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    Scaling analysis for the investigation of slip mechanisms in nanofluids
    Savithiri, S.
    The primary objective of this study is to investigate the effect of slip mechanisms in nanofluids through scaling analysis. The role of nanoparticle slip mechanisms in both water- and ethylene glycol-based nanofluids is analyzed by considering shape, size, concentration, and temperature of the nanoparticles. From the scaling analysis, it is found that all of the slip mechanisms are dominant in particles of cylindrical shape as compared to that of spherical and sheet particles. The magnitudes of slip mechanisms are found to be higher for particles of size between 10 and 80 nm. The Brownian force is found to dominate in smaller particles below 10 nm and also at smaller volume fraction. However, the drag force is found to dominate in smaller particles below 10 nm and at higher volume fraction. The effect of thermophoresis and Magnus forces is found to increase with the particle size and concentration. In terms of time scales, the Brownian and gravity forces act considerably over a longer duration than the other forces. For copper-water-based nanofluid, the effective contribution of slip mechanisms leads to a heat transfer augmentation which is approximately 36% over that of the base fluid. The drag and gravity forces tend to reduce the Nusselt number of the nanofluid while the other forces tend to enhance it. © 2011 Fang et al.
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    Effect of flow maldistribution on the thermal performance of parallel microchannel cooling systems
    Manoj Siva, V.
    This paper brings out the phenomenon of the influence of flow maldistribution on temperature distribution in parallel microchannel system that is supposed to have an adverse effect on hot spot formation in microelectronic devices. An extensive experimental study is carried out where in the parameters affecting the flow maldistribution such as channel hydraulic diameter, channel flow configurations (U, Z, I type) and chip power are varied to study their effect on the pressure drop and temperature distribution across the parallel channels designed for liquid cooling of a CPU using distilled water. It is observed that the flow distribution among the channels improves significantly with a decrease in the channel hydraulic diameter due to higher pressure drop offered by each individual channels simultaneously. This results in a considerable reduction in both the peak temperature and the average temperature of the device with decrease in channel diameter and better temperature distribution. It is observed that a higher pressure drop in d = 88 μm induces more uniform distribution compared to d = 176 μm resulting in a 3 C improvement in the standard deviation of temperature on the chip surface and a reduction in maximum surface temperature. Higher heat fluxes induce a reduction in viscosity of the fluid resulting in higher flow maldistribution. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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    Numerical Investigation of Forced Convective Heat Transfer Characteristics of a Porous Channel Filled With Al2O3-Water Nanofluid in the Presence of Heaters and Coolers
    Vadri, Siva Sai
    In this analysis, forced convective heat transfer characteristics of Al2O3-water nanofluid through a porous channel with several combinations of heaters and coolers is investigated numerically. The two-dimensional equations governing nanofluid flow and heat transfer through porous media are discretized using in-house code with Streamline Upwind Petrov Galerkin-based Finite Element Method. Darcy–Brinkman–Forchheimer’s generalized porous media model is used in this study. The average Nusselt number of basefluid without porous media, nanofluid with and without porous media cases are compared for different Peclet numbers and the effect of Peclet number on stream lines and isotherms are studied for nanofluid with and without porous media cases. In addition to this the effect of Darcy number, porosity, and nanoparticle volume fraction on the performance of average Nusselt number is investigated. From these results, it is observed that the average Nusselt number increases with decrease in Darcy number. From this analysis, it can be concluded that addition of porous media results in enhancement of heat transfer and can be used as a potential technique for electronic cooling applications.
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    Insights into the evolution of the thermal field in evaporating sessile pure water drops
    Josyula, Tejaswi
    We investigate the evolution of the thermal field during evaporation, a fundamental aspect of evaporating sessile drops. With numerous reports in the literature investigating the contact line dynamics, we aspire to identify generalized features in the evolution of the thermal field and ultimately correlate these with the contact line dynamics. Considering a broad range of experimental parameters such as substrate wettability, substrate temperature, initial volume of the drop, and ambient relative humidity results in a wide range of evaporation rates, in turn affecting the strength of internal convective flows. Infrared thermography is utilized to extract the thermal field at the liquid–vapor interface, and optical imaging is used to record the evolution of drop shape during evaporation. We observe that the onset and presence of a convective cell as a cold spot at the interface highlights a non-axisymmetry in the thermal field. In consequence, a hitherto unreported asymmetry in the internal flow field is observed, as evidenced by the particle image velocimetry. Among the multitude of experiments conducted, we report four distinct trends in the evolution of interfacial temperature difference depending on the presence and duration of the presence of the convective cell, which are elucidated by discussing the evolution of maximum and minimum temperatures at the interface. The interplay between heat conducted into the drop and heat released due to evaporation can result in a momentary decrease in temperature of the drop, which is not reported previously. Lastly, a theoretical estimate for the temperature difference within the drop is extracted using vapor diffusion model and energy balance during evaporation. Comparison of this theoretical temperature difference with experimental observations highlights the influence of internal convective flows in homogenizing the thermal field within the drop.
