Now showing 1 - 10 of 25
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    Statistics-based baseline-free approach for rapid inspection of delamination in composite structures using ultrasonic guided waves
    Jagadeeshwar, Tabjula L.
    ; ;
    Delamination in composite structures is characterized by a resonant cavity wherein a fraction of an ultrasonic guided wave may be trapped. Based on this wave trapping phenomenon, we propose a baseline-free statistical approach for the identification and localization of delamination using sparse sampling and density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) technique. The proposed technique can be deployed for rapid inspection with minimal human intervention. The Performance of the proposed technique in terms of its ability to determine the precise location of such defects is quantified through the probability of detection measurements. The robustness of the proposed technique is tested through extensive simulations consisting of different random locations of defects on flat plate structures with different sizes and orientation as well as different values of signal to noise ratio of the simulated data. The simulation results are also validated using experimental data and the results are found to be in good agreement.
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    Outage Probability Expressions for an IRS-Assisted System with and Without Source-Destination Link for the Case of Quantized Phase Shifts in κ - μ Fading
    Charishma, Mavilla
    Subhash, Athira
    Shekhar, Shashank
    In this work, we study the outage probability (OP) at the destination of an intelligent reflecting surface (IRS) assisted communication system in a \kappa -\mu fading environment. A practical system model that takes into account the presence of phase error due to quantization at the IRS when a) source-destination (SD) link is present and b) SD link is absent is considered. First, an exact expression is derived, and then we derive three simple approximations for the OP using the following approaches: (i) uni-variate dimension reduction, (ii) moment matching and, (iii) Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence minimization. The resulting expressions for OP are simple to evaluate and quite tight even in the tail region. The validity of these approximations is demonstrated using extensive Monte Carlo simulations. We also study the impact of the number of bits available for quantization, the position of IRS with respect to the source and destination and the number of IRS elements on the OP for systems with and without an SD link. We also demonstrate how the method of moment matching and KL divergence minimization can be used to analyze systems experiencing spatial correlation between the IRS elements.
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    Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Blind mmWave MIMO Beam Alignment
    Raj, Vishnu
    Nayak, Nancy
    Directional beamforming is a crucial component for realizing robust wireless millimeter wave (mmWave) communication systems. Beam alignment using brute-force search introduces time overhead, and the location aided blind beam alignment adds additional hardware requirements to the system. In this paper, we propose a blind beam alignment method based on the radio frequency (RF) fingerprints of the user equipment obtained from the base stations. The proposed system performs blind beam alignment using deep reinforcement learning on a multiple-base station cellular environment with multiple mobile users. We present a novel neural network architecture that can handle a mix of both continuous and discrete actions and use policy gradient methods to train the model. Our results show that the proposed method can achieve a data rate of up to four times the data rate of the traditional method without any overheads.
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    On the Asymptotic Performance Analysis of the k-th Best Link Selection Over Non-Identical Non-Central Chi-Square Fading Channels
    Subhash, Athira
    Al-Badarneh, Yazan H.
    Alouini, Mohamed Slim
    This paper derives the asymptotic distribution of the normalized k-th maximum order statistics of a sequence of non-central chi-square random variables with non-identical non-centrality parameters. We demonstrate the utility of these results in characterizing the signal-to-noise ratio in three different applications in wireless communication systems where the statistics of the k-th maximum channel power over Rician fading links are of interest. Furthermore, we derive simple expressions for the asymptotic outage probability, average throughput, achievable throughput, and average bit error probability. The proposed results are validated via extensive Monte Carlo simulations.
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    Beyond 5G: Leveraging Cell Free TDD Massive MIMO Using Cascaded Deep Learning
    Athreya, Navaneet
    Raj, Vishnu
    This letter deals with the calibration of Time Division Duplexing (TDD) reciprocity in an Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) based Cell Free Massive MIMO system where the responses of the (Radio Frequency) RF chains render the end to end channel non-reciprocal, even though the physical wireless channel is reciprocal. We further address the non-availability of the uplink channel estimates at locations other than pilot subcarriers and propose a single-shot solution to estimate the downlink channel at all subcarriers from the uplink channel at selected pilot subcarriers. We propose a cascade of two Deep Neural Networks (DNN) to achieve the objective. The proposed method is easily scalable and removes the need for relative reciprocity calibration based on the cooperation of antennas, which usually introduces dependency in Cell Free Massive MIMO systems.
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    Optimal Phase Shift Design for Fair Allocation in RIS-Aided Uplink Network Using Statistical CSI
    Subhash, Athira
    Kammoun, Abla
    Elzanaty, Ahmed
    Al-Badarneh, Yazan H.
