Now showing 1 - 10 of 31
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    Protein plasticity driven by disorder and collapse governs the heterogeneous binding of CytR to DNA
    Munshi, Sneha
    Gopi, Soundhararajan
    Subramanian, Sandhyaa
    Campos, Luis A.
    The amplitude of thermodynamic fluctuations in biological macromolecules determines their conformational behavior, dimensions, nature of phase transitions and effectively their specificity and affinity, thus contributing to fine-tuned molecular recognition. Unique among large-scale conformational changes in proteins are temperature-induced collapse transitions in intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs). Here, we show that CytR DNA-binding domain, an IDP that folds on binding DNA, undergoes a coil-to-globule transition with temperature in the absence of DNA while exhibiting energetically decoupled local and global structural rearrangements, and maximal thermodynamic fluctuations at the optimal bacterial growth temperature. The collapse is shown to be a continuous transition through a combination of statistical-mechanical modeling and all-atom implicit solvent simulations. Surprisingly, CytR binds single-site cognate DNA with negative cooperativity, described by Hill coefficients less than one, resulting in a graded binding response. We show that heterogeneity arising from varying binding-competent CytR conformations or orientations at the single-molecular level contributes to negative binding cooperativity at the level of bulk measurements due to the conflicting requirements of collapse transition, large fluctuations and folding-upon-binding. Our work reports strong evidence for functionally driven thermodynamic fluctuations in determining the extent of collapse and disorder with implications in protein search efficiency of target DNA sites and regulation.
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    A self-consistent structural perturbation approach for determining the magnitude and extent of allosteric coupling in proteins
    Rajasekaran, Nandakumar
    Elucidating the extent of energetic coupling between residues in single-domain proteins, which is a fundamental determinant of allostery, information transfer and folding cooperativity, has remained a grand challenge. While several sequence- and structure-based approaches have been proposed, a self-consistent description that is simultaneously compatible with unfolding thermodynamics is lacking. We recently developed a simple structural perturbation protocol that captures the changes in thermodynamic stabilities induced by point mutations within the protein interior. Here, we show that a fundamental residue-specific component of this perturbation approach, the coupling distance, is uniquely sensitive to the environment of a residue in the protein to a distance of ∼15 Å. With just the protein contact map as an input, we reproduce the extent of percolation of perturbations within the structure as observed in network analysis of intra-protein interactions, molecular dynamics simulations and NMR-observed changes in chemical shifts. Using this rapid protocol that relies on a single structure, we explain the results of statistical coupling analysis (SCA) that requires hundreds of sequences to identify functionally critical sectors, the propagation and dissipation of perturbations within proteins and the higher-order couplings deduced from detailed NMR experiments. Our results thus shed light on the possible mechanistic origins of signaling through the interaction network within proteins, the likely distance dependence of perturbations induced by ligands and post-translational modifications and the origins of folding cooperativity through many-body interactions.
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    Thermodynamics of downhill folding: Multi-probe analysis of pdd, a protein that folds over a marginal free energy barrier
    (31-07-2014) ;
    Muñoz, Victor
    Downhill folding proteins fold in microseconds by crossing a very low or no free energy barrier (<3 RT), and exhibit a complex unfolding behavior in equilibrium. Such unfolding complexity is due to the weak thermodynamic coupling that exists between the various structural segments of these proteins, and it is manifested in unfolding curves that differ depending on the structural probe employed to monitor the process. Probe-dependent unfolding has important practical implications because it permits one to investigate the folding energy landscape in detail using multiprobe thermodynamic experiments. This type of thermodynamic behavior has been investigated in depth on the protein BBL, an example of extreme (one-state) downhill folding in which there is no free energy barrier at any condition, including the denaturation midpoint. However, an open question is, to what extent is such thermodynamic behavior observed on less extreme downhill folders? Here we perform a multiprobe spectroscopic characterization of the microsecond folder PDD, a structural and functional homologue of BBL that folds within the downhill regime, but is not an example of one-state downhill folding; rather at the denaturation midpoint PDD folds by crossing an incipient free energy barrier. Model-free analysis of the unfolding curves from four different spectroscopic probes together with differential scanning calorimetry reveals a dispersion of ∼9 K in the apparent melting temperature and also marked differences in unfolding broadness (from ∼50 to ∼130 kJ mol-1 when analyzed with a two-state model), confirming that such properties are also observed on less extreme downhill folders. We subsequently perform a global quantitative analysis of the unfolding data of PDD using the same ME statistical mechanical model that was used before for the BBL domain. The analysis shows that this simple model captures all of the features observed on the unfolding of PDD (i.e., the intensity and temperature dependence of the different spectroscopic signals). From the model we estimate a free energy landscape for PDD in which the maximal thermodynamic barrier (i.e., at the denaturation midpoint) is only ∼0.5 RT, consistent with previous independent estimates. Our results highlight that multiprobe unfolding experiments in equilibrium combined with statistical mechanical modeling provide important insights into the structural events that take place during the unfolding process of downhill proteins, and thus effectively probe the free energy landscape of these proteins. © 2014 American Chemical Society.
