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    Inception of macroscopic shear bands during hot working of aluminum alloys
    Prakash, Aditya
    Tak, Tawqeer Nasir
    Pai, Namit N.
    Seekala, Harita
    Murty, S. V.S.Narayana
    Phani, P. S.
    Guruprasad, P. J.
    Samajdar, Indradev
    Macroscopic shear bands (MSB) may develop during hot working of metallic materials. They are well-understood as a physical manifestation of flow instability, and the processing regimes wherein they form are well-charted. However, the microstructural transitions that occur between the onset of flow instability and MSB inception are not fully understood. In order to elucidate them, several aluminum alloy specimens were subjected to strip testing in a thermomechanical simulator (Gleeble™) at 298 K and 573 K. Prominent MSB were observed along the diagonals of the strip volume of only Aluminum-6 wt% Magnesium alloy specimen deformed at 573 K. Comparing the experimental grain morphology and crystallographic textures with those from plastic flow models revealed that MSB inception occurred only after ∼0.20 homogeneous plane strain deformation. However, classical flow instability was predicted at much smaller strain. This ‘delay’ was explained experimentally by showing that clusters of neighbouring severely deforming, fragmenting, mostly soft-oriented grains gradually developed due to lattice rotations along the specimen diagonals, and that MSB inception corresponded to the formation of a percolating network of such grains spanning the specimen. Further, clear experimental evidence revealed that differential dynamic recovery between hard- and soft-oriented grains was essential for MSB formation.