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    Magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of nanocrystalline Pr1 xA xMn 1 yCo yO 3 (A = Ca, Sr) (x = 0.3; y = 0.5) manganites
    Mahato, Rabindra Nath
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    Malik, S. K.
    Structural, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of sol-gel prepared, nanocrystalline oxides Pr 1-xA xMn1-yCo yO 3 (A = Ca, Sr) (x = 0.3; y = 0.5) (cubic, space group Fm3̄m) have been studied. From the X-ray data, the crystallite size of Pr 0.7Ca 0.3Mn 0.5Co 0.5O 3 and Pr 0.7Sr 0.3Mn 0.5Co 0.5O 3 samples is found to be ∼24 nm and ∼15 nm respectively. High resolution transmission electron microscopy image shows average particle size of ∼34 nm and ∼20 nm. Magnetization measurements indicate a Curie temperature of ∼153 K and ∼172 K in applied magnetic field of 100 Oe for Pr 0.7Ca 0.3Mn 0.5Co 0.5O 3 and Pr 0.7Sr 0.3Mn 0.5Co 0.5O 3 compounds. The magnetization versus applied magnetic field curves obtained at temperatures below 150 K show significant hysteresis and magnetization is not saturated even in a field of 7 T. The magnetocaloric effect is calculated from M versus H data obtained at various temperatures. Magnetic entropy change shows a maximum near T C for both the samples and is of the order ∼2.5 J/kg/K. © 2011 American Scientific Publishers.
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    Hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy of GdNi and HoNi
    Chuang, C. W.
    De Groot, F. M.F.
    Liao, Y. F.
    Chin, Y. Y.
    Tsuei, K. D.
    Malterre, D.
    Chainani, A.
    We study the electronic structure of GdNi and HoNi, which are magnetic materials with a Curie temperature Tc=69 and Tc=36K, respectively. These materials are useful for magnetic refrigerator applications at low temperature as they exhibit a large magnetocaloric effect near Tc. We have used hard x-ray photoemission spectroscopy (HAXPES) to investigate the core-level and valence-band electronic states of GdNi and HoNi. HAXPES measurements of the Gd and Ho 3d, 4d, 4p, 5p, and 4s core-level spectra have been compared with atomic multiplet calculations of Gd3+ and Ho3+ ionic configurations. The good match between the experimental and calculated spectra clarify the important role of spin-orbit coupling, as well as Coulomb and exchange interactions in the intermediate-coupling scheme. The core-level spectra also show plasmons in addition to the atomic multiplets. The Gd and Ho 4s spectra show clear evidence of exchange splitting. The Ni 2p and 3s spectra of GdNi and HoNi show a correlation satellite at a binding energy of 7 eV above their main peaks. The Ni 2p and Ni 3s spectra could be reproduced using charge transfer multiplet calculations. Valence-band HAXPES of GdNi and HoNi shows that the Gd 4f and Ho 4f features are also consistent with atomic multiplets and occur at high binding energies away from the Fermi level. The Ni 3d density of states are spread from the Fermi level to about 3 eV binding energy. The results indicate a partially filled Ni 3d band and show that the charge transfer model is not valid for describing the electronic structure of GdNi and HoNi.
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    Magnetic and magnetotransport properties of Ce doped nanocrystalline LaMnO3
    Krishnamoorthy, C.
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    Malik, S. K.
    The magnetic and electrical transport properties of Ce doped LaMnO3 bulk samples have already been reported for various Ce concentrations. However there are few reports on the magnetotransport properties of these compounds. In this paper, we report the magnetic and magnetotransport properties of nanocrystalline La0.8Ce0.2MnO3 and La0.7Ce0.3MnO3 samples with different particle size. The nanocrystalline samples with different particle size were prepared through citrate-complex method by calcining the precursor at different temperatures. The transmission electron microscopy analysis of both the compounds reveal that the particle size increases with calcination temperature. Temperature dependence of magnetization of all the samples shows ferro- to paramagnetic transition. The zero field cooled and field cooled magnetization curves show irreversibility just below the magnetic transition temperature. The temperature dependence of resistivity of all the samples exhibits a metal to insulator transition without an impurity peak around 250 K, which is generally observed in multiphase samples. The results indicate that magnetoresistance (MR) increases with decreasing particle size. The observed MR will be discussed by spin dependent tunneling and enhancement of double exchange mechanism upon application of magnetic field. The physical properties suggest that the samples are single phase in nature. © 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
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    Preservation of large low temperature magnetocaloric effect in metamagnetic intermetallic compounds RCu2 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) upon rapid solidification
    Rajivgandhi, R.