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    Toward a quantitative description of microscopic pathway heterogeneity in protein folding
    Gopi, Soundhararajan
    Singh, Animesh
    Suresh, Swaathiratna
    Paul, Suvadip
    Ranu, Sayan
    How many structurally different microscopic routes are accessible to a protein molecule while folding? This has been a challenging question to address experimentally as single-molecule studies are constrained by the limited number of observed folding events while ensemble measurements, by definition, report only an average and not the distribution of the quantity under study. Atomistic simulations, on the other hand, are restricted by sampling and the inability to reproduce thermodynamic observables directly. We overcome these bottlenecks in the current work and provide a quantitative description of folding pathway heterogeneity by developing a comprehensive, scalable and yet experimentally consistent approach combining concepts from statistical mechanics, physical kinetics and graph theory. We quantify the folding pathway heterogeneity of five single-domain proteins under two thermodynamic conditions from an analysis of 100.000 folding events generated from a statistical mechanical model incorporating the detailed energetics from more than a million conformational states. The resulting microstate energetics predicts the results of protein engineering experiments, the thermodynamic stabilities of secondary-structure segments from NMR studies, and the end-to-end distance estimates from single-molecule force spectroscopy measurements. We find that a minimum of ∼3-200 microscopic routes, with a diverse ensemble of transition-path structures, are required to account for the total folding flux across the five proteins and the thermodynamic conditions. The partitioning of flux amongst the numerous pathways is shown to be subtly dependent on the experimental conditions that modulate protein stability, topological complexity and the structural resolution at which the folding events are observed. Our predictive methodology thus reveals the presence of rich ensembles of folding mechanisms that are generally invisible in experiments, reconciles the contradictory observations from experiments and simulations and provides an experimentally consistent avenue to quantify folding heterogeneity.
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    Graded structural polymorphism in a bacterial thermosensor Protein
    Narayan, Abhishek
    Campos, Luis A.
    Bhatia, Sandhya
    Fushman, David
    Thermosensing is critical for the expression of the expression of virulence genes in pathogenic bacteria that infect warm-blooded hosts. Proteins of the Hha-family, conserved among enterobacteriaceae, have been implicated in dynamically regulating the expression of a large number of genes upon temperature shifts. However, there is little mechanistic evidence at the molecular level as to how changes in temperature are transduced into structural changes and hence the functional outcome. In this study, we delineate the conformational behavior of Cnu, a putative molecular thermosensor, employing diverse spectroscopic, calorimetric and hydrodynamic measurements. We find that Cnu displays probe-dependent unfolding in equilibrium, graded increase in structural fluctuations and temperature-dependent swelling of the dimensions of its native ensemble within the physiological range of temperatures, features that are indicative of a highly malleable native ensemble. Site-specific fluorescence and NMR experiments in combination with multiple computational approaches-statistical mechanical model, coarse-grained and all-atom MD simulations-reveal that the fourth helix of Cnu acts as a unique thermosensing module displaying varying degrees of order and orientation in response to temperature modulations while undergoing a continuous unfolding transition. Our combined experimental-computational study unravels the folding-functional landscape of a natural thermosensor protein, the molecular origins of its unfolding complexity, highlights the role of functional constraints in determining folding-mechanistic behaviors, and the design principles orchestrating the signal transduction roles of the Hha protein family.
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    Imprints of function on the folding landscape: Functional role for an intermediate in a conserved eukaryotic binding protein
    Munshi, Sneha
    In the computational characterization of single domain protein folding, the effective free energies of numerous microstates are projected onto few collective degrees of freedom that in turn serve as well-defined reaction coordinates. In this regard, one-dimensional (1D) free energy profiles are widely used mainly for their simplicity. Since folding and functional landscapes are interlinked, how well can these reduced representations capture the structural and dynamic features of functional states while being simultaneously consistent with experimental observables? We investigate this issue by characterizing the folding of the four-helix bundle bovine acyl-CoA binding protein (bACBP), which exhibits complex equilibrium and kinetic behaviours, employing an Ising-like statistical mechanical model and molecular simulations. We show that the features of the 1D free energy profile are sufficient to quantitatively reproduce multiple experimental observations including millisecond chevron-like kinetics and temperature dependence, a microsecond fast phase, barrier heights, unfolded state movements, the intermediate structure and average φ-values. Importantly, we find that the structural features of the native-like intermediate (partial disorder in helix 1) are intricately linked to a unique interplay between packing and electrostatics in this domain. By comparison with available experimental data, we propose that this intermediate determines the promiscuous functional behaviour of bACBP that exhibits broad substrate specificity. Our results present evidence to the possibility of employing the statistical mechanical model and the resulting 1D free energy profile to not just understand folding mechanisms but to even extract features of functionally relevant states and their energetic origins.
