Naganathan Athi N.
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Naganathan Athi N.
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Naganathan Athi N.
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Naganathan, Athi N.
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57 results
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- PublicationProtein folding: how, why, and beyond(01-01-2020)Identifying the series of molecular events that take place when a protein molecule folds or unfolds has confounded and delighted researchers alike while challenging the limits of experimental approaches and the applicability of theoretical models and simulations. This chapter discusses the vast conformational space accessible to a protein chain, the diversity of weak noncovalent interactions it makes, the role of solvent compensating energetic-entropic terms, and the cellular environment, all of which weave an intricate fabric of complexity during the folding of a protein. Emphasis is placed on how generating conformational landscapes in a quantitative fashion can provide an unparalleled view of competing substates, which can either aid in or hinder folding, thus playing a role in function and disease. The role and effect of mutations, the drivers of evolution, are discussed in detail along with the current high pedestal of disordered proteins that has overturned the conventional structure-function paradigm.
- PublicationThe metal cofactor zinc and interacting membranes modulate sod1 conformation-aggregation landscape in an in vitro als model(01-04-2021)
;Sannigrahi, Achinta ;Chowdhury, Sourav ;Das, Bidisha ;Banerjee, Amrita ;Halder, Animesh ;Kumar, Amaresh ;Saleem, Mohammed; ;Karmakar, SanatChattopadhyay, KrishnanandaAggregation of Cu–Zn superoxide dismutase (SOD1) is implicated in the motor neuron disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Although more than 140 disease mutations of SOD1 are available, their stability or aggregation behaviors in membrane environment are not correlated with disease pathophysiology. Here, we use multiple mutational variants of SOD1 to show that the absence of Zn, and not Cu, significantly impacts membrane attachment of SOD1 through two loop regions facilitating aggregation driven by lipid-induced conformational changes. These loop regions influence both the primary (through Cu intake) and the gain of function (through aggregation) of SOD1 presumably through a shared conformational landscape. Combining experimental and theoretical frameworks using representative ALS disease mutants, we develop a ‘co-factor derived membrane association model’ wherein mutational stress closer to the Zn (but not to the Cu) pocket is responsible for membrane association-mediated toxic aggregation and survival time scale after ALS diagnosis. - PublicationProtein plasticity driven by disorder and collapse governs the heterogeneous binding of CytR to DNA(04-05-2018)
;Munshi, Sneha ;Gopi, Soundhararajan ;Subramanian, Sandhyaa ;Campos, Luis A.The amplitude of thermodynamic fluctuations in biological macromolecules determines their conformational behavior, dimensions, nature of phase transitions and effectively their specificity and affinity, thus contributing to fine-tuned molecular recognition. Unique among large-scale conformational changes in proteins are temperature-induced collapse transitions in intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). Here, we show that CytR DNA-binding domain, an IDP that folds on binding DNA, undergoes a coil-to-globule transition with temperature in the absence of DNA while exhibiting energetically decoupled local and global structural rearrangements, and maximal thermodynamic fluctuations at the optimal bacterial growth temperature. The collapse is shown to be a continuous transition through a combination of statistical-mechanical modeling and all-atom implicit solvent simulations. Surprisingly, CytR binds single-site cognate DNA with negative cooperativity, described by Hill coefficients less than one, resulting in a graded binding response. We show that heterogeneity arising from varying binding-competent CytR conformations or orientations at the single-molecular level contributes to negative binding cooperativity at the level of bulk measurements due to the conflicting requirements of collapse transition, large fluctuations and folding-upon-binding. Our work reports strong evidence for functionally driven thermodynamic fluctuations in determining the extent of collapse and disorder with implications in protein search efficiency of target DNA sites and regulation. - PublicationLoss of stability and unfolding cooperativity in hPGK1 upon gradual structural perturbation of its N-terminal domain hydrophobic core(01-12-2022)
;Pacheco-GarcÃa, Juan Luis ;Loginov, Dmitry S.; ;Vankova, Pavla ;Cano-Muñoz, Mario ;Man, PetrPey, Angel L.Phosphoglycerate kinase has been a model for the stability, folding cooperativity and catalysis of a two-domain protein. The human isoform 1 (hPGK1) is associated with cancer development and rare genetic diseases that affect several of its features. To investigate how mutations affect hPGK1 folding landscape and interaction networks, we have introduced mutations at a buried site in the N-terminal domain (F25 mutants) that either created cavities (F25L, F25V, F25A), enhanced conformational entropy (F25G) or introduced structural strain (F25W) and evaluated their effects using biophysical experimental and theoretical methods. All F25 mutants folded well, but showed reduced unfolding cooperativity, kinetic stability and altered activation energetics according to the results from thermal and chemical denaturation analyses. These alterations correlated well with the structural perturbation caused by mutations in the N-terminal domain and the destabilization caused in the interdomain interface as revealed by H/D exchange under native conditions. Importantly, experimental and theoretical analyses showed that these effects are significant even when the perturbation is mild and local. Our approach will be useful to establish the molecular basis of hPGK1 genotype–phenotype correlations due to phosphorylation events and single amino acid substitutions associated with disease. - PublicationErratum to “Thermodynamics and folding landscapes of large proteins from a statistical mechanical model†[Current Research in Structural Biology 1 (2019) 6–12] (Current Research in Structural Biology (2019) 1 (6–12), (S2665928X19300030), (10.1016/j.crstbi.2019.10.002))(01-01-2020)