    Chelvane, J. Arout
    Nigam, A. K.
    Malik, S. K.
    In this work, magnetic and magnetocaloric properties of melt-spun RCu2 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) compounds have been studied. The melt-spun samples have formed in the same orthorhombic crystal structure (space group Imma, no. 74) as that of the arc-melted samples but with a development of crystallographic texture and micron-size grains. The melt-spun ribbons of RCu2 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) order antiferromagnetically at 43 K, 51 K, 28 K, 10 K and 11 K (TN) respectively. The ordering temperatures are almost the same as that of the arc-melted samples. The RCu2 compounds show one or more field induced transitions below TN. Therefore, a normal magnetocaloric effect is observed in these compounds when the magnetic field change is larger than the metamagnetic critical field and inverse magnetocaloric effect is observed for smaller field changes. The microgranularity does not seem to smear out the metamagnetic transition. The maximum of isothermal magnetic entropy change, ΔSmmax, is about −2.1 Jkg−1K−1, -5.5 Jkg−1K−1, -5.2 Jkg−1K−1, -17.2 Jkg−1K−1 and -11.7 Jkg−1K−1 respectively for the melt-spun RCu2 (R = Gd, Tb, Dy, Ho and Er) samples for 50 kOe field change. The refrigeration capacity is found to be 40 Jkg-1, 160 Jkg-1, 166 Jkg-1, 230 Jkg-1 and 207 Jkg-1 respectively, for the above samples. These values are nearly the same as that of the arc-melted counterparts. Thus the large magnetocaloric effect in the temperature range of 10 K–70 K make these melt-spun RCu2 samples potential materials for low temperature refrigeration applications. The results also ascertain melt-spinning process as an alternate technique for the production of magnetocaloric alloys and intermetallics.
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    Magnetoresistance studies of Ho0.85Tb0.15Mn2-xFex (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2)
    Chelvane, J. Arout
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    Malik, S. K.
    Magnetoresistance (Δρ ρ) studies have been carried out on the C15-type cubic Laves phase Ho0.85Tb0.15Mn2-xFex (x=0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, and 2) compounds up to a magnetic field of 90kOe at temperatures 5, 30, and 100K. The lattice parameters were found to decrease with increasing x. The Curie temperature is found to increase with increasing x from 30to680K, which is attributed to the net increase in the exchange splitting of the spin-up and spin-down bands. A maximum value of Δρ ρ of -27% was observed for Ho0.85Tb0.15Mn2 around the ordering temperature. This is explained on the basis of nearest Mn-Mn critical distance. A positive magnetoresistance, increasing in a discontinuous manner with increasing field, due to the dependence of scattering of conduction electrons on large magnetoelastic interactions, was observed at 5K in Ho0.85Tb0.15Fe2. © 2005 The American Physical Society.
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    Large magnetic entropy change in nanocrystalline [formula omitted]
    Mahato, Rabindra Nath
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    Nanocrystalline [formula omitted] sample has been prepared by sol-gel method. The room temperature powder x-ray diffraction data show single phase nature of the sample and confirm the cubic crystal structure with [formula omitted] space group. The average crystallite size is calculated using Scherrer formula, and it is found to be [formula omitted]. Transmission electron microscopy image shows that the particles are spherical in shape and the average particle size is [formula omitted]. The sample undergoes ferromagnetic ordering at 235 K [formula omitted] and obeys the Curie–Weiss law in the paramagnetic region. The maximum value of the magnetic entropy change [formula omitted] is [formula omitted], and the relative cooling power is [formula omitted] for a field change of 50 kOe. The Arrott plot confirms that the magnetic ordering is of second order nature. The experimentally observed magnetic entropy change of the sample obeys Landau theory of phase transition well. © 2010, American Institute of Physics. All rights reserved.
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    Particle size effect on magnetotransport properties of nanocrystalline Nd0.7Sr0.3MnO3
    Krishnamoorthy, C.
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    Malik, S. K.