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    Extracting the Hidden Distributions Underlying the Mean Transition State Structures in Protein Folding
    Gopi, Soundhararajan
    Paul, Suvadip
    Ranu, Sayan
    The inherent conflict between noncovalent interactions and the large conformational entropy of the polypeptide chain forces folding reactions and their mechanisms to deviate significantly from chemical reactions. Accordingly, measures of structure in the transition state ensemble (TSE) are strongly influenced by the underlying distributions of microscopic folding pathways that are challenging to discern experimentally. Here, we present a detailed analysis of 150,000 folding transition paths of five proteins at three different thermodynamic conditions from an experimentally consistent statistical mechanical model. We find that the underlying TSE structural distributions are rarely unimodal, and the average experimental measures arise from complex underlying distributions. Unfolding pathways also exhibit subtle differences from folding counterparts due to a combination of Hammond behavior and native-state movements. Local interactions and topological complexity, to a lesser extent, are found to determine pathway heterogeneity, underscoring the importance of the balance between local and nonlocal energetics in protein folding.
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    PStab: Prediction of stable mutants, unfolding curves, stability maps and protein electrostatic frustration
    Gopi, Soundhararajan
    Devanshu, Devanshu
    Krishna, Praveen
    We present a web-server for rapid prediction of changes in protein stabilities over a range of temperatures and experimental conditions upon single- or multiple-point substitutions of charged residues. Potential mutants are identified by a charge-shuffling procedure while the stability changes (i.e. an unfolding curve) are predicted employing an ensemble-based statistical-mechanical model. We expect this server to be a simple yet detailed tool for engineering stabilities, identifying electrostatically frustrated residues, generating local stability maps and in constructing fitness landscapes.
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    Switching Protein Conformational Substates by Protonation and Mutation
    Narayan, Abhishek
    Protein modules that regulate the availability and conformational status of transcription factors determine the rapidity, duration, and magnitude of cellular response to changing conditions. One such system is the single-gene product Cnu, a four-helix bundle transcription co-repressor, which acts as a molecular thermosensor regulating the expression of virulence genes in enterobacteriaceae through modulation of its native conformational ensemble. Cnu and related genes have also been implicated in pH-dependent expression of virulence genes. We hypothesize that protonation of a conserved buried histidine (H45) in Cnu promotes large electrostatic frustration, thus disturbing the H-NS, a transcription factor, binding face. Spectroscopic and calorimetric methods reveal that H45 exhibits a suppressed pKa of ∼5.1, the protonation of which switches the conformation to an alternate native ensemble in which the fourth helix is disordered. The population redistribution can also be achieved through a mutation H45V, which does not display any switching behavior at pH values greater than 4. The Wako-Saitô-Muñoz-Eaton (WSME) statistical mechanical model predicts specific differences in the conformations and fluctuations of the fourth and first helices of Cnu determining the observed pH response. We validate these predictions through fluorescence lifetime measurements of a sole tryptophan, highlighting the presence of both native and non-native interactions in the regions adjoining the binding face of Cnu. Our combined experimental-computational study thus shows that Cnu acts both as a thermo- and pH-sensor orchestrated via a subtle but quantifiable balance between the weak packing of a structural element and protonation of a buried histidine that promotes electrostatic frustration.
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    Prediction of change in protein unfolding rates upon point mutations in two state proteins
    Chaudhary, Priyashree
    Studies on protein unfolding rates are limited and challenging due to the complexity of unfolding mechanism and the larger dynamic range of the experimental data. Though attempts have been made to predict unfolding rates using protein sequence-structure information there is no available method for predicting the unfolding rates of proteins upon specific point mutations. In this work, we have systematically analyzed a set of 790 single mutants and developed a robust method for predicting protein unfolding rates upon mutations (Δlnku) in two-state proteins by combining amino acid properties and knowledge-based classification of mutants with multiple linear regression technique. We obtain a mean absolute error (MAE) of 0.79/s and a Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) of 0.71 between predicted unfolding rates and experimental observations using jack-knife test. We have developed a web server for predicting protein unfolding rates upon mutation and it is freely available at Prominent features that determine unfolding kinetics as well as plausible reasons for the observed outliers are also discussed.