Now showing 1 - 10 of 87
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    Detecting deterministic nature of pressure measurements from a turbulent combustor
    Tony, J.
    Gopalakrishnan, E. A.
    Sreelekha, E.
    Identifying nonlinear structures in a time series, acquired from real-world systems, is essential to characterize the dynamics of the system under study. A single time series alone might be available in most experimental situations. In addition to this, conventional techniques such as power spectral analysis might not be sufficient to characterize a time series if it is acquired from a complex system such as a thermoacoustic system. In this study, we analyze the unsteady pressure signal acquired from a turbulent combustor with bluff-body and swirler as flame holding devices. The fractal features in the unsteady pressure signal are identified using the singularity spectrum. Further, we employ surrogate methods, with translational error and permutation entropy as discriminating statistics, to test for determinism visible in the observed time series. In addition to this, permutation spectrum test could prove to be a robust technique to characterize the dynamical nature of the pressure time series acquired from experiments. Further, measures such as correlation dimension and correlation entropy are adopted to qualitatively detect noise contamination in the pressure measurements acquired during the state of combustion noise. These ensemble of measures is necessary to identify the features of a time series acquired from a system as complex as a turbulent combustor. Using these measures, we show that the pressure fluctuations during combustion noise has the features of a high-dimensional chaotic data contaminated with white and colored noise.
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    Onset of thermoacoustic instability in turbulent combustors: An emergence of synchronized periodicity through formation of chimera-like states
    Mondal, Sirshendu
    Unni, Vishnu R.
    Thermoacoustic systems with a turbulent reactive flow, prevalent in the fields of power and propulsion, are highly susceptible to oscillatory instabilities. Recent studies showed that such systems transition from combustion noise to thermoacoustic instability through a dynamical state known as intermittency, where bursts of large-amplitude periodic oscillations appear in a near-random fashion in between regions of low-amplitude aperiodic fluctuations. However, as these analyses were in the temporal domain, this transition remains still unexplored spatiotemporally. Here, we present the spatiotemporal dynamics during the transition from combustion noise to limit cycle oscillations in a turbulent bluff-body stabilized combustor. To that end, we acquire the pressure oscillations and the field of heat release rate oscillations through high-speed chemiluminescence images of the reaction zone. With a view to get an insight into this complex dynamics, we compute the instantaneous phases between acoustic pressure and local heat release rate oscillations. We observe that the aperiodic oscillations during combustion noise are phase asynchronous, while the large-amplitude periodic oscillations seen during thermoacoustic instability are phase synchronous. We find something interesting during intermittency: patches of synchronized periodic oscillations and desynchronized aperiodic oscillations coexist in the reaction zone. In other words, the emergence of order from disorder happens through a dynamical state wherein regions of order and disorder coexist, resembling a chimera state. Generally, mutually coupled chaotic oscillators synchronize but retain their dynamical nature; the same is true for coupled periodic oscillators. In contrast, during intermittency, we find that patches of desynchronized aperiodic oscillations turn into patches of synchronized periodic oscillations and vice versa. Therefore, the dynamics of local heat release rate oscillations change from aperiodic to periodic as they synchronize intermittently. The temporal variations in global synchrony, estimated through the Kuramoto order parameter, echoes the breathing nature of a chimera state.
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    Bifurcation characteristics and flame dynamics of a ducted non-premixed flame with finite rate chemistry
    Rana, Subhas Chandra
    The influence of system parameters such as the flame location, Peclet number and Damköhler number on the bifurcation characteristics and flame dynamics of a ducted non-premixed flame with finite rate chemistry is presented in this paper. In the bifurcation plot with flame location as the bifurcation parameter, subcritical Hopf bifurcation is found for lower values of flame location and supercritical Hopf bifurcation for higher values of flame location, for all the Damköhler numbers used in this study. The flame shapes are captured at eight different phases of a cycle of time series data of acoustic velocity at both the fold and Hopf points for bifurcation with flame location as the parameter. We find that the range of flame height variations at the Hopf point is more than the range of flame height variations obtained at the fold point. We also find that the flame oscillates in the same phase as pressure fluctuation but in a phase different from both velocity and heat release rate fluctuations in the region of hysteresis for bifurcation with flame location. The non-dimensional hysteresis width is plotted as a function of Damköhler number for variation of flame location in the subcritical region. An inverse power law relation is found between the non-dimensional hysteresis width and the Damköhler number. The bifurcation plot with Peclet number as parameter shows a subcritical Hopf bifurcation.