    Nanocrystalline samples with an average particle size of 40 and 52 nm have been synthesized by citrate-complex auto-ignition method. Magnetic properties of the samples show para- to ferromagnetic transition at around 135 K. The electron magnetic resonance (EMR) study on these samples indicates the presence of coexistence of two magnetic phases below 290 K. Electrical resistivity follows variable range hopping (VRH) mechanism in the paramagnetic regime. The magnetoresistance (MR) data has been analysed by spin dependent hopping between the localized spin clusters together with the phase-separation phenomenon. These clusters are assumed to be formed by distribution of canted spins and defects all over the nanoparticle. In addition, the hopping barrier depends on the magnetic moment orientation of the clusters. The magnetic moments of the clusters are narrowly oriented in ferro- and are randomly oriented in paramagnetic phase. The ferromagnetic phase contributes to the total MR at low applied magnetic fields whereas the paramagnetic phase contributes at relatively high fields in both the samples. The average cluster size in ferromagnetic phase is bigger than that in paramagnetic phase. It is also observed that the cluster size, in ferromagnetic phase, in 52 nm sample is bigger than that in the 40 nm sample. However, the average cluster size in paramagnetic phase is almost same in both the samples. © 2006 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.
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    Reentrant ferromagnetism in Gd2Mn3Ge5
    Preliminary results of AC magnetic susceptibility, DC electrical resistivity and thermopower measurements on the new ternary compound Gd2Mn3Ge5 in the temperature range 15-300 K are reported. It is a ferromagnet at room temperature and the onset of ferromagnetism is observed around 236 K whereas reentrant ferromagnetism occurs near 88 K. The successive magnetic transitions are attributed to the layered structure of the compound. © 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
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    Magnetocaloric effect in textured rare earth intermetallic compound ErNi
    Sankar, Aparna
    Chelvane, J. Arout
    Morozkin, A. V.
    Nigam, A. K.
    Quezado, S.
    Malik, S. K.
    Melt-spun ErNi crystallizes in orthorhombic FeB-type structure (Space group Pnma, no. 62) similar to the arc-melted ErNi compound. Room temperature X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments reveal the presence of texture and preferred crystal orientation in the melt-spun ErNi. The XRD data obtained from the free surface of the melt-spun ErNi show large intensity enhancement for (1 0 2) Bragg reflection. The scanning electron microscopy image of the free surface depicts a granular microstructure with grains of ∼1 μm size. The arc-melted and the melt-spun ErNi compounds order ferromagnetically at 11 K and 10 K (TC) respectively. Field dependent magnetization (M-H) at 2 K shows saturation behaviour and the saturation magnetization value is 7.2 μB/f.u. for the arc-melted ErNi and 7.4 μB/f.u. for the melt-spun ErNi. The isothermal magnetic entropy change (ΔSm) close to TC has been calculated from the M-H data. The maximum isothermal magnetic entropy change, -ΔSmmax, is ∼27 Jkg-1K-1 and ∼24 Jkg-1K-1 for the arc-melted and melt-spun ErNi for 50 kOe field change, near TC. The corresponding relative cooling power values are ∼440 J/kg and ∼432 J/kg respectively. Although a part of ΔSm is lost to crystalline electric field (CEF) effects, the magnetocaloric effect is substantially large at 10 K, thus rendering melt-spun ErNi to be useful in low temperature magnetic refrigeration applications such as helium gas liquefaction.
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    The isothermal section of Gd-Ni-Si system at 1070 K
    Morozkin, A. V.
    Knotko, A. V.
    Yapaskurt, V. O.
    Manfrinetti, P.
    Pani, M.
    Provino, A.
    Quezado, S.
    Malik, S. K.
    The Gd-Ni-Si system has been investigated at 1070 K by X-ray and microprobe analyses. The existence of the known compounds, i.e.: GdNi10Si2, GdNi8Si3, GdNi5Si3, GdNi7Si6, GdNi6Si6, GdNi4Si, GdNi2Si2, GdNiSi3, Gd3Ni6Si2, GdNiSi, GdNiSi2, GdNi0.4Si1.6, Gd2Ni2.35Si0.65, Gd3NiSi2, Gd3NiSi3 and Gd6Ni1.67Si3, has been confirmed. Moreover, five new phases have been identified in this system. The crystal structure for four of them has been determined: Gd2Ni16-12.8Si1-4.2 (Th2Zn17-type), GdNi6.6Si6 (GdNi7Si6-type), Gd3Ni8Si (Y3Co8Si-type) and Gd3Ni11.5Si4.2 (Gd3Ru4Ga12-type). The compound with composition ~Gd2Ni4Si3 still remains with unknown structure. Quasi-binary phases, solid solutions, were detected at 1070 K to be formed by the binaries GdNi5, GdNi3, GdNi2, GdNi, GdSi2 and GdSi1.67; while no appreciable solubility was observed for the other binary compounds of the Gd-Ni-Si system. Magnetic properties of the GdNi6Si6, GdNi6.6Si6 and Gd3Ni11.5Si4.2 compounds have also been investigated and are here reported.