Now showing 1 - 10 of 16
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    A C1-Rational Cubic Fractal Interpolation Function: Convergence and Associated Parameter Identification Problem
    Viswanathan, P.
    This paper introduces a rational Fractal Interpolation Function (FIF), in the sense that it is obtained using a rational cubic spline transformation involving two shape parameters, and investigates its applicability in some constrained interpolation problems. We identify suitable values for the parameters of the corresponding Iterated Function System (IFS) so that it generates positive rational FIFs for a given set of positive data. Further, the problem of identifying the rational IFS parameters so as to ensure that its attractor (graph of the corresponding rational FIF) lies in a specified rectangle is also addressed. With the assumption that the data defining function is continuously differentiable, an upper bound for the interpolation error (with respect to the uniform norm) for the rational FIF is obtained. As a consequence, the uniform convergence of the rational FIF to the original function as the norm of the partition tends to zero is proven.
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    A new class of fractal interpolation surfaces based on functional values
    (01-03-2016) ;
    Vijender, N.
    Fractal interpolation is a modern technique for fitting of smooth/non-smooth data. Based on only functional values, we develop two types of 1-rational fractal interpolation surfaces (FISs) on a rectangular grid in the present paper that contain scaling factors in both directions and two types of positive real parameters which are referred as shape parameters. The graphs of these 1-rational FISs are the attractors of suitable rational iterated function systems (IFSs) in R3 which use a collection of rational IFSs in the x-direction and y-direction and hence these FISs are self-referential in nature. Using upper bounds of the interpolation error of the x-direction and y-direction fractal interpolants along the grid lines, we study the convergence results of 1-rational FISs toward the original function. A numerical illustration is provided to explain the visual quality of our rational FISs. An extra feature of these fractal surface schemes is that it allows subsequent interactive alteration of the shape of the surfaces by changing the scaling factors and shape parameters.
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    A -Fractal Rational Functions and Their Positivity Aspects
    Katiyar, S. K.
    Coalescence hidden variable fractal interpolation function (CHFIF) proves more versatile than classical interpolant and fractal interpolation function (FIF). Using rational functions and CHFIF, a general construction of A-fractal rational functions is introduced for the first time in the literature. This construction of A-fractal rational function also allows us to insert shape parameters for positivity-preserving univariate interpolation. The convergence analysis of the proposed scheme is established. With suitably chosen numerical examples and graphs, the effectiveness of the positivity-preserving interpolation scheme is illustrated.
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    Bicubic partially blended rational fractal surface for a constrained interpolation problem
    (01-03-2018) ;
    Viswanathan, P.
    Vijender, N.
    This paper investigates some univariate and bivariate constrained interpolation problems using fractal interpolation functions. First, we obtain rational cubic fractal interpolation functions lying above a prescribed straight line. Using a transfinite interpolation via blending functions, we extend the properties of the univariate rational cubic fractal interpolation function to generate surfaces that lie above a plane. In particular, the constrained bivariate interpolation discussed herein includes a method to construct fractal interpolation surfaces that preserve positivity inherent in a prescribed data set. Uniform convergence of the bivariate fractal interpolant to the original function which generates the data is proven.
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    Towards a more general type of univariate constrained interpolation with fractal splines
    (01-12-2015) ;
    Viswanathan, P.
    Reddy, K. M.
    Recently, in [Electron. Trans. Numer. Anal. 41 (2014) 420-442] authors introduced a new class of rational cubic fractal interpolation functions with linear denominators via fractal perturbation of traditional nonrecursive rational cubic splines and investigated their basic shape preserving properties. The main goal of the current paper is to embark on univariate constrained fractal interpolation that is more general than what was considered so far. To this end, we propose some strategies for selecting the parameters of the rational fractal spline so that the interpolating curves lie strictly above or below a prescribed linear or a quadratic spline function. Approximation property of the proposed rational cubic fractal spine is broached by using the Peano kernel theorem as an interlude. The paper also provides an illustration of background theory, veined by examples.
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    A fractal procedure for monotonicity preserving interpolation
    Viswanathan, P.
