Upendra Natarajan
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Upendra Natarajan
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Upendra Natarajan
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Natarajan, Upendra
Natarajan, U.
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5 results
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- PublicationEffect of salt valency and concentration on structure and thermodynamic behavior of anionic polyelectrolyte Na+-polyethacrylate aqueous solution(01-11-2016)
;Sappidi, PraveenkumarThe intermolecular structure and solvation enthalpy of anionic polyelectrolyte atactic Na+-polyethacrylate (PEA) in aqueous solution, as a function of added salt concentration Cs (dilute to concentrated) and valency (NaCl versus CaCl2), were investigated via molecular dynamics simulations with explicit-ion-solvent and atomistic polymer description. An increase in Cs leads to a decrease in α, which stabilizes to a constant value beyond critical Cs. A significant reduction in Rg in the presence of CaCl2 salt was observed, due to ion bridging of PEA by Ca2+ ions, in agreement with results available in literature on other similar polycarboxylates. An increase in salt valency reduces the value of critical Cs for the onset of stabilization of the overall size and shape of the polymer chain. The critical Cs ratio for the divalent to monovalent salt case is in excellent agreement with results of Langevin dynamics studies on model systems available in the literature. PEA–water H-bond half-life increases with Cs for CaCl2, but no appreciable effect is seen for NaCl. The hydration of PEA becomes stronger in the presence of divalent salt. The strength of H-bond interaction energy is greater for cations as compared to anions of the salt. The salt cation effect in displacing water molecules from the vicinity of PEA, with increase in Cs, is greater for NaCl solution. The decrease in water coordination to PEA carboxylate groups, due to increased Cs, is more pronounced in NaCl solution. The nature of the behavior of the solvation enthalpy of PEA and the type of intermolecular interactions contributing to it, is in agreement with experimental observations from the literature. The hydration enthalpy of PEA in divalent CaCl2 aqueous salt solution is more exothermic compared to monovalent NaCl salt solution, in agreement with experimental data. The solvation of PEA is thermodynamically more favorable in the case of CaCl2 solution. The exothermic solvation enthalpy, H-bond lifetime, number of H-bonds and H-bond interaction energy are greater in magnitude in CaCl2 aqueous solution. - PublicationPolyelectrolyte conformational transition in aqueous solvent mixture influenced by hydrophobic interactions and hydrogen bonding effects: PAA-water-ethanol(01-03-2016)
;Sappidi, PraveenkumarMolecular dynamics simulations of poly(acrylic acid) PAA chain in water-ethanol mixture were performed for un-ionized and ionized cases at different degree-of-ionization 0%, 80% and 100% of PAA chain by Na+ counter-ions and co-solvent (ethanol) concentration in the range 0-90 vol% ethanol. Aspects of structure and dynamics were investigated via atom pair correlation functions, number and relaxation of hydrogen bonds, nearest-neighbor coordination numbers, and dihedral angle distribution function for back-bone and side-groups of the chain. With increase in ethanol concentration, chain swelling is observed for un-ionized chain (f = 0) and on the contrary chain shrinkage is observed for partially and fully ionized cases (i.e., f = 0.8 and 1). For un-ionized PAA, with increase in ethanol fraction Pdbleth the number of PAA-ethanol hydrogen bonds increases while PAA-water decreases. Increase in Pdbleth leads to PAA chain expansion for un-ionized case and chain shrinkage for ionized case, in agreement with experimental observations on this system. For ionized-PAA case, chain shrinkage is found to be influenced by intermolecular hydrogen bonding with water as well as ethanol. The localization of ethanol molecules near the un-ionized PAA backbone at higher levels of ethanol is facilitated by a displacement of water molecules indicating presence of specific ethanol hydration shell, as confirmed by results of the RDF curves and coordination number calculations. This behavior, controlled by hydrogen bonding provides a significant contribution to such a conformational transition behavior of the polyelectrolyte chain. The interactions between counter-ions and charges on the PAA chain also influence chain collapse. The underlying origins of polyelectrolyte chain collapse in water-alcohol mixtures are brought out for the first time via explicit MD simulations by this study. - PublicationFactors responsible for the aggregation behavior of hydrophobic polyelectrolyte PEA in aqueous solution studied by molecular dynamics simulations(01-08-2017)