;Gopi, Soundhararajan ;Aranganathan, AkashnathanThe Publisher regrets that the “Conflict of Interest” statement was not included in the published article at the time of publication. The Authors confirm that they do not have any Conflict of interest to report for this article. The Publisher would like to apologise for any inconvenience caused. - PublicationA self-consistent structural perturbation approach for determining the magnitude and extent of allosteric coupling in proteins(15-07-2017)
;Rajasekaran, NandakumarElucidating the extent of energetic coupling between residues in single-domain proteins, which is a fundamental determinant of allostery, information transfer and folding cooperativity, has remained a grand challenge. While several sequence- and structure-based approaches have been proposed, a self-consistent description that is simultaneously compatible with unfolding thermodynamics is lacking. We recently developed a simple structural perturbation protocol that captures the changes in thermodynamic stabilities induced by point mutations within the protein interior. Here, we show that a fundamental residue-specific component of this perturbation approach, the coupling distance, is uniquely sensitive to the environment of a residue in the protein to a distance of ∼15 Å. With just the protein contact map as an input, we reproduce the extent of percolation of perturbations within the structure as observed in network analysis of intra-protein interactions, molecular dynamics simulations and NMR-observed changes in chemical shifts. Using this rapid protocol that relies on a single structure, we explain the results of statistical coupling analysis (SCA) that requires hundreds of sequences to identify functionally critical sectors, the propagation and dissipation of perturbations within proteins and the higher-order couplings deduced from detailed NMR experiments. Our results thus shed light on the possible mechanistic origins of signaling through the interaction network within proteins, the likely distance dependence of perturbations induced by ligands and post-translational modifications and the origins of folding cooperativity through many-body interactions. - PublicationThermodynamics of downhill folding: Multi-probe analysis of pdd, a protein that folds over a marginal free energy barrier(31-07-2014)
; Muñoz, VictorDownhill folding proteins fold in microseconds by crossing a very low or no free energy barrier (<3 RT), and exhibit a complex unfolding behavior in equilibrium. Such unfolding complexity is due to the weak thermodynamic coupling that exists between the various structural segments of these proteins, and it is manifested in unfolding curves that differ depending on the structural probe employed to monitor the process. Probe-dependent unfolding has important practical implications because it permits one to investigate the folding energy landscape in detail using multiprobe thermodynamic experiments. This type of thermodynamic behavior has been investigated in depth on the protein BBL, an example of extreme (one-state) downhill folding in which there is no free energy barrier at any condition, including the denaturation midpoint. However, an open question is, to what extent is such thermodynamic behavior observed on less extreme downhill folders? Here we perform a multiprobe spectroscopic characterization of the microsecond folder PDD, a structural and functional homologue of BBL that folds within the downhill regime, but is not an example of one-state downhill folding; rather at the denaturation midpoint PDD folds by crossing an incipient free energy barrier. Model-free analysis of the unfolding curves from four different spectroscopic probes together with differential scanning calorimetry reveals a dispersion of ∼9 K in the apparent melting temperature and also marked differences in unfolding broadness (from ∼50 to ∼130 kJ mol-1 when analyzed with a two-state model), confirming that such properties are also observed on less extreme downhill folders. We subsequently perform a global quantitative analysis of the unfolding data of PDD using the same ME statistical mechanical model that was used before for the BBL domain. The analysis shows that this simple model captures all of the features observed on the unfolding of PDD (i.e., the intensity and temperature dependence of the different spectroscopic signals). From the model we estimate a free energy landscape for PDD in which the maximal thermodynamic barrier (i.e., at the denaturation midpoint) is only ∼0.5 RT, consistent with previous independent estimates. Our results highlight that multiprobe unfolding experiments in equilibrium combined with statistical mechanical modeling provide important insights into the structural events that take place during the unfolding process of downhill proteins, and thus effectively probe the free energy landscape of these proteins. © 2014 American Chemical Society. - PublicationToward a quantitative description of microscopic pathway heterogeneity in protein folding(01-01-2017)