    This paper is concerned with interpolation subject to a strip condition on the first order derivative using a class of rational cubic Fractal Interpolation Functions (FIFs). This facilitates the FIF to generate monotonic curves for a given set of monotonic data. The proposed monotonicity preserving rational FIF subsumes and supplements a classical monotonic rational cubic spline. In models leading to the monotonicity preserving interpolation problem wherein the first order derivative of the constructed interpolant is to be nondifferentiable in a finite or dense subset of the interpolation interval, the developed fractal scheme is well-suited in contrast to its classical nonrecursive counterpart. It is shown that the present fractal interpolation scheme has O(h4) accuracy, provided the original function belongs to C4(I) and the parameters involved in the FIF are appropriately chosen.
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    Monotonicity/symmetricity preserving rational quadratic fractal interpolation surfaces
    (01-01-2016) ;
    Vijender, Nallapu
    This paper presents the theory of C1-rational quadratic fractal interpolation surfaces (FISs) over a rectangular grid. First we approximate the original function along the grid lines of interpolation domain by using the univariate C1-rational quadratic fractal interpolation functions (fractal boundary curves). Then we construct the rational quadratic FIS as a blending combination with the x-direction and y-direction fractal boundary curves. The developed rational quadratic FISs are monotonic whenever the corresponding fractal boundary curves are monotonic. We derive the optimal range for the scaling parameters in both positive and negative directions such that the rational quadratic fractal boundary curves are monotonic in nature. The relation between x-direction and y-direction scaling matrices is deduced for symmetric rational quadratic FISs for symmetric surface data. The presence of scaling parameters in the fractal boundary curves helps us to get a wide variety of monotonic/symmetric rational quadratic FISs without altering the given surface data. Numerical examples are provided to demonstrate the comprehensive performance of the rational quadratic FIS in fitting a monotonic/symmetric surface data. The convergence analysis of the monotonic rational quadratic FIS to the original function is reported.
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    Bivariate shape preserving interpolation: A fractal-classical hybrid approach
    (01-12-2015) ;
    Viswanathan, P.
    Vijender, N.
    The notion of cubic fractal interpolation function (FIF) has received considerable attention in the literature due to its versatility, flexibility and ease of implementation. In this article, we shall view cubic FIFs as a family of C1-continuous fractal functions associated with the traditional C1-continuous cubic spline. General theorems that identify suitable values of the parameters so as to constrain a fractal function and its first derivative within suitable axis-aligned rectangles are reported. By applying these theorems, cubic fractal interpolation of a data set subject to strip conditions on the interpolant and its first derivative is discussed. These results are applied to investigate positivity and monotonicity properties of a hybrid bivariate interpolant over a rectangular region R obtained by blending univariate cubic FIFs via bicubically blended Coons patch. The L∞-norm of the error in approximating a function f ∈ C2(R) with the proposed bivariate interpolant is shown to be of order O(h2) as h → 0.
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    Constrained data visualization using rational bi-cubic fractal functions
    Katiyar, S. K.
    Reddy, K. M.
    This paper addresses a method to obtain rational cubic fractal functions, which generate surfaces that lie above a plane via blending functions. In particular, the constrained bivariate interpolation discussed herein includes a method to construct fractal interpolation surfaces that preserve positivity inherent in a prescribed data set. The scaling factors and shape parameters involved in fractal boundary curves are constrained suitably such that these fractal boundary curves are above the plane whenever the given interpolation data along the grid lines are above the plane. Our rational cubic spline FIS is above the plane whenever the corresponding fractal boundary curves are above the plane. We illustrate our interpolation scheme with some numerical examples.
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    Preserving convexity through rational cubic spline fractal interpolation function
    Viswanathan, P.
    Agarwal, R. P.
    We propose a new type of C1-rational cubic spline Fractal Interpolation Function (FIF) for convexity preserving univariate interpolation. The associated Iterated Function System (IFS) involves rational functions of the form Pn(x)Qn(x), where Pn(x) are cubic polynomials determined through the Hermite interpolation conditions of the FIF and Qn(x) are preassigned quadratic polynomials with two shape parameters. The rational cubic spline FIF converges to the original function Φ as rapidly as the rth power of the mesh norm approaches to zero, provided Φ(r) is continuous for r=1 or 2 and certain mild conditions on the scaling factors are imposed. Furthermore, suitable values for the rational IFS parameters are identified so that the property of convexity carries from the data set to the rational cubic FIFs. In contrast to the classical non-recursive convexity preserving interpolation schemes, the present fractal scheme is well suited for the approximation of a convex function Φ whose derivative is continuous but has varying irregularity. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.