Pradeep Sarvepalli
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Pradeep Sarvepalli
Official Name
Pradeep Sarvepalli
Alternative Name
Sarvepalli, P.
Sarvepalli, Pradeep Kiran
Sarvepalli, Pradeep
Sarvepalli, Pradeep K.
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3 results
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- PublicationCommunication efficient quantum secret sharing(11-11-2019)
;Senthoor, KaushikA quantum secret sharing scheme is a cryptographic protocol by which a dealer can share a secret among a group of n players so that only certain subsets of players can recover the secret by collaboration. In this paper we propose communication efficient quantum threshold secret sharing schemes. They minimize the amount of quantum communication required to reconstruct the secret when more than the necessary number of players collaborate. They are based on a class of staircase codes proposed by Bitar and El Rouayheb. In a standard ((k,n)) quantum threshold scheme, any subset of k or more players can recover the secret. The quantum communication cost for reconstruction in such schemes is k qudits for each secret qudit. Using the proposed construction, any subset of d≥k players can also collaborate to recover the secret with a communication cost of d qudits for d-k+1 secret qudits. In other words, for the proposed schemes the quantum communication cost is only dd-k+1 qudits for every secret qudit. For d>k, proposed schemes are communication efficient with respect to standard schemes; and when d=2k-1, the quantum communication cost is reduced by a factor O(k). Further, when n=2k-1, the proposed schemes have optimal communication cost for secret reconstruction. - PublicationUniversal communication efficient quantum threshold secret sharing schemes(11-04-2021)
;Senthoor, KaushikQuantum secret sharing (QSS) is a cryptographic protocol in which a quantum secret is distributed among a number of parties where some subsets of the parties are able to recover the secret while some subsets are unable to recover the secret. In the standard ((k, n)) quantum threshold secret sharing scheme, any subset of k or more parties out of the total n parties can recover the secret while other subsets have no information about the secret. But recovery of the secret incurs a communication cost of at least k qudits for every qudit in the secret. Recently, a class of communication efficient QSS schemes were proposed which can improve this communication cost to d/d− k+1 by contacting d ≥ k parties where d is fixed prior to the distribution of shares. In this paper, we propose a more general class of ((k, n)) quantum secret sharing schemes with low communication complexity. In these schemes the combiner can contact any d parties at the time of recovery where k ≤ d ≤ n. This is the first such class of universal communication efficient quantum threshold schemes. - PublicationTheory of Communication Efficient Quantum Secret Sharing(01-05-2022)
;Senthoor, KaushikA ((k,n)) quantum threshold secret sharing (QTS) scheme is a quantum cryptographic protocol for sharing a quantum secret among n parties such that the secret can be recovered by any k or more parties while k-1 or fewer parties have no information about the secret. Despite extensive research on these schemes, there has been very little study on optimizing the quantum communication cost during recovery. Recently, we initiated the study of communication efficient quantum threshold secret sharing (CE-QTS) schemes. These schemes reduce the communication complexity in QTS schemes by accessing d > k parties for recovery; here d is fixed ahead of encoding the secret. In contrast to the standard QTS schemes which require k qudits for recovering each qudit in the secret, these schemes have a lower communication cost of d/d-k+1. In this paper, we further develop the theory of communication efficient quantum threshold schemes. Here, we propose universal CE-QTS schemes which reduce the communication cost for all d > k simultaneously. We provide a framework based on ramp quantum secret sharing to construct CE-QTS and universal CE-QTS schemes. We give another construction for universal CE-QTS schemes based on Staircase codes. We derived a lower bound on communication complexity and show that our constructions are optimal. Finally, an information theoretic model is developed to analyse CE-QTS schemes and the lower bound on communication complexity is proved again using this model.