Now showing 1 - 10 of 11
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    Onset of thermoacoustic instability in turbulent combustors: An emergence of synchronized periodicity through formation of chimera-like states
    Mondal, Sirshendu
    Unni, Vishnu R.
    Thermoacoustic systems with a turbulent reactive flow, prevalent in the fields of power and propulsion, are highly susceptible to oscillatory instabilities. Recent studies showed that such systems transition from combustion noise to thermoacoustic instability through a dynamical state known as intermittency, where bursts of large-amplitude periodic oscillations appear in a near-random fashion in between regions of low-amplitude aperiodic fluctuations. However, as these analyses were in the temporal domain, this transition remains still unexplored spatiotemporally. Here, we present the spatiotemporal dynamics during the transition from combustion noise to limit cycle oscillations in a turbulent bluff-body stabilized combustor. To that end, we acquire the pressure oscillations and the field of heat release rate oscillations through high-speed chemiluminescence images of the reaction zone. With a view to get an insight into this complex dynamics, we compute the instantaneous phases between acoustic pressure and local heat release rate oscillations. We observe that the aperiodic oscillations during combustion noise are phase asynchronous, while the large-amplitude periodic oscillations seen during thermoacoustic instability are phase synchronous. We find something interesting during intermittency: patches of synchronized periodic oscillations and desynchronized aperiodic oscillations coexist in the reaction zone. In other words, the emergence of order from disorder happens through a dynamical state wherein regions of order and disorder coexist, resembling a chimera state. Generally, mutually coupled chaotic oscillators synchronize but retain their dynamical nature; the same is true for coupled periodic oscillators. In contrast, during intermittency, we find that patches of desynchronized aperiodic oscillations turn into patches of synchronized periodic oscillations and vice versa. Therefore, the dynamics of local heat release rate oscillations change from aperiodic to periodic as they synchronize intermittently. The temporal variations in global synchrony, estimated through the Kuramoto order parameter, echoes the breathing nature of a chimera state.
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    Multifractality in combustion noise: Predicting an impending combustion instability
    Nair, Vineeth
    The transition in dynamics from low-amplitude, aperiodic, combustion noise to high-amplitude, periodic, combustion instability in confined, combustion environments was studied experimentally in a laboratory-scale combustor with two different flameholding devices in a turbulent flow field. We show that the low-amplitude, irregular pressure fluctuations acquired during stable regimes, termed 'combustion noise', display scale invariance and have a multifractal signature that disappears at the onset of combustion instability. Traditional analysis often treats combustion noise and combustion instability as acoustic problems wherein the irregular fluctuations observed in experiments are often considered as a stochastic background to the dynamics. We demonstrate that the irregular fluctuations contain useful information of prognostic value by defining representative measures such as Hurst exponents that can act as early warning signals to impending instability in fielded combustors.
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    Multifractal analysis of flame dynamics during transition to thermoacoustic instability in a turbulent combustor
    Raghunathan, Manikandan
    George, Nitin B.
    Unni, Vishnu R.
    Midhun, P. R.
    Reeja, K. V.
    Gas turbine combustors are susceptible to thermoacoustic instability, which manifests as large amplitude periodic oscillations in acoustic pressure and heat release rate. The transition from a stable operation characterized by combustion noise to thermoacoustic instability in turbulent combustors has been described as an emergence of order (periodicity) from chaos in the temporal dynamics. This emergence of order in the acoustic pressure oscillations corresponds to a loss of multifractality in the pressure signal. In this study, we investigate the spatiotemporal dynamics of a turbulent flame in a bluff-body stabilized combustor during the transition from combustion noise to thermoacoustic instability. During the occurrence of combustion noise, the flame wrinkles due to the presence of small-scale vortices in the turbulent flow. On the other hand, during thermoacoustic instability, large-scale coherent structures emerge periodically. These large-scale coherent structures roll up the wrinkled flame surface further and introduce additional complexity in the flame topology. We perform multifractal analysis on the flame contours detected from high-speed planar Mie scattering images of the reactive flow seeded with non-reactive tracer particles. We find that multifractality exists in the flame topology for all the dynamical states during the transition to thermoacoustic instability. We discuss the variation of multifractal parameters for the different states. We find that the multifractal spectrum oscillates periodically during the occurrence of thermoacoustic instability at the time scale of the acoustic pressure oscillations. The loss of multifractality in the temporal dynamics and the oscillation of the multifractal spectrum of the spatial dynamics go hand in hand.
