Now showing 1 - 10 of 60
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    (01-06-2016) ;
    Navascués, M. A.
    Viswanathan, P.
    Katiyar, S. K.
    One-sided approximation tackles the problem of approximation of a prescribed function by simple traditional functions such as polynomials or trigonometric functions that lie completely above or below it. In this paper, we use the concept of fractal interpolation function (FIF), precisely of fractal trigonometric polynomials, to construct one-sided uniform approximants for some classes of continuous functions.
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    A C1-Rational Cubic Fractal Interpolation Function: Convergence and Associated Parameter Identification Problem
    Viswanathan, P.
    This paper introduces a rational Fractal Interpolation Function (FIF), in the sense that it is obtained using a rational cubic spline transformation involving two shape parameters, and investigates its applicability in some constrained interpolation problems. We identify suitable values for the parameters of the corresponding Iterated Function System (IFS) so that it generates positive rational FIFs for a given set of positive data. Further, the problem of identifying the rational IFS parameters so as to ensure that its attractor (graph of the corresponding rational FIF) lies in a specified rectangle is also addressed. With the assumption that the data defining function is continuously differentiable, an upper bound for the interpolation error (with respect to the uniform norm) for the rational FIF is obtained. As a consequence, the uniform convergence of the rational FIF to the original function as the norm of the partition tends to zero is proven.
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    A constructive approach to cubic Hermite Fractal Interpolation Function and its constrained aspects
    (01-12-2013) ;
    Viswanathan, P.
    The theory of splines is a well studied topic, but the kinship of splines with fractals is novel. We introduce a simple explicit construction for a L1-cubic Hermite Fractal Interpolation Function (FIF). Under some suitable hypotheses on the original function, we establish a priori estimates (with respect to the Lp-norm, 1≤p≤∞) for the interpolation error of the L1-cubic Hermite FIF and its first derivative. Treating the first derivatives at the knots as free parameters, we derive suitable values for these parameters so that the resulting cubic FIF enjoys L2 global smoothness. Consequently, our method offers an alternative to the standard moment construction of L2-cubic spline FIFs. Furthermore, we identify appropriate values for the scaling factors in each subinterval and the derivatives at the knots so that the graph of the resulting L2-cubic FIF lies within a prescribed rectangle. These parameters include, in particular, conditions for the positivity of the cubic FIF. Thus, in the current article, we initiate the study of the shape preserving aspects of fractal interpolation polynomials. We also provide numerical examples to corroborate our results. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
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    A fractal class of generalized Jackson interpolants
    Navascués, María Antonia
    Jha, Sangita
    Sebastián, María Victoria
    In this paper, we establish a new formula that generalizes the Jackson trigonometric interpolation for a 2π-periodic function. This generalization is done by using various positive exponents in the basic nodal functions that gives a wide variety of bases during approximation. For a Hölder continuous periodic function, we compute the uniform interpolation error bound of the corresponding generalized Jackson interpolant and prove the convergence of the proposed interpolant. We also show that the mentioned approximation procedure is stable. In the last part, we consider a family of fractal interpolants associated with the generalized Jackson approximation functions under discussion.
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    Binary operations in metric spaces satisfying side inequalities
    Navascués, María A.
    Rajan, Pasupathi
    The theory of metric spaces is a convenient and very powerful way of examining the behavior of numerous mathematical models. In a previous paper, a new operation between functions on a compact real interval called fractal convolution has been introduced. The construction was done in the framework of iterated function systems and fractal theory. In this article we extract the main features of this association, and consider binary operations in metric spaces satisfying properties as idempotency and inequalities related to the distance between operated elements with the same right or left factor (side inequalities). Important examples are the logical disjunction and conjunction in the set of integers modulo 2 and the union of compact sets, besides the aforementioned fractal convolution. The operations described are called in the present paper convolutions of two elements of a metric space E. We deduce several properties of these associations, coming from the considered initial conditions. Thereafter, we define self-operators (maps) on E by using the convolution with a fixed component. When E is a Banach or Hilbert space, we add some hypotheses inspired in the fractal convolution of maps, and construct in this way convolved Schauder and Riesz bases, Bessel sequences and frames for the space.
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    A new class of fractal interpolation surfaces based on functional values
    (01-03-2016) ;
    Vijender, N.