;Gopi, Soundhararajan ;Singh, Animesh ;Suresh, Swaathiratna ;Paul, Suvadip ;Ranu, SayanHow many structurally different microscopic routes are accessible to a protein molecule while folding? This has been a challenging question to address experimentally as single-molecule studies are constrained by the limited number of observed folding events while ensemble measurements, by definition, report only an average and not the distribution of the quantity under study. Atomistic simulations, on the other hand, are restricted by sampling and the inability to reproduce thermodynamic observables directly. We overcome these bottlenecks in the current work and provide a quantitative description of folding pathway heterogeneity by developing a comprehensive, scalable and yet experimentally consistent approach combining concepts from statistical mechanics, physical kinetics and graph theory. We quantify the folding pathway heterogeneity of five single-domain proteins under two thermodynamic conditions from an analysis of 100.000 folding events generated from a statistical mechanical model incorporating the detailed energetics from more than a million conformational states. The resulting microstate energetics predicts the results of protein engineering experiments, the thermodynamic stabilities of secondary-structure segments from NMR studies, and the end-to-end distance estimates from single-molecule force spectroscopy measurements. We find that a minimum of ∼3-200 microscopic routes, with a diverse ensemble of transition-path structures, are required to account for the total folding flux across the five proteins and the thermodynamic conditions. The partitioning of flux amongst the numerous pathways is shown to be subtly dependent on the experimental conditions that modulate protein stability, topological complexity and the structural resolution at which the folding events are observed. Our predictive methodology thus reveals the presence of rich ensembles of folding mechanisms that are generally invisible in experiments, reconciles the contradictory observations from experiments and simulations and provides an experimentally consistent avenue to quantify folding heterogeneity. - PublicationProbing excited state 1Hα chemical shifts in intrinsically disordered proteins with a triple resonance-based CEST experiment: Application to a disorder-to-order switch(01-10-2023)
;Kumar, Ajith ;Madhurima, Kulkarni; ;Vallurupalli, PramodhSekhar, AshokOver 40% of eukaryotic proteomes and 15% of bacterial proteomes are predicted to be intrinsically disordered based on their amino acid sequence. Intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) exist as heterogeneous ensembles of interconverting conformations and pose a challenge to the structure–function paradigm by apparently functioning without possessing stable structural elements. IDPs play a prominent role in biological processes involving extensive intermolecular interaction networks and their inherently dynamic nature facilitates their promiscuous interaction with multiple structurally diverse partner molecules. NMR spectroscopy has made pivotal contributions to our understanding of IDPs because of its unique ability to characterize heterogeneity at atomic resolution. NMR methods such as Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (CEST) and relaxation dispersion have enabled the detection of ‘invisible’ excited states in biomolecules which are transiently and sparsely populated, yet central for function. Here, we develop a 1Hα CEST pulse sequence which overcomes the resonance overlap problem in the 1Hα-13Cα plane of IDPs by taking advantage of the superior resolution in the 1H-15N correlation spectrum. In this sequence, magnetization is transferred after 1H CEST using a triple resonance coherence transfer pathway from 1Hα (i) to 1HN(i + 1) during which the 15N(t1) and 1HN(t2) are frequency labelled. This approach is integrated with spin state-selective CEST for eliminating spurious dips in CEST profiles resulting from dipolar cross-relaxation. We apply this sequence to determine the excited state 1Hα chemical shifts of the intrinsically disordered DNA binding domain (CytRN) of the bacterial cytidine repressor (CytR), which transiently acquires a functional globally folded conformation. The structure of the excited state, calculated using 1Hα chemical shifts in conjunction with other excited state NMR restraints, is a three-helix bundle incorporating a helix-turn-helix motif that is vital for binding DNA. - PublicationStructural-Energetic Basis for Coupling between Equilibrium Fluctuations and Phosphorylation in a Protein Native Ensemble(23-02-2022)
;Golla, Hemashree ;Kannan, Adithi ;Gopi, Soundhararajan ;Murugan, Sowmiya ;Perumalsamy, Lakshmi R.The functioning of proteins is intimately tied to their fluctuations in the native ensemble. The structural-energetic features that determine fluctuation amplitudes and hence the shape of the underlying landscape, which in turn determine the magnitude of the functional output, are often confounded by multiple variables. Here, we employ the FF1 domain from human p190A RhoGAP protein as a model system to uncover the molecular basis for phosphorylation of a buried tyrosine, which is crucial to the transcriptional activity associated with transcription factor TFII-I. Combining spectroscopy, calorimetry, statistical-mechanical modeling, molecular simulations, and in vitro phosphorylation assays, we show that the FF1 domain samples a diverse array of conformations in its native ensemble, some of which are phosphorylation-competent. Upon eliminating unfavorable charge-charge interactions through a single charge-reversal (K53E) or charge-neutralizing (K53Q) mutation, we observe proportionately lower phosphorylation extents due to the altered structural coupling, damped equilibrium fluctuations, and a more compact native ensemble. We thus establish a conformational selection mechanism for phosphorylation in the FF1 domain with K53 acting as a “gatekeeper”, modulating the solvent exposure of the buried tyrosine. Our work demonstrates the role of unfavorable charge-charge interactions in governing functional events through the modulation of native ensemble characteristics, a feature that could be prevalent in ordered protein domains.