect of topography, bathymetry and three-dimensional variations of material properties and ellipticity of the Earth. The method is demonstrated for two local earthquakes near Delhi by comparing the peak amplitudes, arrival times and duration of the simulated time histories with the available strong motion records. Further, a hypothetical large earthquake is assumed in the epicentral region and ground motions are simulated. The statistics of the obtained peak ground displacements and the contours of permanent ground residual displacements are presented for the epicentral region.
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    Estimation of strong ground motion in Southern Peninsular India by empirical Green's function method
    Sivaram, K.
    Gade, Maheshreddy
    Saikia, Utpal
    Kanna, Nagaraju
    In the present study, strong motions are estimated at 17 stations in Southern Peninsular India (SPI) for the 7 February 1900 Coimbatore earthquake (Mw 6) using the empirical Green's function (EGF) method. The broadband recordings of three small earthquakes of ML 3.5, 2.9 and 3.0 respectively, are taken as EGFs to simulate ground motion. The slip distribution of the main event is considered as a von Karman random field. The stress drops of the three small events estimated from finite fault stochastic seismological model lie between 130 and 140 bars. The peak ground acceleration (PGA) values, an ensemble of acceleration time histories and response spectra, are estimated at all the 17 stations using corresponding EGFs, and the mean response spectra are reported. Another estimate of PGA is also obtained using the stochastic seismological model. The estimated PGA values from the two methods are compared to check the consistency of the results. It is observed that the mean PGA values are within the bounds of the maximum and minimum PGA values obtained from the EGF method, while the differences at some stations can be attributed to the local site conditions. The ground motions simulated in the present study can be used to perform nonlinear dynamic analysis for future and existing structures in the SPI region for any event of magnitude Mw 6.
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    Spatial distribution of seismic site coefficients for Guwahati city
    Dixit, Jagabandhu
    Dash, Sujit Kumar
    The spatial distribution of seismic site coefficients at Guwahati is presented in this article. Estimated site coefficients consider different site types in the city and several level of ground shaking consider average of probable seismic event. The evaluation of site coefficients is based on the standard penetration test data at 105 boreholes distributed over the city. Equivalent linear one dimensional site response analyses are performed to predict the site amplification and to determine the spectral acceleration response. Due to the unavailability of recorded ground motion data for the region, synthetic ground motions simulated at the bedrock level for the city corresponding to several combinations of magnitude (Mw) and source-to-site distance (R) are used as input excitation. Simulated synthetic ground motion data with varying levels of excitation have been used to take care of the uncertainties in the input ground motions. The analyses depict the modification of the seismic ground motion due to the presence of soil overlying the bedrock.
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    Ground motion estimation during 25th April 2015 Nepal earthquake
    Dhanya, J.
    Gade, Maheshreddy
    In the absence of an array of strong motion records, numerical and empirical methods are used to estimate the ground motion during 25th April 2015 Nepal earthquake. Spectral finite element method is used to simulate low frequency displacements. First, the simulated ground displacement is compared with the recorded data at Kathmandu. The good agreement between the comparisons validates the input source and medium parameters. The spatial variation of ground displacement is depicted through peak ground displacement and Ground residual displacement (GRD) contours near the epicentral region. The maximum GRD is of the order of 0.6 m in east–west, 1.8 m in north–south and 0.6 m in vertical (Z) direction respectively. Stochastic finite fault seismological model is used to simulate acceleration time histories. First, the seismological model is calibrated for the region with the available strong ground motion records at Kathmandu. The estimated stress drop for main-event and aftershocks lie in between 50 and 95 bars. Acceleration time histories are simulated at several stations near the epicentral region. Peak ground acceleration (PGA) and spectral acceleration (Sa) contour maps are provided. The estimated PGA near the epicentral region varies from 0.3 to 0.05 g. Another estimate of PGA for the main event is obtained from damage reports. The estimated PGA from simulations and damage reports are observed to be consistent with each other. The average amplification in the Indo-Gangetic plain is estimated to be in the order of 2–6. The simulated results from the study can be used as the basis for the possible ground motion behaviour for a future earthquake of comparable magnitude in the Himalayan region.