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    Program Architecture for Structural Health Monitoring of Pamban Bridge
    Chiranjeevi, Shivani
    Manimegalai, R.
    Structural Health Monitoring (SHM) is a damage detection and characterization strategy for mechanical systems and infrastructures. SHM has been used recently for evaluating and monitoring structural health of bridges under operational condition. A SHM system is implemented for a truss bridge in a marine corrosive environment in India, the Pamban Bridge at Rameshwaram in Tamil Nadu. A wired sensor network is deployed that monitors the strain, temperature, and acceleration. All sensors have been linked to form a network and the readings, in binary format are sent over to cloud storage. The readings are converted to ASCII format and analyzed for any abnormality. A notification system is designed and implemented. The proposed SHMON-PB, an IoT based Structural Health Monitoring for Pamban Bridge, alerts all stakeholders if an anomaly is detected. It is hoped that the SHM would eliminate the need for manual inspection which saves a significant amount of cost, effort and resources.