R Panner Selvam
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R Panner Selvam
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R Panner Selvam
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Panneer Selvam, R.
Selvam, Panneer
Panneer Selvam, RajamanickamÂ
Panneer Selvam, Rajamanickam
Selvam, Rajamanickam Panneer
Selvam, R. Panneer
Rajamanickam, Panneer Selvam
Selvam, Panneer R.
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5 results
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- PublicationExperimental investigations on tension based tension leg platform (TBTLP)(01-01-2014)
;Bhaskara Rao, D. S.; Srinivasan, NaganTension Leg Platforms (TLPs) are one of the reliable structures in the offshore industry in deep waters because of its motion characteristics in heave, roll and pitch degrees of freedom (dof). Heave motion is very important in offshore facilities and have to be kept as minimum as possible. As the water depth increases TLPs suffers from some limitations and hence has to be modified to cater to deeper waters. One such concept proposed is Tension Based Tension Leg Platform (TBTLP). In this paper, experimental investigations carried out on a 1:150 scaled model of a Tension Based Tension Leg Platform in regular waves in 3 m water depth is reported. These are the first ever experiments which were carried out on a scaled model of the new concept. To investigate the effects of Tension Base, experiments were also conducted on the TLP (without Tension Base). Responses have been compared in terms of Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) for surge, heave and pitch dof for TBTLP and TLP. Numerical modeling of the TLP and TBTLP responses using ANSYS® AQWA™ software is included as well for comparisons. - PublicationHydrodynamic behavior of truss pontoon mobile offshore base platform(01-01-2016)
;Sakthivel, Somansundar; Srinivasan, NaganVery Large Floating Structures (VLFS) are highly specialized floating structures with variety of applications ranging from airport strips to floating motels offshore ports etc. Their economic design is based on their hydro-elastic behavior due to wave environmental forces. VLFS are extra large in size and mostly extra long in span and for that reason they are mostly modularized into several smaller structures and integrated. VLFSs may be classified into two broad categories, namely the semi-submersible type and the pontoon-type. The former type of VLFSs having their platform raised above the sea level and supported by columns resting on submerged pontoons and can minimize the effects of wave actions. In open sea, where the wave heights are relatively large, the semi-submersible VLFSs are preferred. On the other hand, the pontoon-type VLFS is a simple flat box structure floating on the sea surface. It is very flexible compared to other kinds of offshore structures, and so its elastic deformations are more important than their rigid body motions. The critical problem is the longitudinal bending moment of the long floating vessel in waves/current environment. Most of the present available VLFS designs are not economical for applications in hostile ocean. This paper presents hydrodynamic analysis carried out on an innovative VLFS called truss pontoon Mobile Offshore Base (MOB) platform concept proposed by Srinivasan [1]. The concept uses a strong deck with strong longitudinal beams to take care of the needed bending moment of the vessel for the survival, standby and operational conditions of the wave. At the submerged bottom just above the keel-tank top, a simple open-frame trussstructure is used instead of a heavy shell type pontoon. Thus the truss-pontoon provides the necessary flow transparency for the reduction of the wave exciting forces and consequently the heave motions and the vertical acceleration. Numerical analysis of truss pontoon MOB platform is carried out using HYDroelastic Response ANalysis (HYDRAN). Responses of the isolated scaled module in waves are obtained from these numerical tools and compared with published literature. Unconnected two modules and three modules are analysed using HYDRAN and the responses are compared with the isolated module. The proposed concept yielded lesser responses as compared to semisubmersible conventional MOB platform. - PublicationTime and frequency domain analysis of self installing mono column wind float during operational phase(01-01-2015)
;Ramayan, Utkarsh; Srinivasan, NaganOffshore wind power is relatively a new emergent and is proving to be a better and superior alternative for producing carbon neutral energy. However the huge investments mainly in the form of capital (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX) casts a great doubt over the economic feasibility and viability towards the expansion of offshore wind power into deep waters. The present paper proposes a novel floating substructure designed and conceived by Nagan Srinivasan, incorporating the transportation and self-installation capability integrated within the primary design itself. This reduces the total investment incurred by reducing the CAPEX involved and hence sustains the planned and well documented growth of floating offshore wind farmsto deeper waters. - PublicationHydrodynamic analysis of self-installing mono column wind float during transition phase(01-01-2014)
;Ramayan, Utkarsh; Srinivasan, NaganOffshore wind energy has emerged as a major frontline competitor for producing sustainable and carbon free energy. With the recent advancement in engineering the researchers and developers are challenging the conventional wisdom of existing technology to improve the economics of wind power. Offshore wind turbines are rated in megawatts (MW) and costs approximately $1.5 million per MW for an installed capacity of 5 MW. On an average basis 5% to 15 % of this total capital investment goes into transportation and installation which is basically due to high day rates of jack up barges and other dynamic position vessels. An innovative floater conceived and designed by Nagan Srinivasan wherein the concept of self installation is introduced has been undertaken for hydrodynamic analysis during the transition phase in this study. Analysis has been carried out for different drafts and statistics of responses summarized for seastate 5. - PublicationHydrodynamic analysis of Tension Based Tension Leg Platform(01-12-2012)
;Bhaskara Rao, D. S.; Srinivasan, NaganTension Leg Platforms (TLPs) are one of the best options for offshore industry in deep waters due to proven motion response characteristics. These are water depth sensitive structures and the motion responses in vertical plane motions (heave, roll and pitch) are critical for a TLP. Tension Based TLP (TBTLP) is a new concept and finds application in much deeper waters. A provision of a tension base at mid-depth results in an economical design of TLP. In fact, the TLP installed at a certain depth without any modifications can be made to be deployed in much deeper water depths by means of a tension base. In this paper, the concept of TBTLP is highlighted and hydrodynamic analysis of the chosen platform has been carried out using ANSYS AQWA package. The motion responses in terms of Response Amplitude Operators (RAOs) of TBTLP with one Tension Base in surge, heave and pitch have been obtained and compared with a TLP without a tension base. Copyright © 2012 by ASME.