Now showing 1 - 10 of 37
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    Magnetic and magnetotransport properties of Ce doped nanocrystalline LaMnO3
    Krishnamoorthy, C.
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    Malik, S. K.
    The magnetic and electrical transport properties of Ce doped LaMnO3 bulk samples have already been reported for various Ce concentrations. However there are few reports on the magnetotransport properties of these compounds. In this paper, we report the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of nanocrystalline La0.8Ce0.2MnO3 and La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 samples with different particle size. The nanocrystalline samples with different particle size were prepared through citrate-complex method by calcining the precursor at different temperatures. The transmission electron microscopy analysis of both the compounds reveal that the particle size increases with calcination temperature. Temperature dependence of magnetization of all the samples shows ferro- to paramagnetic transition. The zero field cooled and field cooled magnetization curves show irreversibility just below the magnetic transition temperature. The temperature dependence of resistivity of all the samples exhibits a metal to insulator transition without an impurity peak around 250 K, which is generally observed in multiphase samples. The results indicate that magnetoresistance (MR) increases with decreasing particle size. The observed MR will be discussed by spin dependent tunneling and enhancement of double exchange mechanism upon application of magnetic field. The physical properties suggest that the samples are single phase in nature. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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    Magnetoresistance studies of Ho0.85Tb0.15Mn2-xFex (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2)
    Chelvane, J. Arout
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    Malik, S. K.
    Magnetoresistance (Δρ ρ) studies have been carried out on the C15-type cubic Laves phase Ho0.85Tb0.15Mn2-xFex (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2) compounds up to a magnetic field of 90kOe at temperatures 5, 30, and 100K. The lattice parameters were found to decrease with increasing x. The Curie temperature is found to increase with increasing x from 30to680K, which is attributed to the net increase in the exchange splitting of the spin-up and spin-down bands. A maximum value of Δρ ρ of -27% was observed for Ho0.85Tb0.15Mn2 around the ordering temperature. This is explained on the basis of nearest Mn-Mn critical distance. A positive magnetoresistance, increasing in a discontinuous manner with increasing field, due to the dependence of scattering of conduction electrons on large magnetoelastic interactions, was observed at 5K in Ho0.85Tb0.15Fe2. © 2005 The American Physical Society.
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    Particle size effect on magnetotransport properties of nanocrystalline Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO3
    Krishnamoorthy, C.
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    Malik, S. K.
    Nanocrystalline samples with an average particle size of 40 and 52 nm have been synthesized by citrate-complex auto-ignition method. Magnetic properties of the samples show para- to ferromagnetic transition at around 135 K. The electron magnetic resonance (EMR) study on these samples indicates the presence of coexistence of two magnetic phases below 290 K. Electrical resistivity follows variable range hopping (VRH) mechanism in the paramagnetic regime. The magnetoresistance (MR) data has been analysed by spin dependent hopping between the localized spin clusters together with the phase-separation phenomenon. These clusters are assumed to be formed by distribution of canted spins and defects all over the nanoparticle. In addition, the hopping barrier depends on the magnetic moment orientation of the clusters. The magnetic moments of the clusters are narrowly oriented in ferro- and are randomly oriented in paramagnetic phase. The ferromagnetic phase contributes to the total MR at low applied magnetic fields whereas the paramagnetic phase contributes at relatively high fields in both the samples. The average cluster size in ferromagnetic phase is bigger than that in paramagnetic phase. It is also observed that the cluster size, in ferromagnetic phase, in 52 nm sample is bigger than that in the 40 nm sample. However, the average cluster size in paramagnetic phase is almost same in both the samples. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
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    Reentrant ferromagnetism in Gd2Mn3Ge5
    Preliminary results of AC magnetic susceptibility, DC electrical resistivity and thermopower measurements on the new ternary compound Gd2Mn3Ge5 in the temperature range 15-300 K are reported. It is a ferromagnet at room temperature and the onset of ferromagnetism is observed around 236 K whereas reentrant ferromagnetism occurs near 88 K. The successive magnetic transitions are attributed to the layered structure of the compound. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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    Electrical and magnetotransport properties of canted antiferromagnet Dy5Si2Ge2
    (01-01-2002) ; ; ;
    Morozkin, A. V.
    Chu, Z.
    Yelon, W. B.
    Malik, S. K.
    Prasad, V.
    Subramanyam, S. V.
    Since the giant magnetocaloric effect is encountered in a ferromagnetic Gd5Si2Ge2 alloy near room temperature it is considered as a suitable material for magnetic refrigerator applications. Also a commensurate structural transition occurs at the magnetic transition temperature and there is a good correlation between the crystal structure and magnetic properties. Such observations have triggered numerous experimental studies on similar rare earth alloys and compounds. We have synthesized its Dy- analogue, namely, Dy5Si2Ge2 and have characterized it by means of room temperature X-ray diffraction, ac magnetic susceptibility (15 K-300 K), electrical resistivity (at zero field and at 6 T), thermoelectric power (15 K-300 K) and neutron diffraction (at 300 K and 9.2 K) experiments.
