Raman I Sujith
Preferred name
Raman I Sujith
Official Name
Raman I Sujith
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Sujith, Raman I.
Sujith, Raman
Sujith, R.
Sujith, R. I.
Sujith, Ri
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4 results
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- PublicationOnset of thermoacoustic instability in turbulent combustors: An emergence of synchronized periodicity through formation of chimera-like states(25-01-2017)
;Mondal, Sirshendu ;Unni, Vishnu R.Thermoacoustic systems with a turbulent reactive flow, prevalent in the fields of power and propulsion, are highly susceptible to oscillatory instabilities. Recent studies showed that such systems transition from combustion noise to thermoacoustic instability through a dynamical state known as intermittency, where bursts of large-amplitude periodic oscillations appear in a near-random fashion in between regions of low-amplitude aperiodic fluctuations. However, as these analyses were in the temporal domain, this transition remains still unexplored spatiotemporally. Here, we present the spatiotemporal dynamics during the transition from combustion noise to limit cycle oscillations in a turbulent bluff-body stabilized combustor. To that end, we acquire the pressure oscillations and the field of heat release rate oscillations through high-speed chemiluminescence images of the reaction zone. With a view to get an insight into this complex dynamics, we compute the instantaneous phases between acoustic pressure and local heat release rate oscillations. We observe that the aperiodic oscillations during combustion noise are phase asynchronous, while the large-amplitude periodic oscillations seen during thermoacoustic instability are phase synchronous. We find something interesting during intermittency: patches of synchronized periodic oscillations and desynchronized aperiodic oscillations coexist in the reaction zone. In other words, the emergence of order from disorder happens through a dynamical state wherein regions of order and disorder coexist, resembling a chimera state. Generally, mutually coupled chaotic oscillators synchronize but retain their dynamical nature; the same is true for coupled periodic oscillators. In contrast, during intermittency, we find that patches of desynchronized aperiodic oscillations turn into patches of synchronized periodic oscillations and vice versa. Therefore, the dynamics of local heat release rate oscillations change from aperiodic to periodic as they synchronize intermittently. The temporal variations in global synchrony, estimated through the Kuramoto order parameter, echoes the breathing nature of a chimera state. - PublicationForced synchronization and asynchronous quenching of periodic oscillations in a thermoacoustic system(10-04-2019)
;Mondal, Sirshendu ;Pawar, Samadhan A.We perform an experimental and theoretical study to investigate the interaction between an external harmonic excitation and a self-excited oscillatory mode (fn0) of a prototypical thermoacoustic system, a horizontal Rijke tube. Such an interaction can lead to forced synchronization through the routes of phase locking or suppression. We characterize the transition in the synchronization behaviour of the forcing and the response signals of the acoustic pressure while the forcing parameters, i.e. amplitude (Af) and frequency (ff) of forcing are independently varied. Further, suppression is categorized into synchronous quenching and asynchronous quenching depending upon the value of frequency detuning (|fn0-ff|). When the applied forcing frequency is close to the natural frequency of the system, the suppression in the amplitude of the self-excited oscillation is known as synchronous quenching. However, this suppression is associated with resonant amplification of the forcing signal, leading to an overall increase in the response amplitude of oscillations. On the other hand, an almost 80% reduction in the root mean square value of the response oscillation is observed when the system is forced for a sufficiently large value of the frequency detuning (only for ff fn0). Such a reduction in amplitude occurs due to asynchronous quenching where resonant amplification of the forcing signal does not occur, as the frequency detuning is significantly high. Further, the results from a reduced-order model developed for a horizontal Rijke tube show a qualitative agreement with the dynamics observed in experiments. The relative phase between the acoustic pressure (p') and the heat release rate (q') oscillations in the model explains the occurrence of maximum reduction in the pressure amplitude due to asynchronous quenching. Such a reduction occurs when the positive coupling between p' and q' is disrupted and their interaction results in overall acoustic damping, although both of them oscillate at the forcing frequency. Our study on the phenomenon of asynchronous quenching thus presents new possibilities to suppress self-sustained oscillations in fluid systems in general. - PublicationSubcritical bifurcation and bistability in thermoacoustic systems(25-01-2013)
;Subramanian, Priya; Wahi, P.Abstract This paper analyses subcritical transition to instability, also known as triggering in thermoacoustic systems, with an example of a Rijke tube model with an explicit time delay. Linear stability analysis of the thermoacoustic system is performed to identify parameter values at the onset of linear instability via a Hopf bifurcation. We then use the method of multiple scales to recast the model of a general thermoacoustic system near the Hopf point into the Stuart-Landau equation. From the Stuart-Landau equation, the relation between the nonlinearity in the model and the criticality of the ensuing bifurcation is derived. The specific example of a model for a horizontal Rijke tube is shown to lose stability through a subcritical Hopf bifurcation as a consequence of the nonlinearity in the model for the unsteady heat release rate. Analytical estimates are obtained for the triggering amplitudes close to the critical values of the bifurcation parameter corresponding to loss of linear stability. The unstable limit cycles born from the subcritical Hopf bifurcation undergo a fold bifurcation to become stable and create a region of bistability or hysteresis. Estimates are obtained for the region of bistability by locating the fold points from a fully nonlinear analysis using the method of harmonic balance. These analytical estimates help to identify parameter regions where triggering is possible. Results obtained from analytical methods compare reasonably well with results obtained from both experiments and numerical continuation. © Cambridge University Press 2013. - PublicationNon-normality and its consequences in active control of thermoacoustic instabilities(10-03-2011)
;Kulkarni, Rahul ;Balasubramanian, KoushikNon-normality can cause transient growth of perturbations in thermoacoustic systems with stable eigenvalues. This can cause low-amplitude perturbations to grow to amplitudes high enough to make nonlinear effects significant, and the system can become nonlinearly unstable, even though it is stable under classical linear stability. In this paper, we have demonstrated that this feature can lead to the failure of the traditional controllers that were designed on the basis of classical linear stability analysis. We have also shown in a simple model that it is possible to prevent 'nonlinear driving' by controlling transient growth, using linear controllers. The analysis is performed in the context of a horizontal Rijke tube. © 2011 Cambridge University Press.