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    Multifractality in combustion noise: Predicting an impending combustion instability
    Nair, Vineeth
    The transition in dynamics from low-amplitude, aperiodic, combustion noise to high-amplitude, periodic, combustion instability in confined, combustion environments was studied experimentally in a laboratory-scale combustor with two different flameholding devices in a turbulent flow field. We show that the low-amplitude, irregular pressure fluctuations acquired during stable regimes, termed 'combustion noise', display scale invariance and have a multifractal signature that disappears at the onset of combustion instability. Traditional analysis often treats combustion noise and combustion instability as acoustic problems wherein the irregular fluctuations observed in experiments are often considered as a stochastic background to the dynamics. We demonstrate that the irregular fluctuations contain useful information of prognostic value by defining representative measures such as Hurst exponents that can act as early warning signals to impending instability in fielded combustors.
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    Novel perspectives on the dynamics of premixed flames
    Blumenthal, Ralf S.
    Subramanian, Priya
    Polifke, Wolfgang
    The present study develops an alternative perspective on the response of premixed flames to flow perturbations. In particular, the linear response of laminar premixed flames to velocity perturbations is examined in the time domain, and the corresponding impulse response functions are determined analytically. Different flame types and shapes as well as different velocity perturbation models are considered. Two contributions to the flame response are identified: a convective displacement of the flame due to velocity perturbations, and a restoration mechanism, which is a consequence of the combined effects of flame propagation and flame anchoring. The impulse responses are used to identify the relevant time scales and to form non-dimensional frequencies. The link of the present results to previous studies formulated in the frequency domain is established. The time domain approach is found to facilitate analysis and interpretation of well-known properties of premixed flames such as excess gain, periodic cutoff and self-similar aspects of flame response. Characteristic time scales of response appear naturally and can be interpreted in a straightforward manner. © 2013 The Combustion Institute.
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    Hybrid CFD/low-order modeling of nonlinear thermoacoustic oscillations
    Jaensch, S.
    Merk, M.
    Gopalakrishnan, E. A.
    Bomberg, S.
    Emmert, T.
    Polifke, W.
    This paper proposes and compares two nonlinear time-domain models of self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations of laminar premixed flames. Both models are hybrid formulations, where the flame and its immediate vicinity are resolved with a reactive flow simulation, while the acoustic field is modeled with a low-order model that is coupled to the reactive flow simulation. Firstly, a flame model based on the fully compressible Navier-Stokes equations is investigated. In this case, the flame simulation is coupled to the low-order model via the characteristic wave amplitudes at the inlet boundary. Secondly, the flame is resolved with a low Mach number reactive flow simulation. In order to include two-way thermoacoustic feedback, this flame model is coupled with an acoustic network model via the global heat release rate and the fluctuation of the axial velocity at a reference position upstream of the flame. A bifurcation analysis using the plenum length as bifurcation parameter is conducted. Both models exhibit complex nonlinear oscillations and are in good agreement with each other. Therefore, we conclude that the coupling of a linear acoustic model and a nonlinear flame model via reference velocity and global heat release rate is sufficient to accurately capture thermoacoustic oscillations of the configuration investigated. This implies that the most important nonlinearities can be attributed to hydrodynamic effects and flame kinematics. Furthermore, the study corroborates that premixed flames respond predominantly to fluctuations of the upstream flow velocity.
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    Role of flame dynamics on the bifurcation characteristics of a ducted V-flame
    Vishnu, R.
    Combustion instability is a nonlinear process with interaction between combustion and acoustics. The nonlinearity in the combustion process is observed in the flame dynamics. In our study of a ducted laminar premixed V-flame, we varied the distance between the flame anchor and the duct exit. We observed that the thermoacoustic system bifurcates from a stable state to a frequency locked state, followed by quasi-periodicity, period 3 oscillations, and finally chaotic oscillations. During the occurrence of these dynamical states, the role of flame dynamics is investigated using high speed imaging. We observed wrinkle formation, its propagation and growth along flame front, rollup of the flame, separation, and annihilation of flame elements during instability. From the present study it is found that each dynamical state is characterized by a particular sequence of flame behavior, highlighting the role of nonlinear flame dynamics in establishing the observed dynamical state.
