Jitendra Sangwai

Effect of High Molecular Weight Asphaltenes on the Phase Stability of Methane Hydrates
01-01-2018, Prasad, Siddhant K., Mech, Deepjyoti, Nair, Vishnu Chandrasekharan, Gupta, Pawan, Sangwai, Jitendra S.
Asphaltenes are heavy and polar fractions present in crude oil. Literature survey reveals that studies underlying the effect of individual components of crude oil on hydrate formation are rare. In this work, asphaltene fractions were extracted from a vacuum residue of the crude oil according to method based on IP143/90 (AlHumaidan et al., 2017) and characterized by FTIR, element analysis, SEM and MALDI-TOF MS. Thereafter, the effect of asphaltenes was studied on the phase stability of pure methane hydrate system at 1000 ppm and 10000 ppm concentration. It has been observed that the asphaltene plays an important role in elucidating the phase stability of methane hydrate systems.

Enhancement of flow assurance by the degradation of wax using pseudomonas fluorescens
01-01-2016, Sakthipriya, N., Mukesh Doble, Jitendra Sangwai
Conventional oil reserves are under production past several years, leaving the higher end hydrocarbons (paraffins/waxes) in the reservoir. The separation and deposition of these waxy components in the production and surface facilities are predominant when the system temperature reduces below the wax appearance temperature (WAT) during the flow of crude oil from a reservoir to the surface. It is, therefore, necessary to address various challenges posed by long chain paraffins using an economical, versatile, and eco-friendly technique. In the current scenario, microbial degradation of paraffins has gained considerable attention because of its environmentally friendly and operationally safer nature than other methods for sustainable development. In this study, the bio-surfactant producing microorganism Pseudomonas fluorescens, isolated from the marine port in Chennai, India, is used to degrade a wax sample, namely eicosane. The viscosity reduction and the delay in wax appearance temperature has been noticed. This study also analyzes the physico-chemical characteristics of the bio-surfactant produced by the microbe. The degradation of long chain paraffin to short chain molecule is confirmed by the gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) result. From the GCMS results, it has been observed that 93% of the wax degraded in 10 days. The amount of bio-surfactant produced by the microbe is found to be as high as 9.5 g/L. The high surface tension reduction, production of higher amount of bio-surfactant, viscosity reduction and high rate of degradation indicates the potential of the microbe in flow assurance, oil-spill, enhanced oil recovery, etc.

Computational and experimental study of sand entrapment in a hydrocyclone during desanding operations in oil fields: Consequences for leakage and separation efficiency
01-01-2019, Khalde, Chirag M., Samad, Abdus, Sangwai, Jitendra S.
In the oil and gas industry, upstream and downstream hydrocyclones are used extensively to separate heavy or dense particles from the formation water/reservoir fluids. These hydrocyclones, after a long period of operation, can fail as a result of wear-initiated leakage, thereby needing maintenance or replacement. A detailed investigation of this failure was carried out using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). One-way and two-way coupling of a discrete phase model was used along with the Reynolds stress turbulence model (RSM). Experimental studies were conducted to understand the flow dynamics within the hydrocyclone and to validate the computational model. Key findings, such as bifurcation of the inlet flow, local acceleration of fluid within the hydrocyclone, the impact of the sand drain pipe on fractional efficiency, and the impact of multiple particle sizes and density interactions on the degree of particle entrapment, are discussed in detail. The approach and results presented in this work provide useful insights and a systematic basis for improving the service life and separation efficiency of the hydrocyclone.

Insights into Cage Occupancies during Gas Exchange in CH4+CO2 and CH4+N2+CO2 Mixed Hydrate Systems Relevant for Methane Gas Recovery and Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Hydrate Reservoirs: A Thermodynamic Approach
07-08-2019, Bhawangirkar, Dnyaneshwar R., Sangwai, Jitendra S.
Carbon dioxide injection for methane replacement from hydrate reservoirs is considered as one of the effective techniques for both methane production and carbon dioxide sequestration. To understand the gas exchange process, a thermodynamic model based on the classical fugacity approach has been utilized to predict the phase behavior and the cage occupancies of both binary CH4+CO2 and ternary CH4+N2+CO2 mixed gas hydrate systems in three phase (L-H-V) equilibria. A total of 256 experimental phase equilibrium data points on binary CH4+CO2, and ternary CH4+N2+CO2 gas hydrate systems have been selected from various literatures. For the ternary system, various compositions of CH4+N2+CO2 gas mixtures with varying N2/CO2 gas ratio, i.e., 0.13, 0.19, 0.27, 0.33, 0.37, 0.5, 0.98, 2.6, and 4, and varying CH4 compositions, i.e., 20, 50, 60, 70, 80, and 90%, have been considered. The absolute average deviations (%AAD) in the predicted equilibrium pressures with the experimental results are observed to be within 2.9% and 6.4% for binary and ternary mixed hydrate systems, respectively. For CH4+CO2 mixed hydrate systems, the average distribution coefficient of methane has been found to be 2.06, which indicates that the CH4 molecules are selectively replaced by CO2 molecules preferentially from large cages. For the ternary CH4+N2+CO2 mixed hydrate system, the N2/CO2 ratio in small cages of the hydrate is found to be almost 20 times larger than that in the large cages revealing the capacity of N2 and CO2 molecules to replace most of the CH4 molecules from small and large cages of the hydrate, respectively. The N2/CO2 ratio in small and large cages is temperature independent at low N2/CO2 gas ratio, which becomes temperature dependent at higher ratios, i.e., 2.6 and 4. From this study, we conclude that the injection of N2/CO2 gas mixture having ∼1:3 ratio is a good choice for enhancing the production of methane gas and carbon dioxide sequestration deep into the hydrate reservoirs.

