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    Experimental studies on spalling characteristics of Indian lignite coal in context of underground coal gasification
    Bhaskaran, Sminu
    Samdani, Ganesh
    Ganesh, Anuradda
    Singh, R. P.
    Sapru, R. K.
    Jain, P. K.
    Mahajani, Sanjay
    Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is considered to be a clean coal technology primarily intended to utilize deep underground (>300 m) coal deposits. In this process, a mixture of reactant gases like air/oxygen and steam are injected directly to an ignited portion of underground coal seam. UCG involves complex interactions of different processes like drying, pyrolysis, chemical reactions and spalling. Spalling is detachment of small coal particles from the coal seam due to interconnection of cracks developed in it. It plays an important role by offering higher surface area to give improved performance. The mechanism of spalling and its characterization are not well understood. Furthermore, there are no well established experimental techniques to measure the spalling rates. This paper studies spalling behavior of a lignite coal, which is characterized by high moisture and volatile matter, and suggests a possible underlying mechanism. The rate of spalling was measured using an experimental setup under the UCG-like conditions. In this setup, a reacting coal block was attached to a load cell and suspended in a UCG-like environment. When the experiments were repeated under similar conditions with different blocks of same coal, it was found that there were variations in the rates of spalling. This might be due to the heterogeneity in coal blocks in the form of originally present fissures or weak regions. A UCG process model was used to explain these experimental results and also to investigate the effect of spalling rate on product gas calorific value. We believe that spalling happens due to formation and extension of cracks. Hence a microscopic crack pattern on a heated coal monolith was examined in different stages of heating to understand the mechanism of spalling. It is concluded that cracks are first formed during the initial stage of drying due to the capillary stresses developed due to removal of moisture from the pores and were further extended due to shrinkage of coal during pyrolysis. The detachment of coal particles happens due to horizontal linking of vertical cracks, which might result out of either horizontal cracks, if any, or available fissures and weak regions or relatively weak interlayer bonding at the bedding planes.
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    A process model for underground coal gasification - Part-II growth of outflow channel
    Samdani, Ganesh
    Ganesh, Anuradda
    Sapru, R. K.
    Lohar, B. L.
    Mahajani, Sanjay
    Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is a process of gasifying coal in-situ to produce syn-gas. The gas thus produced, passes through the outflow channel that leads to the production well. As explained in part-I of this paper (Samdani et al., 2015), UCG can be divided in two distinct phases. The phase-I corresponds to initial vertical growth of the cavity and the output from phase-I model provides input to the phase-II model. This paper presents an unsteady state model for phase-II of UCG, wherein, the growth occurs in the horizontal direction towards the production well through the outflow channel. A compartment model, based on tracer studies performed on actual UCG cavity, is developed for phase-II of UCG. Here, the outflow channel is divided in small sections along the length, each consisting of rubble zone, void zone and roof at the top. This reduces the complexity caused by non-ideal flow patterns and changing sizes of different subzones inside the outflow channel. The subzones and the sections are linked appropriately, for mass and energy flow, to give overall performance of UCG. The proposed approach combines chemical reactions, heat and mass transfer effects, spalling characteristic and complex flow patterns to achieve meaningful results. In all, seven gas species, three solid species and eleven reactions are included. The simulation results such as variation in solid density, dynamics of different zones, exit gas quality are presented. The model is validated by comparing the predicted exit gas quality and that observed during similar laboratory scale experiments. Finally the results are also compared with pilot scale field-trials. This model along with the phase-I model provides a complete modeling solution for UCG process.
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    A process model for underground coal gasification - Part-I: Cavity growth
    Samdani, Ganesh
    Ganesh, Anuradda
    Sapru, R. K.
    Lohar, B. L.
    Mahajani, Sanjay
    In underground coal gasification (UCG), a cavity is formed in the coal seam due to consumption of coal. The irregular-shaped cavity consists of a spalled-rubble on the cavity floor, a cavity roof and a void zone between the two. Depending on the cavity growth pattern, UCG process can be divided into two distinct phases. In phase-I, coal/char near injection well gets consumed and cavity grows in a vertical direction and hits the overburden. Phase-II starts thereafter, in which the cavity grows in the horizontal direction toward the production well. This paper presents an unsteady-state model for gas production during phase-I for a coal under consideration for UCG. The non-ideal flow patterns in the cavity are determined using computational fluid dynamics (CFD). The CFD results and residence time distribution (RTD) studies show that the complex UCG cavity can be reduced to a computationally less time consuming compartment model consisting of a radial plug flow reactor (PFR) followed by a continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR). The developed compartment model incorporates reaction kinetics, heat-transfer, mass-transfer, diffusional limitations and thermo-mechanical failure effects for the coal of interest. The model is tested on a lab scale UCG; it can predict the location of reaction and drying fronts, profiles of solid and gas compositions, exit gas calorific value and cavity growth rates. Further, the model predictions show an excellent match with the cavity growth rate and exit gas quality observed during laboratory-scale UCG-like experiments on the coal of interest. Therefore, the model can potentially be used to determine feasibility of UCG for any other coal for the known kinetics and spalling parameters.