Sumesh P. Thampi
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Sumesh P. Thampi
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Sumesh P. Thampi
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Thampi, S. P.
Thampi, Sumesh
Thampi, Sumesh P.
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5 results
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- PublicationPhysics of Directional Polymer Crystallization(20-09-2022)
;Durning, Christopher J. ;Purushothaman, Ahana ;Adhikari, Sabin ;Kumar, Sanat K.It has been proposed that the nonisothermal directional crystallization of a polymer driven by a moving sink has an exact analogy to an equivalent isothermal crystallization protocol. We show that this is substantially true because polymers are poor thermal conductors; thus, polymer crystallization occurs over a relatively narrow spatial regime, while the thermal gradients created by this freezing occur over a much broader scale. This separation of scales allows us to replace the crystallization process, which is spatially distributed, with an equivalent step. The temperature at this step, which corresponds to the desired equivalent isothermal crystallization temperature, scales linearly with sink velocity. However, a few metrics, such as the Avrami exponent characterizing the kinetics of crystallization are very different in the two cases. These findings provide new insights into the physics of these spatially varying crystallization protocols and should inspire new experiments to probe the underlying equivalences more deeply. - PublicationColloidal hydrodynamics using a quasi-steady algorithm in lattice Boltzmann method(01-12-2020)
;Purushothaman, AhanaHydrodynamics can play an important role in determining the behaviour of colloidal particles in many soft matter systems. Analytical solutions for fluid dynamics are limited and incorporating the particle dynamics in numerical methods is challenging, since grid points belonging to fluid and solid phases are exchanged during the simulations. As a solution, here, we introduce a quasi-steady method to simulate dynamics of particles within the frame work of lattice Boltzmann method. This method not only carries the advantages of lattice Boltzmann, namely the simple and straight forward algorithm of programming and the simplicity in imposing the boundary conditions, but it also avoids the complications associated with exchange of particle and fluid nodes. Exploiting the smallness of Reynold’s number associated with colloidal hydrodynamics, the proposed algorithm works in an instantaneous frame of reference and particle velocities are then calculated by imposing additional constraints of force and torque acting on the particle. We illustrate the method using the classic examples of settling particles and a system of recent interest-dynamics of active particles, both in the presence of a wall. Therefore, we expect the proposed method to be suitable and useful in variety of soft and active matter systems. - PublicationDirectional polymer crystallisation with a fast-moving sink(12-05-2023)
;Purushothaman, Ahana ;Adhikari, Sabin ;Durning, Christopher ;Kumar, Sanat K.It has previously been shown that non-isothermal directional polymer crystallisation driven by local melting (Zone Annealing), has a close analogy with an equivalent isothermal crystallisation protocol. This surprising analogy is due to the low thermal conductivity of polymers—because they are poor thermal conductors, crystallisation occurs over a relatively narrow spatial domain while the thermal gradient spans a much wider scale. This separation of scales, which occurs in the limit of small sink velocity, allows replacing the crystallinity profile with a step and the temperature at the step acts as an effective isothermal crystallisation temperature. In this paper, we study directional polymer crystallisation under faster moving sinks using both numerical simulations and analytical theory. While, only partial crystallisation occurs, regardless, a steady state exists. At large velocity, the sink quickly moves ahead of a region that is still crystallizing; since polymers are poor thermal conductors, the latent heat dissipation to the sink becomes inefficient, eventually resulting in the temperature increasing back to the melting point thereby resulting in incomplete crystallization. This transition occurs when the two length scales measuring the sink-interface distance and the width of the crystallizing interface become comparable. For steady state and in the limit of large sink velocity, regular perturbation solutions of the differential equations governing heat transport and crystallization in the region between the heat sink and the solid-melt interface are in good agreement with numerical results. - PublicationModeling polymer crystallisation induced by a moving heat sink(07-03-2021)
;Adhikari, Sabin ;Purushothaman, Ahana ;Krauskopf, Alejandro A. ;Durning, Christopher ;Kumar, Sanat K.Recent experimental work has shown that polymer crystallisation can be used to “move” and organize nanoparticles (NP). As a first effort at modeling this situation, we consider the classical Stefan problem but with the modification that polymer crystallisation does not occur at a single temperature. Rather, the rate of crystallisation is proportional to its subcooling, and here we employ a form inspired by the classical Avrami model to describe this functional form. Our results for the movement of the polymer crystallisation front, as defined as the point where the crystallinity is 50%, closely track the results of the classical Stefan problem. Thus, at this level of approximation, the crystallisation kinetics of the polymer do not cause qualitative changes to the physics of this situation. Inspired by this fact we study the more interesting situation where the directional recrystallisation of a polymer melt is considered,e.g., through the application of a moving heat sink over an initially molten polymer, reminiscent of a processing technique termed zone annealing. The polymer crystallisation shows that a steady state exists for a range of sink velocities. The solid-melt interface moves slightly ahead of the sink but at the same velocity. The steady-state distance between the sink and the interface decreases with increasing sink velocity - this is a consequence of the excess cooling provided by the sink over what is required to crystallise the melt. The most interesting new result is that the temperature of the crystal-melt interface decreases with increasing sink velocity. This is in line with the ansatz of Lovinger and Gryte who suggested that larger zone annealing velocities correspond to progressively larger effective undercoolings at which polymer crystallisation occurs. - PublicationHydrodynamic collision between a microswimmer and a passive particle in a micro-channel(28-03-2021)
;Purushothaman, AhanaMicroswimmers interacting with passive particles in confinement are common in many systems, e.g., spermatozoa encountering other cells or debris in the female reproductive tract or active particles interacting with polymers and tracers in microfluidic channels. The behaviour of such systems is driven by simultaneous, three way hydrodynamic interactions between the microswimmer, the passive particle and the microchannel walls. Therefore, in this work we investigate the hydrodynamic collision between a model microswimmer and a passive particle using three different methods: (i) the point particle approach, (ii) analytical calculations based on method of reflections, and (iii) lattice Boltzmann numerical simulations. We show that the hydrodynamic collision is essentially an asymmetric process-the trajectory of the microswimmer is altered only in an intermediate stage while the passive particle undergoes a three stage displacement with a net displacement towards or away from the microchannel walls. The path of the passive particle is a simple consequence of the velocity field generated by the swimmer: an open triangle in bulk fluid and a loop-like trajectory in confinement. We demonstrate the generality of our findings and conclude that the net displacement of the passive particle due to collision may be capitalised in order to develop applications such as size separation of colloidal particles and deposition of particles in the microchannel interiors. This journal is