Now showing 1 - 10 of 14
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    Sloshing dynamics of shallow water tanks: Modal characteristics of hydraulic jumps
    Gurusamy, Saravanan
    Sanapala, V. S.
    The dynamics of slosh induced wave systems in shallow water tanks is analyzed for various excitation conditions. Shake table experiments have been systematically performed to understand the complex interaction of multi-wave system under harmonic excitation. From the experiments, it was observed that, for relatively large excitation amplitudes, the hydraulic jumps emanated around the resonance region. The hydraulic jump phenomenon is further explored for different tank aspect ratios, i.e, 2.5 ≤L∕B≤ 4.038. To establish the frequency bounds for hydraulic jumps, excitation amplitude and frequency are demarcated over the range of 0.841 ≤β≤ 1.628 and liquid depth range of 0.034 ≤h∕L≤0.069. The experimental bounds are juxtaposed with the theoretical bounds to analyze the margins present in hydraulic jumps. Although, the theoretical bound is independent of liquid depth, experimental observations clearly indicate a strong dependency.
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    A skewed kernel approach for the simulation of shocks using SPH
    Prasanna Kumar, S. S.
    Liu, G. R.
    A wide variety of jump discontinuities, such as shock fronts, are abound in high-speed flows. An accurate approximation of these fronts may require higher order techniques either under mesh-based methods or mesh-free methods. In the latter class, the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) is becoming popular as a promising method. However, the standard approach in SPH (like any other discrete methods) can result in highly diffusive solutions because of the inevitable use of artificial viscosity to suppress numerical oscillations. On the other hand, the SPH formulation allows innovative ways to model complicated phenomena. In this paper, we introduce the novel idea of a skewed Gaussian kernel, to improve the shock capturing capability in high speed flows. Here, the standard Gaussian kernel function is modified, and its ‘shape’ is altered with a predesigned tunable skewness parameter, while the basic unity property of the kernel function is still preserved. The SPH with the proposed skewed Gaussian kernel is then applied on a number of benchmark problems in computational fluid dynamics, featuring shocks. The simulations have shown significantly better shock capture through the skewed kernel approach as against the standard techniques, with almost no increase in computational time. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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    An assessment of turbulence models for the prediction of flow past a circular cylinder with momentum injection
    Muddada, Sridhar
    Reynolds averaged Navier-Stokes equations (RANS) are solved to simulate the flow past a circular cylinder. Momentum injection through Moving Surface Boundary-layer Control (MSBC) with zero net mass injection is implemented to achieve wake control. Popular eddy viscosity based closure models are assessed for their predictive capability of turbulent wake characteristics. For the present simulation, sub-critical Reynolds number (Re) of 3900 is chosen, where extensive validations are available. A stabilization approach is proposed to model, predict and control vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder. Along with the mass, momentum conservation, turbulent kinetic energy (TKE) and its rate of dissipation equations are solved with the objective of achieving the annihilation of wake structures. To enable momentum injection, two simple rotary type control cylinders are located at 120°, behind the main cylinder. The ratio of the main cylinder, control cylinder and gap between them are fixed at D: 0.1D: 0.01D, respectively. These control cylinders, which are like externally controllable actuators, are assessed for their ability to influence momentum injection and hence wake patterns. The popular finite volume based Semi Implicit Pressure Linked Equations (SIMPLE) scheme is employed for the numerical calculations. Detailed assessment of different eddy viscosity based turbulence models viz., standard k-ε, Renormalization Group (RNG) k-ε, realizable k-ε and k-ε version of Kato-Launder (KL) is carried out. As a precursor, validation of turbulence statistics such as, mean streamwise velocity along the wake centerline, mean pressure coefficient on the cylinder surface and time averaged Reynolds stresses etc. is carried out against known experimental and numerical computations. The role of externally controllable actuators on the fluid flow patterns past a circular configuration is assessed with the help of streaklines, streamlines, vorticity, Reynolds stress contours etc. Complete suppression of vortex shedding is observed for an injection parameter (defined as the ratio of control cylinder velocity (Uc) to that of the freestream (U∞)) ξ=6.0. The results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of a rather simple momentum injection strategy in suppressing turbulent vortex structures. © 2010 Elsevier Ltd.
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    Efficient parallelization of SPH algorithm on modern multi-core CPUs and massively parallel GPUs
    Jagtap, Pravin
    Sanapala, V. S.
    Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is fast emerging as a practically useful computational simulation tool for a wide variety of engineering problems. SPH is also gaining popularity as the back bone for fast and realistic animations in graphics and video games. The Lagrangian and mesh-free nature of the method facilitates fast and accurate simulation of material deformation, interface capture, etc. Typically, particle-based methods would necessitate particle search and locate algorithms to be implemented efficiently, as continuous creation of neighbor particle lists is a computationally expensive step. Hence, it is advantageous to implement SPH, on modern multi-core platforms with the help of High-Performance Computing (HPC) tools. In this work, the computational performance of an SPH algorithm is assessed on multi-core Central Processing Unit (CPU) as well as massively parallel General Purpose Graphical Processing Units (GP-GPU). Parallelizing SPH faces several challenges such as, scalability of the neighbor search process, force calculations, minimizing thread divergence, achieving coalesced memory access patterns, balancing workload, ensuring optimum use of computational resources, etc. While addressing some of these challenges, detailed analysis of performance metrics such as speedup, global load efficiency, global store efficiency, warp execution efficiency, occupancy, etc. is evaluated. The OpenMP and Compute Unified Device Architecture(CUDA) parallel programming models have been used for parallel computing on Intel Xeon(R) E5-2630 multi-core CPU and NVIDIA Quadro M4000 and NVIDIA Tesla p100 massively parallel GPU architectures. Standard benchmark problems from the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) literature are chosen for the validation. The key concern of how to identify a suitable architecture for mesh-less methods which essentially require heavy workload of neighbor search and evaluation of local force fields from neighbor interactions is addressed.
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    Numerical simulation of flow through an eccentric annulus with heat transfer
    Chauhan, Amit K.
    Prasad, B. V.S.S.S.
    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of narrow gap on the fluid flow and heat transfer through an eccentric annular region is numerically. Flow through an eccentric annular geometry is a model problem of practical interest. Design/methodology/approach: The approach involves standard finite volume-based SIMPLE scheme. The numerical simulations cover the practically relevant Reynolds number range of 104-106. Findings: In the narrow gap region, temperature shoot up was observed due to flow maldistribution with an attendant reduction in the heat removal from the wall surfaces. CFD analysis is presented with the aid of, streamlines, isotherms, axial velocity contours, etc. The engineering parameters of interest such as, Nusselt number, wall shear stress, etc., is presented to study the effect of eccentricity and radius ratio. Research limitations/implications: The present investigation is a simplified model for the rod bundle heat transfer studies. However, the detailed study of sectorial mass flux distribution is a useful precursor to the thermal hydraulics of rod bundles. Practical implications: For nuclear reactor fuel rods, the effect of eccentricity is going to be detrimental and might lead to the condition of critical heat flux. A thorough sub-channel analysis is very useful. Social implications: Nuclear safety standards require answers to a wide a range of what-if type hypothetical scenarios to enable preparedness. This study is a highly simplified model and a first step in that direction. Originality/value: The narrow gap region has been systematically investigated for the first time. A detailed sectorial analysis reveals that, flow maldistribution and the attendant temperature shoot up in the narrow gap region is detrimental to the safe operation.
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    Active flow control of vortex induced vibrations of a circular cylinder subjected to non-harmonic forcing
    Muddada, Sridhar
    A wide variety of waves and currents are abound in wind and ocean engineering practice. These wave forms could be harmonic as well as non-harmonic and may lead to the formation of wake vortices, behind a circular cylinder. The alternating lift forces on such structures could in turn result in damaging flow induced vibrations. In the present study, we propose a simple momentum injection based active flow control strategy to suppress such vortex induced oscillations at low Reynolds numbers. Two small control cylinders located at 120°, behind the main cylinder play the role of actuators, that enforce the desired momentum injection. Detailed Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) simulations are carried out, by solving mass, momentum conservation equations in conjunction with a control equation, and a dynamical evolution equation for the structural motion. Non-harmonic inlet forcing on a flexibly mounted circular cylinder generates vortex induced vibrations, which is numerically simulated. Then by controlling the wake vortices, vortex induced vibrations are completely controlled. Analysis of the leeward region behind the main cylinder reveals a different wake signature, with blobs of residual vorticity along the wake centreline. This is attributed to the phase asynchrony between the inlet forcing and the vortex induced vibrations.
