Raghuram Chetty
Preferred name
Raghuram Chetty
Official Name
Raghuram Chetty
Alternative Name
Chetty, Raghuram
Chetty, R.
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- PublicationElectrochemical Reduction of Carbon Dioxide into Useful Low-Carbon Fuels(01-01-2019)
; ;Varjani, Sunita ;Keerthiga, G. ;Srinath, S.Rajmohan, K. S.In this chapter, preliminary discussion on the need for mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions in today’s scenario is emphasized, followed by the foundation to the conversion of CO2 into useful chemicals. Various techniques employed for CO2 sequestration are introduced, and in the midst of these approaches, electrochemical reduction of CO2 is emphasized, owing to its advantages in product selectivity, operation at ambient conditions without supplementary chemical requirements, environmental compatibility, relatively simple modularity and quick scalability. Different types of catalysts reported in the literature for activating and reducing CO2 are critically analysed. To start with, metallic electrodes in aqueous solutions and nanoporous materials are discussed. The reaction mechanism and effect of supporting electrolytes, pressure, and temperature are summarized. Combination of various techniques such as bio-electrochemical reduction and photocatalytic technologies have been accentuated. Furthermore, limitations and outlook of electrochemical reduction of CO2 are presented, in which development of modules similar to that of commercially available H2O electrolysers could pave the way for commercialization of electrocatalytic reduction of CO2.