Now showing 1 - 9 of 9
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    Packaged bulk micromachined triglyceride biosensor
    Mohanasundaram, S. V.
    Mercy, S.
    Harikrishna, P. V.
    Rani, Kailash
    Estimation of triglyceride concentration is important for the health and food industries. Use of solid state biosensors like Electrolyte Insulator Semiconductor Capacitors (EISCAP) ensures ease in operation with good accuracy and sensitivity when compared to conventional sensors. In this paper we report on packaging of miniaturized EISCAP sensors on silicon. The packaging involves glass to silicon bonding using adhesive. Since this kind of packaging is done at room temperature, it cannot damage the thin dielectric layers on the silicon wafer unlike the high temperature anodic bonding technique and can be used for sensors with immobilized enzyme without denaturing the enzyme. The packaging also involves a teflon capping arrangement which helps in easy handling of the bio-analyte solutions. The capping solves two problems. Firstly, it helps in the immobilization process where it ensures the enzyme immobilization happens only on one pit and secondly it helps with easy transport of the bio-analyte into the sensor pit for measurements. © 2010 Copyright SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering.
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    Potentiometric estimation of blood analytes - Triglycerides and urea: Comparison with clinical data and estimation of urea in milk using an electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor-capacitor (EISCAP)
    Preetha, Radhakrishnan
    Rani, Kailash
    Veeramani, Mohana Sundaram Sulur
    Fernandez, Renny Edwin
    Vemulachedu, Hareesh
    Sugan, Mercy
    A modified electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor-capacitor (EISCAP) developed in-house was used for the determination of triglycerides and urea in blood, in addition to urea in milk. The sensitivity of the sensor was 55 ± 0.5 mV per unit change of pH. The EISCAP was optimized to operate at 25 °C in 0.25 mM phosphate buffer (pH 6), 1 M KCl and 1 mg lipase for triglycerides and in 1 mM Tris-HCl buffer (pH 7.4), 0.5 M KCl and 0.5 U urease for urea. Comparisons of the results obtained from the developed biosensor and clinical records gave correlation coefficients of 0.979 and 0.974 for blood triglycerides and blood urea respectively. Similarly, estimation of milk urea determined using the sensor in comparison with the spectrophotometric method gave a correlation coefficient of 0.992. The sensor gave reproducible and reliable results up to six months. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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    Potentiometric biosensors based on silicon and porous silicon
    Basu, Indranil
    Subramanian, R. Venkata
    Mathew, Arun
    We report fabrication of potentiometric biosensors with silicon for the estimation of triglycerides and urea based on enzymatic reactions. The sensor is an Electrolyte-Insulator-Semiconductor capacitor (EISCAP) that shows a shift in the measured CV with changes in the pH of the electrolyte. Enzyme mediated biological reactions involve changes in the pH of the electrolyte and an EISCAP can be effectively used for detection of biological compounds. Optimization of the conditions for the enzymatic reaction and calibration of the sensor are included. Effect of replacing silicon with porous silicon is discussed.
