Anjan Chakravorty
Preferred name
Anjan Chakravorty
Official Name
Anjan Chakravorty
Alternative Name
Chakravorty, A.
Chakravorty, Anjan
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2 results
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- PublicationModeling of High-Q Conical Inductors and MOM Capacitors for Millimeter- Wave Applications(01-12-2020)
;Jeyaraman, Sathyasree ;Vanukuru, Venkata Narayana Rao ;Nair, DeleepConical inductors and metal-oxide-metal (MOM) capacitors are shown to have higher quality factor ( ${Q}$ ) characteristics at millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequencies over conventional inductors and nitride MIM capacitors. In this work, Physics-based analytical models are developed for conical inductors and MOM capacitors usable at mm-wave frequencies. The linear voltage profile along the turns of the conical inductor is taken into account for capacitance calculation which is critical in accurately predicting ${Q}$ -values. Two RL networks coupled by capacitors are proposed to capture the frequency-dependent characteristics of the MOM capacitor. The lumped elements in both these device models are frequency independent and can be calculated using layout and process parameters. The proposed models for conical inductors and MOM capacitors are verified with electromagnetic (EM) simulations till 100 GHz. A prototype 60-GHz bandpass filter (BPF) is fabricated using $0.18~\mu \text{m}$ RF-silicon on insulator (SOI) technology to validate the accuracy of the developed compact models. BPF simulation results using the proposed models are shown to be in excellent agreement with those produced with EM simulations and silicon measurements. - PublicationCompact Modeling of Proximity Effect in High- Q Tapered Spiral Inductors(01-04-2018)
;Sathyasree, J. ;Vanukuru, Venkata ;Nair, DeleepThis letter presents a technique to accurately predict the proximity effect losses in spiral inductors with variable width and spacing (taper) across the turns. The change in magnetic flux in a spiral turn due to the nearby non-uniformly spaced traces is considered while developing expression that captures proximity effect. A broadband, scalable, and frequency-independent compact model is developed for tapered inductors using the proposed technique. Resistance, inductance, and quality factor plots are shown for spiral inductors with different values of taper. Excellent agreement between model and EM simulated/measured data demonstrates the scalability of the proposed model. The proposed model can be used to accurately predict the high possible with tapered inductors.