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    Electrochemical reduction of hexavalent chromium on titania nanotubes with urea as an anolyte additive
    Sriram, Saranya
    The present study reports an energy efficient electrochemical strategy to remediate hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) to less toxic Cr(III). The novelty in this system is the use of titania nanotubes (TNT) synthesized by anodization as cathode for the reduction of Cr(VI) with alkaline urea as an anolyte additive. The electrochemical reduction of Cr(VI) was evaluated using bare Ti and porous TNT/Ti cathodes, both with and without urea as an anolyte additive. The experimental results showed that the dual combination of alkaline urea oxidation at anode and acidic Cr(VI) reduction on TNT cathode showed the best performance, with enhanced degradation efficiency up to 97% at 5 V within 15 min for an initial concentration of 100 mg L−1 Cr. The optimized urea-TNT combination was evaluated for the effect of catholyte pH, temperature, initial metal ion concentration and the effect of other anions, such as Cl−, NO3−, PO42− and CO32−, which are commonly present in wastewater discharged from tannery or electroplating industries. Furthermore, the performance when evaluated with cow urine as an anolyte additive confirmed that the dual combination could be a promising in-situ treatment technique for simultaneous urine oxidation and Cr(VI) reduction.
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    Electrochemical reduction of CO2 on electrodeposited Cu electrodes crystalline phase sensitivity on selectivity
    Keerthiga, Gopalram
    Viswanathan, Balasubramanian
    The product distribution of electrochemical reduction of CO2 can be altered by modifying the surface of pure copper by deposition. In this study, chronoamperometric deposition of Cu on Cu (Cu/Cu) was carried out at two different CuSO4 bath concentrations, 0.25 M (high) and 0.025 M (low), termed as Cu/Cu-H and Cu/Cu-L respectively. These deposits were characterized by X-ray diffraction and they vary in their crystal orientation. Pure Cu and Cu/Cu were aligned towards (1 1 1) and (2 2 0) plane with a texture coefficient of 1.2 and 1.7, respectively. Electrodeposited electrodes were tested for the electrochemical reduction of CO2 in KCl electrolyte and the results were compared with that of pure Cu electrode. Electrochemical reduction of CO2 showed methane and ethane, with hydrogen as the byproduct. The product distribution varied with the crystal orientation of Cu electrodes. The maximum Faradaic efficiency of methane was 26% obtained on pure Cu electrode with (1 1 1) and (2 0 0) orientation, whereas Cu/Cu-L with dominating (2 2 0) orientation showed a maximum formation of ethane with Faradaic efficiency of 43%. A possible mechanism of product formation on Cu towards C1 and Cu/Cu towards C2 is also discussed.