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    Thermoacoustic instability in a solid rocket motor: Non-normality and nonlinear instabilities
    Mariappan, Sathesh
    An analytical framework is developed to understand and predict the thermoacoustic instability in solid rocket motors, taking into account the non-orthogonality of the eigenmodes of the unsteady coupled system. The coupled system comprises the dynamics of the acoustic field and the propellant burn rate. In general, thermoacoustic systems are non-normal leading to non-orthogonality of the eigenmodes. For such systems, the classical linear stability predicted from the eigenvalue analysis is valid in the asymptotic (large time) limit. However, the short-term dynamics can be completely different and a generalized stability theory is needed to predict the linear stability for all times. Non-normal systems show an initial transient growth for suitable initial perturbations even when the system is stable according to the classical linear stability theory. The terms contributing to the non-normality in the acoustic field and unsteady burn rate equations are identified. These terms, which were neglected in the earlier analyses, are incorporated in this analysis. Furthermore, the short-term dynamics are analysed using a system of differential equations that couples the acoustic field and the burn rate, rather than using ad hoc response functions which were used in earlier analyses. In this paper, a solid rocket motor with homogeneous propellant grain has been analysed. Modelling the evolution of the unsteady burn rate using a differential equation increases the degrees of freedom of the thermoacoustic system. Hence, a new generalized disturbance energy is defined which measures the growth and decay of the oscillations. This disturbance energy includes both acoustic energy and unsteady energy in the propellant and is used to quantify the transient growth in the system. Nonlinearities in the system are incorporated by including second-order acoustics and a physics-based nonlinear unsteady burn rate model. Nonlinear instabilities are analysed with special attention given to pulsed instability. Pulsed instability is shown to occur with pressure coupling for burn rate response. Transient growth is shown to play an important role in pulsed instability. © 2010 Cambridge University Press.
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    Physical mechanisms that cause intermittency that presages combustion instability and blowout in a turbulent lifted jet flame combustor
    Murugesan, Meenatchidevi
    The physics of intermittent dynamics that presages the onset of impending combustion instability and blowout in a turbulent lifted jet flame combustor is investigated. It is observed that the transition from combustion noise to combustion instability happens via intermittency while varying the relative location of the burner inside a confinement as a bifurcation parameter. For further change in burner location past the condition of combustion instability, the intermittency before the flame blows out is once again observed. The authors show that the coupled interaction of flow, flame dynamics, and combustion chamber acoustics is the physical reason for the occurrence of intermittency prior to combustion instability. In contrast, intermittent dynamics that presages blowout occurs due to the interplay between flame blowout precursor events and the driving of high-amplitude oscillations as the flame propagates towards the burner.
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    Sound production by vorticity fluctuations in a stagnation point flow
    Joseph George, K.
    A linear mechanism for the emergence of acoustic waves from aperiodic vorticity disturbances is presented for a simple stagnation point flow. The non-modal approach, which made possible the discovery of a similar mechanism in unbounded shear flows, is employed. The phenomenon is shown to be closely related to the non-normal nature of the linearized operator governing the evolution of small perturbations about the mean flow. The vorticity disturbance acts as an acoustic source by interacting with the mean velocity gradient and drives the acoustic waves in a non-resonant manner. The physical mechanism by which the acoustic and vortical components of the disturbance exchange energy with the mean flow is presented. The proposed mechanism is relevant for numerous applications involving mass addition or removal, such as aeroacoustic instabilities in a solid rocket motor. Similar phenomena are expected to occur in accelerated flows, like the flow in a nozzle. Numerical simulations using a high order, dispersion relation preserving scheme is used to demonstrate how a localized vorticity disturbance of small amplitude generates sound waves when strained by the gradients in the base flow. The simulations reveal that the vorticity disturbance acts as a quadrupole source of sound, whose origin is explained using physical arguments. Linear simulations using a spectral code verify the results of the nonlinear simulations performed at small amplitude.