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    Pattern formation during transition from combustion noise to thermoacoustic instability via intermittency
    George, Nitin B.
    Unni, Vishnu R.
    Raghunathan, Manikandan
    Gas turbine engines are prone to the phenomenon of thermoacoustic instability, which is highly detrimental to their components. Recently, in turbulent combustors, it was observed that the transition to thermoacoustic instability occurs through an intermediate state, known as intermittency, where the system exhibits epochs of ordered behaviour, randomly appearing amidst disordered dynamics. We investigate the onset of intermittency and the ensuing self-organization in the reactive flow field, which, under certain conditions, could result in the transition to thermoacoustic instability. We characterize this transition from a state of disordered and incoherent dynamics to a state of ordered and coherent dynamics as pattern formation in the turbulent combustor, utilizing high-speed flame images representing the distribution of the local heat release rate fluctuations, flow field measurements (two-dimensional particle image velocimetry), unsteady pressure and global heat release rate signals. Separately, through planar Mie scattering images using oil droplets, the collective behaviour of small scale vortices interacting and resulting in the emergence of large scale coherent structures is illustrated. We show the emergence of spatial patterns using statistical tools used to study transitions in other pattern forming systems. In this paper, we propose that the intertwined and highly intricate interactions between the wide spatio-temporal scales in the flame, the flow and the acoustics are through pattern formation.
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    Suppression of thermoacoustic instability by targeting the hubs of the turbulent networks in a bluff body stabilized combustor
    Krishnan, Abin
    Marwan, Norbert
    Kurths, Jürgen
    In the present study, we quantify the vorticity interactions in a bluff body stabilized turbulent combustor during the transition from combustion noise to thermoacoustic instability via intermittency using complex networks. To that end, we perform simultaneous acoustic pressure, high-speed particle image velocimetry (PIV) and high-speed chemiluminescence measurements during the occurrence of combustion noise, intermittency and thermoacoustic instability. Based on the Biot-Savart law, we construct time-varying weighted spatial networks from the flow fields during these different regimes of combustor operation. We uncover that the turbulent networks display weighted scale-free behaviour intermittently during the different regimes of combustor operation, with the strong vortical structures acting as the hubs. Further, we discover two optimal locations for injecting steady air jets to successfully suppress the thermoacoustic oscillations. The amplitude of the acoustic pressure fluctuations of the suppressed state is comparable to that during the occurrence of combustion noise. However, the weighted scale-free network topology during the suppressed state is not as dominant as compared with the state of combustion noise.
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    Intermittency route to thermoacoustic instability in turbulent combustors
    Nair, Vineeth
    Thampi, Gireeshkumaran
    The dynamic transition from combustion noise to combustion instability was investigated experimentally in two laboratory-scale turbulent combustors (namely, swirl-stabilized and bluff-body-stabilized backward-facing-step combustors) by systematically varying the flow Reynolds number. We observe that the onset of combustion-driven oscillations is always presaged by intermittent bursts of high-amplitude periodic oscillations that appear in a near-random fashion amidst regions of aperiodic low-amplitude fluctuations. These excursions to periodic oscillations last longer in time as operating conditions approach instability and finally the system transitions completely into periodic oscillations. A continuous measure to quantify this bifurcation in dynamics can be obtained by defining an order parameter as the probability of the signal amplitude exceeding a predefined threshold. A hysteresis zone was observed in the bluff-body-stabilized configuration that was absent in the swirl-stabilized configuration. The recurrence properties of the dynamics of intermittent burst oscillations were quantified using recurrence plots and the distribution of the aperiodic phases was examined. From the statistics of these aperiodic phases, robust early-warning signals of an impending combustion instability may be obtained.
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    Thermoacoustic instability as mutual synchronization between the acoustic field of the confinement and turbulent reactive flow
    Pawar, Samadhan A.
    Seshadri, Akshay
    Unni, Vishnu R.