Investigations on the formation kinetics of semiclathrate hydrate of methane in an aqueous solution of tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide and sodium dodecyl sulfate in porous media
18-10-2018, Mech, Deepjyoti, Sangwai, Jitendra S.
Natural gas hydrate is considered to be an attractive sustainable energy resource for the world. Hydrate as a technology can be of immense importance for various industrial processes, such as multicomponent natural gas separation, gas storage and transportation, and carbon dioxide capture from flue gases and sequestration. A variety of hydrate additives, which includes promoters (thermodynamics and kinetics) and porous media, are being researched to improve the hydrate formation kinetics. However, studies involving the combinations of these are rare in the open literature. In this work, the formation kinetics of methane hydrate/semiclathrate hydrate using tetra-n-butyl ammonium bromide (TBAB) and sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) aqueous solutions at various concentrations in a porous medium containing silica sand at initial hydrate formation pressures (7.5 and 5.5 MPa) and temperatures (273.65 and 276.15 K) have been investigated. All the experiments were conducted using 75% water saturation. Various kinetics parameters, such as gas uptake, gas-to-hydrate conversion, and induction time, have been reported. It was found that the combination of TBAB+ SDS showed favorable hydrate formation kinetics in porous media than the TBAB system. This work provides information for further studies involving semiclathrate hydrate applications for various industrial processes.

Investigation of chia based copper oxide nanofluid for water based drilling fluid: An experimental approach
01-11-2022, Ahmed Mansoor, Hameed Hussain, Devarapu, Srinivasa Reddy, Samuel, Robello, Jitendra Sangwai, Ponmani, Swaminathan
Drilling operations in oil and gas industry are associated with issues such as pipe sticking, poor wellbore cleaning and high fluid loss. Mitigation of such problems in water-based drilling mud (WBM) necessitates the application of nanotechnology in improving their filtration and rheological characteristics. In the present work, an attempt has been made to analyze the effect of nanofluid prepared using copper oxide (CuO) nanoparticles (NPs) dispersed in chia seed solution on WBM characteristics. Therefore, three samples of chia seed based nanofluids are synthesized using two-step method by varying the concentration of CuO nanoparticle from 0.2 wt% to 0.6 wt%. The resulting nanofluids are then mixed with WBM to prepare Nanofluid enhanced Water based Drilling Mud (NFWBM). The synthesized nanofluids are then characterized for their stability and thermal decomposition respectively using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Thermo-Gravimetric Analyzer (TGA). The NFWBMs are then analyzed for rheological and filtrate-loss properties at different temperatures of 30 °C, 50 °C, 70 °C and 90 °C. The hot roll aging process is carried out at 90 °C for 16 h maintaining the pressure at 0.1 MPa. The analysis projected a significant enhancement in the thermal stability of the WBM, with a reduction in viscosity of about 61.7% at 90 °C, which is critically observed to recover back to a significant extent of about 14% for chia based 0.4 wt% CuO nanofluid enhanced WBM and 19% for chia based 0.6 wt% CuO nanofluid enhanced WBM. Such improvement is observed in the rheological properties post hot rolling too. Further, the API fluid loss is observed to reduce from 7.2 ml to 6.8 ml, 6 ml, and 4.8 ml, respectively, before hot rolling, while the same reduced from 12.4 ml 11.4 ml, 10.2 ml, and 9.4 ml, respectively, for chia based 0.2 wt%, 0.4 wt%, and 0.6 wt% of CuO nanofluid enhanced water based drilling muds (NFWBMs). The present study aids in the development of novel and green additives for water-based muds to enhance their properties.

