P Krishnankutty
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P Krishnankutty
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P Krishnankutty
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Krishnankutty, P.
Krishnankutt, P.
Parameswaran, Krishnankutty
Krishnankutty, Parameswaran V.
Krishnankutty, Parameswaran
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7 results
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- PublicationWater column movement characteristics in flng turret moonpool and annular space during free oscillation and tow conditions(01-01-2015)
;Hariharan, K.Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) platforms are positioned in open sea using turret mooring systems and so Do Floating Liquefied Natural Gas (FLNG) platforms. The behavior of water inside the turret pit influences the platform operations considerably and hence a proper design and study of this aspect become essential for an efficient system. In the present work, the water column oscillation inside the turret of an FLNG during a tow condition at different speeds is studied. The natural periods of water column oscillations inside the turret moonpool are determined by performing decay tests in CFD environment. Free surface elevations at different locations inside the turret moonpool are analyzed both in time and frequency domains and the major natural modes are identified when the vessel is towed at constant speeds. It is found that the piston motion decays faster and sloshing motion remains for longer duration. - PublicationNumerical study of water depth effect on sway velocity and rudder derivatives of a container ship in manoeuvring(01-01-2019)
;Balagopalan, AkhilCorrect prediction of the hydrodynamic derivatives is essential for the accurate determination of ships manoeuvring performance. Numerical and experimental methods are widely used for the determination of these derivatives. Even though experimental methods are more reliable, these facilities are rare and often prohibitively expensive. More viable option, primarily during the early stages of the ship design, is to determine these derivatives numerically. And also most of the ship manoeuvring studies and regulations are on deep water conditions, whereas the ship manoeuvring performance is much worse in shallow waters, and its controllability is difficult. An attempt is made in this paper to study the shallow water effects on the sway velocity-dependent derivatives and rudder derivatives numerically. KRISO container ship (KCS), a benchmark example used by different research groups, is taken for the present study. Straight line or static drift tests are performed in a numerical environment at different drift and different rudder angles using a commercial CFD package. These tests are conducted in both deep and shallow water conditions. Effects of water depth on the sway velocity-dependent hydrodynamic derivatives and rudder derivatives are evaluated, and the results are presented and analysed. - PublicationNumerical investigation on the hydrodynamic performance of high-speed planing hull with transom interceptor(01-01-2021)
;Suneela, J.; Anantha Subramanian, V.The study presents numerical investigations on hydrodynamic quality of high-speed planing hull with spray rails and interceptor. Interceptors are blades which extend vertically downwards at the bottom near transom. The pressure distribution is the main cause for reduction in trim of the vessel. The interceptor has an effect on vessel resistance reduction which further result in more desirable trim control. The hull model was analysed with interceptor at different heights based on Finite Volume method using dynamic mesh. The two degrees-of-freedom considered is heave and pitch. The model tests are performed in the current towing tank facility available in the Department of Ocean Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras for the planing hull with and without interceptor in calm water. The height of interceptor plays an important role on the vessel performance. The study shows better trim reduction with consequent decrease in total resistance of vessel in planing regime. - PublicationHydrodynamic study of flapping foil propulsion system fitted to surface and underwater vehicles(18-08-2018)
;Mannam, Naga Praveen BabuThe engineering translation of the aquatic animal propulsion systems and its appropriate application to marine vehicles help them to achieve movement with less power and hence resulting in the CO2 emission reduction. In this paper, the design of a robotic fish with pectoral and caudal fins, which operates at subsurface, is considered. The robofish body shape and fin geometrical parameters are also important with regard to the resistance and power aspects. Numerical studies are conducted with the robotic fish to determine its resistance in the bare hull and also for the case fitted with fins. Experimental studies carried out on a remotely operated surface ship with thunniform mode of fish propulsion, which operates at subsurface, are considered. Model tests are performed to analyse the propulsive performance of fishtail propulsion for the remotely operated surface ship in bollard pull condition and in self-propulsion mode. - PublicationShip hull wake effect on the hydrodynamic performance of a heave–pitch combined oscillating fin(01-01-2021)
;Martin, Anties K. ;Anathakrishanan, P.The hydrodynamic analysis of flapping foil inspired by the thunniform fish propulsion is carried out numerically. The hydrodynamic performances of 2D and 3D rigid oscillating foils are analysed for a range of Strouhal numbers (St). The performance parameters such as thrust coefficient, power coefficient and hydrodynamic efficiency are obtained in both open water and behind ship conditions, where the wake effect of the ship influences the hydrodynamic performance parameters of the foil. Thrust and efficiency variations with Strouhal number are estimated and it is found that the efficiency reaches maximum at St = 0.3. - PublicationManoeuvring prediction of a container ship using the numerical PMM test and experimental validation using the free running model test(13-09-2020)
;Balagopalan, Akhil ;Tiwari, Kunal ;Rameesha, T. V.Accurate determination of hydrodynamic derivatives, appearing in the equations of motion of a marine vehicle, is essential for the correct prediction of its manoeuvring performance. Solution of these equations leads to the simulation of the ship motions in the horizontal plane for a surface ship and thus helps in understanding its course stability, turning ability, rudder effectiveness and ship responsiveness. This paper presents the numerical simulation of the Planar Motion Mechanism test using RANS-based equation to obtain the hydrodynamic derivatives appearing in the equations of motion and to assess the manoeuvrability of a container ship using standard definitive manoeuvers. Experimental validation of the numerical test is carried out by conducting free running model tests in a manoeuvring basin. - PublicationManoeuvring prediction of a container ship in shallow water using numerical planar motion mechanism(01-01-2021)
;Balagopalan, AkhilManoeuvring behaviour of a vessel changes drastically when it enters from deep water region to a shallow water region. Flow characteristics, around the hull changes and the vessel, respond poorly to the use of control surfaces. Aim of this paper is to study the manoeuvring behavioural changes in a container ship for different water depth conditions. Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) methods are used for simulating static and dynamic captive model tests. Variation in hydrodynamic reaction forces and moments caused by the reduction in water depth and the subsequent effect in hydrodynamic derivatives appearing in the equation of motion are explained in detail. Standard turning circle and zigzag manoeuvring tests are simulated using the CFD generated hydrodynamic derivatives to assess the manoeuvring characteristics of the vessel.