    Thermoacoustic instability is the result of a positive coupling between the acoustic field in the duct and the heat release rate fluctuations from the flame. Recently, in several turbulent combustors, it has been observed that the onset of thermoacoustic instability is preceded by intermittent oscillations, which consist of bursts of periodic oscillations amidst regions of aperiodic oscillations. Quantitative analysis of the intermittency route to thermoacoustic instability has been performed hitherto using the pressure oscillations alone. We perform experiments on a laboratory-scale bluff-body-stabilized turbulent combustor with a backward-facing step at the inlet to obtain simultaneous data of acoustic pressure and heat release rate fluctuations. With this, we show that the onset of thermoacoustic instability is a phenomenon of mutual synchronization between the acoustic pressure and the heat release rate signals, thus emphasizing the importance of the coupling between these non-identical oscillators. We demonstrate that the stable operation corresponds to desynchronized aperiodic oscillations, which, with an increase in the mean velocity of the flow, transition to synchronized periodic oscillations. In between these states, there exists a state of intermittent phase synchronized oscillations, wherein the two oscillators are synchronized during the periodic epochs and desynchronized during the aperiodic epochs of their oscillations. Furthermore, we discover two different types of limit cycle oscillations in our system. We notice a significant increase in the linear correlation between the acoustic pressure and the heat release rate oscillations during the transition from a lower-amplitude limit cycle to a higher-amplitude limit cycle. Further, we present a phenomenological model that qualitatively captures all of the dynamical states of synchronization observed in the experiment. Our analysis shows that the times at which vortices that are shed from the inlet step reach the bluff body play a dominant role in determining the behaviour of the limit cycle oscillations.
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    Combustion noise is scale-free: Transition from scale-free to order at the onset of thermoacoustic instability
    Murugesan, Meenatchidevi
    We investigate the scale invariance of combustion noise generated from turbulent reacting flows in a confined environment using complex networks. The time series data of unsteady pressure, which is the indicative of spatiotemporal changes happening in the combustor, is converted into complex networks using the visibility algorithm. We show that the complex networks obtained from the low-amplitude, aperiodic pressure fluctuations during combustion noise have scale-free structure. The power-law distributions of connections in the scale-free network are related to the scale invariance of combustion noise. We also show that the scale-free feature of combustion noise disappears and order emerges in the complex network topology during the transition from combustion noise to combustion instability. The use of complex networks enables us to formalize the identification of the pattern (i.e. scale-free to order) during the transition from combustion noise to thermoacoustic instability as a structural change in topology of the network.
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    Multilayer network analysis to study complex inter-subsystem interactions in a turbulent thermoacoustic system
    Tandon, Shruti
    Thermoacoustic systems are complex systems where the interactions between the hydrodynamic, acoustic and heat release rate fluctuations lead to diverse dynamics such as chaos, intermittency and ordered dynamics. Such complex interactions cause catastrophically high-amplitude acoustic pressure oscillations and the emergence of order in the spatiotemporal dynamics, referred to as thermoacoustic instability. In this work, we use multilayer networks to study the spatial pattern of inter-subsystem interactions between the vorticity dynamics and thermoacoustic power generated due to acoustically coupled combustion in a bluff-body-stabilised turbulent dump combustor. We construct a two-layered network where the layers represent the thermoacoustic power and vorticity fields. The inter-layer links are determined using cross-variable short-window correlations between vorticity and thermoacoustic power fluctuations at any two locations in the flow field. Analysing the topology of inter-layer networks, using network properties such as degree correlations and link-rank distributions, helps us infer the spatial inhomogeneities in inter-subsystem interactions and unravel the fluid mechanical processes involved during different dynamical states. We show that, during chaotic dynamics, interactions between subsystems are non-localised and spread throughout the flow field of the combustor. During the state of thermoacoustic instability (order), we find that intense interactions occur in between regions of coherent vortex shedding and thermoacoustic power generation and we understand that these processes are strongly and locally coupled. Moreover, we discover that such dense inter-layer connections emerge in spatial pockets in the dump plane of the combustor during the state of intermittency much prior to the onset of order.
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    Small-scale intermittency of premixed turbulent flames
    Roy, Amitesh
    Picardo, Jason R.
    Emerson, Benjamin
    Lieuwen, Tim C.
    Premixed turbulent flames, encountered in power generation and propulsion engines, are an archetype of a randomly advected, self-propagating surface. While such a flame is known to exhibit large-scale intermittent flapping, the possible intermittency of its small-scale fluctuations has been largely disregarded. Here, we experimentally reveal the inner intermittency of a premixed turbulent V-flame, while clearly distinguishing this small-scale feature from large-scale outer intermittency. From temporal measurements of the fluctuations of the flame, we find a frequency spectrum that has a power-law subrange with an exponent close to, which is shown to follow from Kolmogorov phenomenology. Crucially, however, the moments of the temporal increment of the flame position are found to scale anomalously, with exponents that saturate at higher orders. This signature of small-scale inner intermittency is shown to originate from high-curvature, cusp-like structures on the flame surface, which have significance for modelling the heat release rate and other key properties of premixed turbulent flames.