    Fractal interpolation is a modern technique for fitting of smooth/non-smooth data. Based on only functional values, we develop two types of 1-rational fractal interpolation surfaces (FISs) on a rectangular grid in the present paper that contain scaling factors in both directions and two types of positive real parameters which are referred as shape parameters. The graphs of these 1-rational FISs are the attractors of suitable rational iterated function systems (IFSs) in R3 which use a collection of rational IFSs in the x-direction and y-direction and hence these FISs are self-referential in nature. Using upper bounds of the interpolation error of the x-direction and y-direction fractal interpolants along the grid lines, we study the convergence results of 1-rational FISs toward the original function. A numerical illustration is provided to explain the visual quality of our rational FISs. An extra feature of these fractal surface schemes is that it allows subsequent interactive alteration of the shape of the surfaces by changing the scaling factors and shape parameters.
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    Constrained fractal interpolation functions with variable scaling
    (01-01-2018) ;
    Reddy, K. M.
    Fractal interpolant function (FIF) constructed through iterated function systems is more general than classical spline interpolant. In this paper, we introduce a family of rational cubic splines with variable scaling, where the numerators and denominators of rational function are cubic and linear polynomial respectively. FIFs with variable scaling offer more flexibility in fitting and approximation of many complicated phenomena than that of in FIF with constant scaling. The convergence result of the proposed rational cubic interpolant to data generating function in C1 is proven. When interpolation data is constrained by piecewise curves, we derive sufficient condition on the parameter of rational FIF so that it lies between them.
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    Fractal bases for Banach spaces of smooth functions
    Navascués, M. A.
    Viswanathan, P.
    Sebastián, M. V.
    Katiyar, S. K.
    This article explores the properties of fractal interpolation functions with variable scaling parameters, in the context of smooth fractal functions. The first part extends the Barnsley-Harrington theorem for differentiability of fractal functions and the fractal analogue of Hermite interpolation to the present setting. The general result is applied on a special class of iterated function systems in order to develop differentiability of the so-called -fractal functions. This leads to a bounded linear map on the space which is exploited to prove the existence of a Schauder basis for consisting of smooth fractal functions.
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    Kantorovich-Bernstein α-fractal function in 𠓛P spaces
    (01-02-2020) ;
    Jha, Sangita
    Navascués, M. A.
    Fractal interpolation functions are fixed points of contraction maps on suitable function spaces. In this paper, we introduce the Kantorovich-Bernstein α-fractal operator in the Lebesgue space 𝓛p(I), 1 ≤ p ≤ ∞. The main aim of this article is to study the convergence of the sequence of Kantorovich-Bernstein fractal functions towards the original functions in 𝓛p(I) spaces and Lipschitz spaces without affecting the non-linearity of the fractal functions. In the first part of this paper, we introduce a new family of self-referential fractal 𝓛p(I) functions from a given function in the same space. The existence of a Schauder basis consisting of self-referential functions in 𝓛p spaces is proven. Further, we derive the fractal analogues of some 𝓛p(I) approximation results, for example, the fractal version of the classical Müntz-Jackson theorem. The one-sided approximation by the Bernstein α-fractal function is developed.
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    Positive blending Hermite rational cubic spline fractal interpolation surfaces
    (01-03-2015) ;
    Vijender, N.
    Fractal interpolation provides an efficient way to describe data that have smooth and non-smooth structures. Based on the theory of fractal interpolation functions (FIFs), the Hermite rational cubic spline FIFs (fractal boundary curves) are constructed to approximate an original function along the grid lines of interpolation domain. Then the blending Hermite rational cubic spline fractal interpolation surface (FIS) is generated by using the blending functions with these fractal boundary curves. The convergence of the Hermite rational cubic spline FIS towards an original function is studied. The scaling factors and shape parameters involved in fractal boundary curves are constrained suitably such that these fractal boundary curves are positive whenever the given interpolation data along the grid lines are positive. Our Hermite blending rational cubic spline FIS is positive whenever the corresponding fractal boundary curves are positive. Various collections of fractal boundary curves can be adapted with suitable modifications in the associated scaling parameters or/and shape parameters, and consequently our construction allows interactive alteration in the shape of rational FIS.