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    Energetically efficient proportional-integral-differential (PID) control of wake vortices behind a circular cylinder
    Das, Pramode K.
    Mathew, Sam
    The control of vortex shedding behind a circular cylinder is a precursor to a wide range of external shear flow problems in engineering, in particular the flow-induced vibrations. In the present study, numerical simulation of an energetically efficient active flow control strategy is proposed, for the control of wake vortices behind a circular cylinder at a low Reynolds number of 100. The fluid is assumed to be incompressible and Newtonian with negligible variation in properties. Reflectionally symmetric controllers are designed such that, they are located on a small sector of the cylinder over which, tangential sliding mode control is imparted. In the field of modern controls, proportional (P), integral (I) and differential (D) control strategies and their numerous combinations are extremely popular in industrial practice. To impart suitable control actuation, the vertically varying lift force on the circular cylinder, is synthesised for the construction of an error term. Four different types of controllers considered in the present study are, P, I, PI and PID. These controllers are evaluated for their energetic efficiency and performance. A linear quadratic optimal control problem is formulated, to minimise the cost functional. By performing detailed simulations, it was observed that, the system is energetically efficient, even when the twin eddies are still persisting behind the circular cylinder. To assess the adaptability of the controllers, the actuators were switched on and off to study their dynamic response.
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    Effective mapping of an SPH algorithm on massively parallel GPU architecture
    Jagtap, Pravin
    In the present study, the performance of a Lagrangian, mesh-free, particle-based method called Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) is investigated on a General Purpose Graphics Processing Unit (GPGPU) architecture. A one-to-one mapping of host (CPU) function to device (GPU) kernel is particularly used. A new methodology of sorting the evolution of spatio-temporal data of particles based on cells is tested on GPU for efficiency measures such as speedup, Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) utilization, warp execution, occupancy of each kernel with different grids, block sizes, etc. Thread-divergence caused by spline and Wendland families of weighting functions has been studied. In SPH algorithm, an overall speedup of 15× was achieved on GPU.
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    Numerical simulation of liquid fall induced gas entrainment and its mitigation
    Satpathy, K.
    Velusamy, K.
    Chellapandi, P.
    In a number of chemical and nuclear engineering applications, a cover gas is maintained above a liquid pool. In a fast breeder reactor (FBR), argon gas is maintained above the sodium pools to ensure no direct contact between air and liquid sodium. Nevertheless, argon entrains into sodium by a variety of mechanisms, which is detrimental to the reactivity of the core. Furthermore, a large number of components that remain partially submerged in the liquid pool, aid in this undesirable gas entrainment process. The present study numerically explores liquid fall induced gas entrainment in an FBR hot pool. A passive strategy to mitigate gas entrainment is suggested in the form of a circumferential baffle plate. An optimal design for the baffle is achieved through systematic Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
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    Numerical simulation of vortex induced vibrations and its control by suction and blowing
    Muralidharan, K.
    Muddada, Sridhar
    The vortex formation and shedding behind bluff structures is influenced by fluid flow parameters such as, Reynolds number, surface roughness, turbulence level, etc. and structural parameters such as, mass ratio, frequency ratio, damping ratio, etc. When a structure is flexibly mounted, the Kármán vortex street formed behind the structure gives rise to vortex induced oscillations. The control of these flow induced vibrations is of paramount practical importance for a wide range of designs. An analysis of flow patterns behind these structures would enable better understanding of wake properties and their control. In the present study, flow past a smooth circular cylinder is numerically simulated by coupling the mass, momentum conservation equations along with a dynamical evolution equation for the structure. An active flow control strategy based on zero net mass injection is designed and implemented to assess its efficacy. A three actuator system in the form of suction and blowing slots are positioned on the cylinder surface. A single blowing slot is located on the leeward side of the cylinder, while two suction slots are positioned at an angle α=100°. This system is found to effectively annihilate the vortex induced oscillations, when the quantum of actuations is about three times the free stream velocity. The dynamic adaptability of the proposed control strategy and its ability to suppress vortex induced oscillations is verified. The exact quantum of actuation involved in wake control is achieved by integrating a control equation to decide the actuator response in the form of a closed loop feed back system. Simulations are extended to high Reynolds number flows by employing eddy viscosity based turbulence models. The three actuator system is found to effectively suppress vortex induced oscillations. © 2012 Elsevier Inc.