Shaikh Faruque Ali
Preferred name
Shaikh Faruque Ali
Official Name
Shaikh Faruque Ali
Alternative Name
Faruque Ali, Shaikh
Ali, S. F.
Ali, S. Faruque
Ali, Shaikh Faruque
Main Affiliation
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4 results
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- PublicationThe effect of noise on the response of a vertical cantilever beam energy harvester(01-05-2015)
;Friswell, M. I. ;Bilgen, O.; ;Litak, G.Adhikari, S.An energy harvesting concept has been proposed comprising a piezoelectric patch on a vertical cantilever beam with a tip mass. The cantilever beam is excited in the transverse direction at its base. This device is highly nonlinear with two potential wells for large tip masses, when the beam is buckled. For the pre-buckled case considered here, the stiffness is low and hence the displacement response is large, leading to multiple solutions to harmonic excitation that are exploited in the harvesting device. To maximise the energy harvested in systems with multiple solutions the higher amplitude response should be preferred. This paper investigates the amplitude of random noise excitation where the harvester is unable to sustain the high amplitude solution, and at some point will jump to the low amplitude solution. The investigation is performed on a validated model of the harvester and the effect is demonstrated experimentally. - PublicationEnergy generation in a hybrid harvester under harmonic excitation(01-01-2018)
;Rajarathinam, M.A hybrid energy harvester combining piezoelectric and electromagnetic transduction mechanisms is designed to harvest vibration energy. The system comprises of a cantilever beam PZT harvester and a magnetic mass hung through a spring at the free end. The beam with PZT harvests energy using piezoelectric effect while the hanging mass oscillates through a copper coil to harvest electromagnetic energy. This paper studies power harvested from the hybrid harvester under harmonic excitation using experimental and analytical evaluations. Comparisons are made with the standalone piezoelectric and electromagnetic harvesters under similar excitation environment. The study shows that the present hybrid harvester can harvest energy at a broad range of frequencies. Furthermore, a few parametric studies are carried out to understand the device output performance. The bandwidth of the harvester and the power harvested within the bandwidth can be designed based on the stiffness of the system and also by changing the electromechanical coupling coefficient. Studies reported also show that bandwidth of harvester can also be increased by increasing the magnetic mass. - PublicationTheoretical modeling of a 2D nano-energy harvester(01-01-2018)
;Somayajulu, D. ;Arockiarajan, A.Nano-piezoelectric energy harvesters, due to their ability to convert mechanical vibrations to electrical current, are apt candidates for self-powered NEMs devices. Further, these are strain based electrical potential generators and can be used in tactile devices for accurate position sensing. ZnO, due to its piezoelectric properties and semiconducting nature is the ideal candidate for such applications. This paper proposes an analytical model to explain the potentials generated due to ZnO nano-films on being subjected to different forms of static loading. The model also incorporates the effect of different boundary conditions imposed on the nano-film. A perturbation theory based approach has been used to generate the analytical model. Initially, the strains are calculated ignoring the piezoelectric effect. Later, the electromechanical coupling is taken into consideration and the potentials have been calculated as a second order effect. The finite element simulation results agree with the theory to an accuracy of 5%. The profiles for piezoelectric potential distribution agree also well with the simulations. These piezoelectric potential profiles can also be used in smart materials for obtaining the required deformation in a specimen by applying a similar electrical potential across it. - PublicationExploring 1:3 internal resonance for broadband piezoelectric energy harvesting(15-05-2021)
;Aravindan, M.Recent literature has shown that the spectral characteristics of a harvester can be significantly improved by invoking internal resonance between the modes. Taking motivation from this premise, the present work analyzes the nonlinear dynamics and harvesting performance of a 1:3 internally resonant piezoelectric cantilever beam with a lumped mass under harmonic excitation. The governing modal equations are derived using Galerkin's approach and Hamilton's principle of least action. The method of multiple scales has been used to study the dynamics of the harvester in the proximity of primary resonances. The steady state periodic responses of the harvester are obtained using a pseudo-arc continuation technique and subsequently, their implications on the harvested power are discussed. The frequency responses of the harvested power are shown to boast significantly high magnitudes across a wide frequency band due to the energy transfer between the modes near the primary resonances. Results presented in the study show that the higher mode invoked through internal resonance plays a significant role in broadband power generation. The transfer of energy between the modes is found to occur only within a certain threshold of excitation level which in turn affects the magnitude of harvested power. Numerical simulations have also been carried out the results of which are compared against the analytical results. The outcomes of this first-hand analysis shall aid in the proposition of an efficient design for a broadband energy harvester.