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    A parametric study on phase change heat transfer due to Taylor-Bubble coalescence in a square minichannel
    (01-01-2014) ;
    Freystein, Martin
    Stephan, Peter
    In this paper, a numerical investigation of the phase change characteristics of Taylor-Bubbles (T-B) during flow boiling of FC-72 in a square minichannel is carried out. Multiple Taylor-Bubbles starting from their nucleation, growth and coalescence along with the associated heat transfer mechanisms have been modeled. The temporal variation of bubble coalescence pattern is found to exhibit a good agreement with the in-house experimental measurements conducted in microgravity environment. A detailed parametric study is conducted to understand the effects of Reynolds number (Re), wall superheat (ΔTw), bubble nucleation radii, and the surface tension expressed in terms of Capillary number (Ca) on the T-B nucleation and coalescence characteristics. The parametric study reveals that the nucleating bubbles tend to grow and coalesce faster at Re = 500 compared to Re = 50 due to higher temperature gradients leading to enhanced evaporation rates. The phenomenon of bubble 'roll-off' is observed when the wall and liquid are both superheated to 2 K due to absence of heat transfer between the top wall of the channel and the T-B. Also it is observed that the bubble coalescence time is reduced nearly by a factor of two for the coalescence of unequal bubble sizes. At higher values of Ca, both coalescence and break-up of T-B occur in succession while at lower values no coalescence is observed. The heat flux contours in the vicinity of the T-B contact line region predicted by the numerical model is found to exhibit a good qualitative agreement with the experimental measurement. It is inferred that of the parameters studied, Re and ΔTw are the two most significant factors that influence wall heat transfer during T-B coalescence. © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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    A comparative study of flow regimes and thermal performance between flat plate pulsating heat pipe and capillary tube pulsating heat pipe
    Takawale, Anand
    Abraham, Satyanand
    Sielaff, Axel
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    Stephan, Peter
    This paper reports the results of an experimental study to investigate the performance comparison between two Pulsating Heat Pipes namely, a Flat Plate Pulsating Heat Pipe (FPPHP) and a Capillary Tube Pulsating Heat Pipe (CTPHP). The comparison is made based on the flow regimes and the corresponding thermal performances at heat inputs varying from 20 W to 180 W with filling ratios of 40%, 60%, and 80%. Experiments are performed in the vertical bottom heating mode with ethanol as the working fluid. The pressure inside the PHPs and temperatures at the evaporator and condenser region are measured along with a recording of the internal flow regimes using a high-speed camera. Slug-plug flow is observed to be the dominant flow regime in both the PHPs. However, the amplitude of oscillations is found to be higher in CTPHP as compared to FPPHP. The reduction in thermal resistance of FPPHP and CTPHP due to the presence of working fluid is about 83% and 35% of the corresponding thermal resistances without any working fluid respectively. CTPHP shows better thermal performance than FPPHP due to the presence of lateral conduction arising in the latter which has a detrimental effect on the slug-plug oscillations.
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    Modeling of compressible phase-change heat transfer in a Taylor-Bubble with application to pulsating heat pipe (PHP)
    Ghanta, Nikhilesh
    The present work deals with the development of a compressible phase-change solver and implementation toward the numerical modeling and investigation of a part-unit cell of a pulsating heat pipe (PHP). The fundamental understanding of the working of the part-unit cell is imperative in the development of a complete Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model of a PHP. The compressible model developed in the present work is based on the Volume-of-Fluid solver of the open source CFD software, OpenFOAM, in which the contour-based interface reconstruction algorithm and the contact-line evaporation model have been incorporated. Owing to the lack of a single standard benchmark validation case for a compressible phase-change solver, a huge emphasis in the present work is laid on the solver development and validation, the latter part of which is conducted in stages. Furthermore, simulations for the formation of a Taylor-Bubble through a constrained bubble growth are performed and the fallacy of an incompressible solver is shown distinctly. The validated solver is used to model a part-unit cell of a PHP and a parametric study is performed on the part-unit cell. The effect of variation of evaporator length, evaporator superheat, and liquid fill ratio on the performance of the PHP is discussed.
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    Assessment of Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Metallic Porous Foam Configurations in Laminar Slot Jet Impingement: An Experimental Study
    Kumar, Chinige Sampath
    An experimental study using the liquid crystal thermography technique is conducted to investigate the convective heat transfer performance in jet impingement cooling using various porous media configurations. Aluminum porous foams are used in the present study. Four impinging jet configurations are considered: jet impingement (1) without porous media, (2) over the porous heat sink, (3) with porous obstacle case, and (4) through porous passage. These configurations are evaluated on the basis of the convective heat transfer enhancement for two different Reynolds numbers of 400 and 700. Jet impingement with porous heat sink showed deterioration in the average Nusselt number by 9.95% and 18.04% compared to jet impingement without porous media configuration for Reynolds numbers of 400 and 700, respectively. Jet impingement with porous obstacles showed a very negligible enhancement in the average Nusselt number by 3.48% and 2.73% for Reynolds numbers of 400 and 700, respectively. However, jet impingement through porous passage configuration showed a maximum enhancement in the average Nusselt number by 52.71% and 74.68% and stagnation Nusselt numbers by 58.08% and 53.80% compared to the jet impingement without porous medium for Reynolds numbers of 400 and 700, respectively. Within the porous properties considered, it is observed that by decreasing the permeability and porosity the convective heat transfer performance tends to increase.
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    A single-component nonhomogeneous lattice boltzmann model for natural convection in Al2O3/water nanofluid
    Savithiri, S.
    Natural convection heat transfer in Al2O3/water nanofluid is analyzed using the single-component nonhomogeneous lattice Boltzmann method (SCNHLBM). There exists a contradictory observation between the numerical and experimental works in the literature with respect to the heat transfer of nanofluids in natural convection. Nanofluid is treated as a single component with nonhomogeneous particle distribution introduced by a concentration transport equation of nanoparticles by considering the Brownian and thermophoretic diffusions. The average Nusselt number is found to deteriorate with increasing nanoparticle volume fraction; thus the trend of the experimental results is captured using SCNHLBM. Addition of Brownian and thermophoretic diffusion results in additional thermal diffusion and hence reduces the convective transport of heat. The contribution of Brownian and thermophoretic diffusions in heat transfer deterioration is revealed.