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    Magnetic and electrical properties of Ho0.85Tb 0.15Mn2 and Ho0.85Tb0.15Fe 2
    Chelvane, J. Arout
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    Malik, S. K.
    Magnetization and magnetoresistance studies have been carried out on Ho0.85Tb0.15Mn2 and Ho0.85Tb 0.15Fe2. The saturation magnetization of Ho 0.85Tb0.15Mn2 is found to be large compared to Ho0.85Tb0.15Fe2. A large negative magnetoresistance of 27% was observed for Ho0.85Tb 0.15Mn2 around the ordering temperature. In the paramagnetic region, a positive magnetoresistance at lower magnetic fields and negative magnetoresistance is at higher magnetic fields have been observed for Ho0.85Tb0.15Mn2. A positive magnetoresistance of 3.5% with a step-like behavior has been observed for Ho0.85Tb 0.15Fe2 at 5 K. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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    Magnetism and electronic transport in R2Mn3Si5 (R = Dy, Ho and Er) compounds
    (26-07-2001) ; ; ;
    Morozkin, A. V.
    Magnetic susceptibility, electrical resistivity and thermoelectric power measurements on new rare earth ternary intermetallic R2Mn3Si5 (R = Dy, Ho and Er) compounds crystallizing in the Sc2Fe3Si5-type tetragonal crystal structure were carried out in the temperature range 15-300 K. Dy- and Ho-based alloys show two successive magnetic transitions (Dy2Mn3Si5 at 76 and 32 K; Ho2Mn3Si5 at 67 and 19 K) and the Er-based compound undergoes a magnetic transition around 55 K. The electrical resistivity is ferromagnetic metal-like, displaying typical low temperature T2 dependence and a high temperature spin-disorder contribution. Thermoelectric power is negative at room temperature, crosses zero and has a broadened peak feature centered around 50 K indicating a phonon drag effect at low temperatures and it does not have the signature of magnetic ordering. The successive magnetic transitions are suggestive of the presence of competing magnetic interactions in these systems. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V.
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    Magnetization and neutron diffraction studies on Dy 5Si 2Ge 2
    (15-05-2005) ; ; ;
    Morozkin, A. V.
    Cai, Q.
    Chu, Z.
    Yang, J. B.
    Yelon, W. B.
    Malik, S. K.
    The compound Dy5 Si2 Ge2 crystallizes in an orthorhombic structure (Sm5 Ge4 type, space group Pnma). Magnetization measurements performed in the temperature range of 2-300 K in applied fields up to 7 T reveal that this compound orders antiferromagnetically at 56 K (TN) but with a positive paramagnetic Curie temperature θP. Magnetization-field isotherms, obtained at 5 K and 20 K, display a field-induced antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic transition. The magnetization approaches saturation in a field of 6 T with a moment value of ~8 μB Dy3+. Neutron diffraction measurements, carried out at 9.2 K, suggest that Dy moments arrange spirally along the a axis giving rise to a canted antiferromagnetic structure. The analysis of neutron diffraction data yields an ordered state magnetic moment of 7.63 μB per Dy3+ ion. © 2005 American Institute of Physics.
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    Magnetic, transport, and magnetocaloric properties of double perovskite oxide LaCaMnCo O6
    Mahato, Rabindra Nath
    Bharathi, K. Kamala
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    Nigam, A. K.
    Lamsal, Jagat
    Magnetic, magnetoresistive, and magnetocaloric properties of a novel double perovskite oxide, namely, LaCaMnCo O6 have been studied. Polycrystalline sample of LaCaMnCo O6 has been synthesized by sol-gel technique. It has cubic crystal structure (space group Fm 3- m) at room temperature. The temperature variation in magnetization reveals a steep increase in magnetization around 168 K (TC). The magnetization does not even saturate at 5 K and a magnetic moment of 0.7 μB f.u. is obtained at 5 K in an applied field of 50 kOe. The electrical resistivity measurement indicates that the material is semiconducting-like in the temperature range of ∼300-50 K and below ∼50 K the sample becomes insulating. A maximum magnetoresistance (MR) of about 8% is found at 200 K in an applied field of 7 T and MR has a negative sign. The magnetocaloric effect is calculated from the magnetization versus temperature data and a maximum magnetic entropy change of 3.1 Jkg K for a field change of 11 kOe is obtained near TC. Thus a moderate magnetocaloric effect is achieved in rather low magnetic fields. © 2009 American Institute of Physics.
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    Effect of Mn on the magnetic and electrical properties of Ho 0.85Tb0.15Fe2
    Chelvane, J. Arout
    Kumar, N. Harish
    Malik, S.