Interfacial tension of crude oil-water system with imidazolium and lactam-based ionic liquids and their evaluation for enhanced oil recovery under high saline environment
01-03-2017, Sakthivel, Sivabalan, Velusamy, Sugirtha, Nair, Vishnu Chandrasekharan, Sharma, Tushar, Jitendra Sangwai
Matured reservoirs are being targeted for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) operations in the hope to recover the residual oil that remains trapped within the porous media. Chemical enhanced oil recovery is one of the successful oil recovery methods which is being employed for the recovery of the residual oil. Many of the conventional chemicals fail to perform under high temperature and high saline reservoir conditions. These situations lead to the search for alternate flooding techniques which could efficiently produce the crude oil to the surface. The present work investigates a possible solution for the recovery of trapped crude oil using lactam and imidazolium based ionic liquids (ILs) specifically targeted towards recovery in high saline environment. Initially, the interfacial tension of the crude oil-water system has been investigated using various chemical agents, such as sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), and six different ILs at varying high saline concentrations as a function of temperature (283.15–353.15 K). Subsequently, flooding experiments with only polymer, only SDS, only IL, SDS + polymer and IL + polymer at zero and high saline conditions were performed. It was observed that the IL + polymer flood performed very well in both zero and high salinity conditions as compared to all other flooding systems. The present investigation also portrays an intuition on the evaluation of ILs based on their alkyl chain length.

Efficacy of Bacillus subtilis for the biodegradation and viscosity reduction of waxy crude oil for enhanced oil recovery from mature reservoirs
17-08-2016, Sakthipriya, N., Mukesh Doble, Jitendra Sangwai
Increasing maturity of the crude oil reservoirs across the world have led to the production of waxy crude oil which need economical and efficient methods for enhanced oil recovery (EOR). The studies on the performance of bacteria in the presence of waxy crude oil is rare. In this study, experiments were performed to understand the efficacy of thermophillic microorganism Bacillus subtilis on the biodegradation of waxy crude oil for EOR applications. Bacterial growth, changes in crude oil composition, viscosity reduction, and surface and emulsification activity have been monitored to evaluate the oil degradation capabilities of the bacteria. This study also presents the effect of temperature, salinity, pH, and pressure on the stability of the produced biosurfactant for EOR applications. The biosurfactant produced by bacteria in the presence of crude oil was found to be stable up to 120°C, 10 MPa, 15% salinity, and wide range of pH, and thus favorable for reservoir environment. The crude oil composition before and after degradation at 75°C was determined using gas chromatography-mass spectroscopy and observed to be 60% in one day, while the maximum viscosity reduction was found to be 60% from initial values. Experimental results showed that the bacteria used in this work are capable of surviving at reservoir conditions, and are easy to grow on the waxy crude oil for enhanced oil recovery operations.

Interactions of fluids during hydraulic and acid fracturing operations
01-01-2023, Chowdhury, Satyajit, Rakesh, Mayank, Jitendra Sangwai
Hydrocarbon derived from tight shale and other low-permeable reservoirs is an important and rapidly expanding front in energy development. Untapped hydrocarbon reserves can be exploited by fracturing these rocks using pressure-fracturing fluid. Different forms of fracturing fluids have been created, employed, and tested in fields for their efficiency and applicability. Aqueous polymer-based fracturing fluids and acid fracturing fluids are the most prominent class of field-employed fracturing fluids. Hydraulic fracturing procedures leave chemically complex fluids in the shale formation for at least 2 weeks. This gives the hydraulic fracturing fluid (HFF) plenty of chances to react with the formation at reservoir temperature and pressure. The interaction of fracturing fluid with the reservoir rocks and formation fluids has been discussed in this chapter. Furthermore, reaction kinetics, formation damage, and classes and mechanics of fracturing techniques have been elaborated.

Phase Equilibrium of Methane Hydrate in the Presence of Aqueous Solutions of Quaternary Ammonium Salts
12-07-2018, Gupta, Pawan, Chandrasekharan Nair, Vishnu, Sangwai, Jitendra S.
Families of various quaternary ammonium salts (QAS) have been of great interest to gas hydrate based investigations. In this work, an attempt has been made to understand the effect of QAS of the bromide family with increasing alkyl chain length, such as tetra-methyl, tetra-ethyl, and tetra-butyl ammonium bromide (TMAB, TEAB, and TBAB) at two different concentrations (0.05 and 0.1 mass fraction) in an aqueous solution on the hydrate-liquid-vapor (H-L-V) phase equilibrium of the methane hydrate system. Various experiments were performed to capture phase equilibrium data in the equilibrium pressure range of 7.6-4.2 MPa and temperature range of 282.4-276.8 K. It has been observed that the addition of TMAB and TEAB shifts the phase equilibrium curve of methane hydrate to higher pressure and lower temperature conditions. TMAB and TEAB have shown thermodynamic inhibition unlike TBAB which has shown a promotion effect. The Clausius-Clapeyron equation is used to calculate the enthalpy of dissociation of methane hydrate in various QAS aqueous solutions to examine the effect of QAS on methane hydrate structural information. The electrical conductivity measurements were also made to correlate the hydrate inhibition effectiveness of QAS on methane hydrate system. In addition, a phase equilibrium model has been extended to predict the phase behavior of methane hydrate + (TMAB, TEAB, or TBAB) aqueous solutions for a total 91 experimental phase equilibrium data points obtained from this work and the literature. The absolute average relative deviation in equilibrium pressure (AARD/P (%)) observed from the proposed model with the experimental equilibrium pressure data produced in this work and from several sources in the literature have been observed to lie within ±3.2%, indicating the robustness of the model.