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    Estimation of triglycerides by a porous silicon based potentiometric biosensor
    Kumar Reddy, R. Ravi
    Basu, Indranil
    A novel, enzymatic, porous silicon (PS) based potentiometric method for estimating triglycerides is reported. Lipase, an enzyme, which hydrolyses triglycerides was immobilised on PS which was prepared from p-type (1 0 0) crystalline silicon and was thermally oxidized. On hydrolysis the triglycerides result in the formation of fatty acids which causes a change in the pH of the solution. Enzyme solution-oxidized PS-crystalline silicon structure was used to detect changes in pH during the hydrolysis of tributyrin as a shift in the capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics. Optimisation of the conditions for the enzymatic reaction and calibration of the sensor are included. © 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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    Porous silicon based potentiometric triglyceride biosensor
    Reddy, R. Ravi Kumar
    A novel method for estimating triglycerides is reported. Porous silicon, prepared from p-type (100) crystalline silicon was thermally oxidized and used to immobilise lipase, an enzyme, which hydrolyses triglycerides resulting in the formation of fatty acids. This causes a change in the pH of the solution. Enzyme solution-oxidized porous silicon-crystalline silicon structure was used to detect changes in pH during the hydrolysis of tributyrin as a shift in the capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics. Detailed calibration of the sensor is included. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
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    Comparison of a potentiometric and a micromechanical triglyceride biosensor
    Fernandez, Renny Edwin
    Hareesh, Vemulachedu
    Sensitive biosensors for detection of triglyceride concentration are important. In this paper we report on two types of silicon based triglyceride sensors: an electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor capacitor (EISCAP) which is a potentiometric device and a polysilicon microcantilever. The detection principle for both sensors is based on the enzymatic hydrolysis of triglyceride though the sensing mechanisms are different: electronic for the EISCAP and mechanical for the microcantilever. The characteristics and performances of the two sensors are critically compared. The EISCAP sensor necessitates the presence of a buffer for stable measurements which limits the sensitivity of the sensor at low concentrations of the bioanalyte to 1 mM. The cantilever sensor works without a buffer which improves the lower level of sensitivity to 10 μm. Both sensors are found to give reproducible and reliable results. © 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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    Studies on cantilever based triglyceride biosensor
    Fernandez, Renny Edwin
    Soma Sekhar, B. V.
    We report detection of micromolar levels of triglycerides using surface micromachined polysilicon cantilever beams. Enzymatic hydrolysis of triglycerides produces glycerol which alters the viscosity and density of the solution. This affects the dynamic properties of cantilever beams immersed in the solution. The change in the resonance frequency of the cantilever beams in the solution is measured using Doppler Vibrometry and the concentration of triglyceride is determined by comparing with a predetermined calibration plot. © 2007 IEEE.
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    Solid state potentiometric sensor for the estimation of tributyrin and urea
    Basu, Indranil
    Subramanian, Raman Venkata
    Mathew, Arun
    Kayastha, Arvind M.
    We report fabrication of a potentiometric biosensor on silicon for the estimation of tributyrin and urea based on enzymatic reactions. The sensor is an electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor capacitor (EISCAP) that shows a shift in the measured C-V with changes in the pH of the electrolyte. This pH shift can be induced by the enzyme-mediated hydrolysis of tributyrin and urea which results in acidic and basic solutions, respectively and an EISCAP can be effectively used for the detection of these bioanalytes. A silicon nitride based EISCAP was used for the first time to detect triglycerides and urea. The sensor was able to detect millimolar concentrations of the bioanalytes (tributyrin/urea). The most important features of the tributyrin and urea sensor are high sensitivity, long life-time, easily built at a low cost, micro-construction and short response time. Optimization of the conditions for the enzymatic reaction and calibration of the sensor are included. © 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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    A miniaturized pH sensor with an embedded counter electrode and a readout circuit
    Veeramani, Mohanasundaram Sulur
    Shyam, Prakash
    Ratchagar, Noel Prashant
    ; ;
    Pavan, Shanthi
    Electrolyte insulator semiconductor capacitors (EISCAPs) show a shift in the measured capacitance-voltage (C-V) characteristics with changes in the pH of the electrolyte and has the potential to be used as biosensors. The choice of an electrode to the EISCAP is important for reliable measurements. Here, we discuss a silicon-based EISCAP sensor bonded to a glass wafer with an embedded electrode. Three noble metal electrodes (Pt, Au, Ag) are studied for the ease of integration and performance and it is found that the chloridized Ag electrodes exhibit the highest pH sensitivity and the lowest electrode potential drift with time. A readout system that measures the pH of the electrolyte under test is developed and implemented in a programmable system on chip. Calibration of the EISCAP to account for sensor process variations is also incorporated. The pH measurement data on the miniaturized EISCAPs is presented. © 2001-2012 IEEE.