    Alouini, Mohamed Slim
    Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces (RIS) can be crucial in next-generation communication systems. However, designing the RIS phases according to the instantaneous channel state information (CSI) can be challenging in practice due to the short coherent time of the channel. In this regard, we propose a novel algorithm based on the channel statistics of massive multiple input multiple output systems rather than the instantaneous CSI. The beamforming at the base station (BS), power allocation of the users, and phase shifts at the RIS elements are optimized to maximize the minimum signal-to-interference and noise ratio (SINR), guaranteeing fair operation among various users. In particular, we design the RIS phases by leveraging the asymptotic deterministic equivalent of the minimum SINR that depends only on the channel statistics. This significantly reduces the computational complexity and the amount of controlling data between the BS and RIS for updating the phases. This setup is also useful for electromagnetic fields (EMF)-aware systems with constraints on the maximum user's exposure to EMF. The numerical results show that the proposed algorithms achieve more than 100 % gain in terms of minimum SINR, compared to a system with random RIS phase shifts, when 40 RIS elements, 20 antennas at the BS and 10 users, are considered.
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    Cooperative 3D Beamforming for Small-Cell and Cell-Free 6G Systems
    Gopi, Sarath
    Hanzo, Lajos
    Three dimensional (3D) resource reuse is an important design requirement for the prospective sixth generation (6 G) wireless communication systems. Hence, we propose a cooperative 3D beamformer for use in 3D space. Explicitly, we harness multiple base station antennas for joint zero forcing transmit pre-coding for beaming the transmit signals in specific 3D directions. The technique advocated is judiciously configured for use in both cell-based and cell-free wireless architectures. We evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme using the metric of Volumetric Spectral Efficiency (VSE). We also characterized the performance of the scheme in terms of its spectral efficiency (SE) and Bit Error Rate (BER) through extensive simulation studies.
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    Airplane-Aided Integrated Next-Generation Networking
    Srinivasan, Muralikrishnan
    Gopi, Sarath
    Huang, Xiaojing
    Hanzo, Lajos
    A high-rate yet low-cost air-to-ground (A2G) communication backbone is conceived for integrating the space and terrestrial network by harnessing the opportunistic assistance of the passenger planes or high altitude platforms (HAPs) as mobile base stations (BSs) and millimetre wave communication. The airliners act as the network-provider for the terrestrial users while relying on satellite backhaul. Three different beamforming techniques relying on a large-scale planar array are used for transmission by the airliner/HAP for achieving a high directional gain, hence minimizing the interference among the users. Furthermore, approximate spectral efficiency (SE) and area spectral efficiency (ASE) expressions are derived and quantified for diverse system parameters.
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    Transmit Power Policy and Ergodic Multicast Rate Analysis of Cognitive Radio Networks in Generalized Fading
    Subhash, Athira
    Srinivasan, Muralikrishnan
    Hanzo, Lajos
    This paper determines the optimum secondary user (SU) power allocation and ergodic multicast rate of point-to-multipoint communication in a cognitive radio network (CRN) in the presence of various quality of service (QoS) constraints for the primary users (PUs). Using tools from extreme value theory (EVT), it is first proved that the limiting distribution of the minimum of independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) signal-to-interference ratio (SIR) random variables (RVs) is a Weibull distribution, when the user signal and the interferer signals undergo independent and non-identically distributed (i.n.i.d.) kappa -mu shadowed fading. Also, the rate of convergence of the actual minimum distribution to the Weibull distribution is derived. This limiting distribution is then used for determining the optimum transmit power of a secondary network in an underlay CRN subject to three different QoS constraints at the primary network in a generalized fading scenario. Furthermore, the optimum transmit power and the asymptotic ergodic multicast rate of SUs is analyzed for varying channel fading parameters.
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    An Optimized SLM for PAPR Reduction in Non-Coherent OFDM-IM
    Gopi, Sarath
    In this letter, we propose a peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR) efficient non-coherent orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with index modulation (OFDM-IM). It is shown that the non-coherent OFDM-IM design, which minimizes PAPR, is a non-linear optimization problem. This can be visualized as the optimization of the phase factor in selected mapping (SLM) technique. Further, a special case is considered, where the inputs take only real values. We then show how to approximately solve it using simple linear integer programming and explicitly quantify the gap between the approximate and the optimal solutions. A computationally efficient heuristic scheme is developed to obtain a suboptimal solution of the integer optimization problem. Finally, our simulation results indicate the merits of the proposed schemes.