;Sappidi, PraveenkumarSelf-association (i.e. interchain aggregation) behavior of atactic poly(ethacrylic acid) PEA in dilute aqueous solution as function of degree-of-neutralization by Na+ counter-ions (i.e. charge fraction f) was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Aggregation is found to occur in the range 0 ≤ f ≤0.7 in agreement with experimental results compared at specified polymer concentration Cp = 0.36 mol/l in dilute solution. The macromolecular solution was characterized and analysed for radius-of-gyration, torsion angle distribution, inter and intra-molecular hydrogen bonds, radial distribution functions of intermolecular and inter-atomic pairs, inter-chain contacts and solvation enthalpy. The PEA chains form aggregate through attractive inter-chain interaction via hydrogen bonding, in the range f < 0.7, in agreement with experimental observation. The numbers of inter-chain contacts decreases with f. A critical structural transition occurs at f = 0.7, observed via simulations for the first time, in Rg as well as inter-chain H-bonds. The inter-chain distance increases with f due to repulsive interactions between COO− groups on the chains. PEA-PEA electrostatic interactions dominant solvation enthalpy. The PEA solvation enthalpy becomes increasingly favorable with increase in f. The transition enthalpy change, in going from uncharged (acid) state to fully charged state (f = 1) is unfavorable towards aggregate formation. - PublicationConformations and hydration structure of hydrophobic polyelectrolyte atactic poly(ethacrylic acid) in dilute aqueous solution as a function of neutralisation(16-03-2014)
;Sappidi, Praveenkumar ;Muralidharan, Sulatha S.Chain conformations, counter-ion structure, intermolecular hydrogen bonding structure and dynamics of atactic polyethacrylic acid (PEA) in salt-free aqueous dilute solution at 25°C are studied via molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with explicit-solvent and explicit-ion description for the first time. The intermolecular structure was analysed by the radial distribution functions (RDF) for specific atom types between PEA chain, water molecules and Na+ counter-ions, as well as by the hydration near the PEA chain in the solvated system. An increase in f provides an increase in 〈Rg〉 of the chain, consistent with the existence of the compact form of PEA. The simulations show expansion for radius-of-gyration with increase in f, as expected for flexible polyelectrolytes under salt-free condition. The extent of intermolecular hydrogen bonds (H-bonds) between PEA and water is enhanced by increase in f. Chains having a higher counter-ion density show higher values of 〈Rg〉, influenced by intermolecular interactions between PEA and water. The coordination of Na+ counter ions and water molecules to carboxyl oxygens of polyacrylic acid (PAA) increases with charge density of the chain. A comparison of the structure aspects is made with PAA and PMA polyelectrolytes in dilute solution, which brings out the hydrophobic effect of the ethyl side-groups in PEA on conformational properties and counter-ion condensation structure. © 2013 Taylor & Francis. - PublicationInfluence of hydrogen bonding on the structural transition of poly(methacrylic acid) chain in water-ethanol solution by molecular dynamics simulations(12-12-2015)
;Sappidi, PraveenkumarThe conformational structure of dilute atactic-poly(methacrylic acid) (PMA) solution in binary water-ethanol mixture was investigated by molecular dynamics simulations, over 0-0.9 ethanol (co-solvent) fraction. The radius of gyration 〈Rg〉, torsion angle distribution, intra-chain hydrogen bonds (H-bonds), and H-bonds for PMA-water, PMA-ethanol and water-ethanol, atom-atom and atom-group pair radial distribution functions were analysed. An increase in the ethanol fraction leads to chain expansion. The non-monotonic variation of 〈Rg〉, commensurate with the experimentally observed behaviour of intrinsic viscosity [η], takes place by H-bonding effects between PMA, water and ethanol, as driven by the differences in the chemical structure of water and ethanol. The PMA repeat units are closer to the CH2 groups as compared with CH3 groups of ethanol, in the nearest coordination shell. Water as compared with ethanol is able to coordinate closer to the PMA repeat unit centre of mass. Intra-chain H-bonding depreciates with an increase in the ethanol content in solution. The changes, across the ethanol fraction range, in chain dimensions and of predicted intrinsic viscosity by the simulations, compare well with experimental results in the literature.