Prabha Mandayam
Preferred name
Prabha Mandayam
Official Name
Prabha Mandayam
Alternative Name
Mandayam, Prabha
Mandayam, P.
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3 results
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- PublicationSecurity with 3-Pulse Differential Phase Shift Quantum Key Distribution(19-09-2018)
;Ranu, Shashank Kumar ;Shaw, Gautam Kumar; 3-pulse DPS-QKD offers enhanced security compared to conventional DPS-QKD by decreasing the learning rate of an eavesdropper and unmasking her presence with an increased error rate upon application of intercept and resend attack. The probability of getting one bit of sifted key information using beamsplitter attack also reduces by 25% in our implentation compared to normal DPS. - PublicationDifferential phase encoding scheme for measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution(01-02-2019)
;Ranu, Shashank Kumar; This paper proposes a measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) scheme based on differential phase encoding. The differential phase shift MDI-QKD (DPS-MDI-QKD) couples the advantages of DPS-QKD with that of MDI-QKD. The proposed scheme offers resistance against photon number splitting attack and phase fluctuations as well as immunity against detector side-channel vulnerabilities. The design proposed in this paper uses weak coherent pulses in a superposition of three orthogonal states, corresponding to one of three distinct paths in a delay-line interferometer. The classical bit information is encoded in the phase difference between pulses traversing successive paths. This 3-pulse superposition offers enhanced security compared to using a train of pulses by decreasing the learning rate of an eavesdropper and unmasking her presence with an increased error rate upon application of intercept and resend attack and beamsplitter attack. The proposed scheme employs phase locking of the sources of the two trusted parties so as to maintain the coherence between their optical signal, and uses a beamsplitter (BS) at the untrusted node (Charlie) to extract the key information from the phase encoded signals. - PublicationDifferential phase encoded measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution(01-02-2021)
;Ranu, Shashank Kumar; We present a measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) using single photons in a linear superposition of three orthogonal time-bin states, for generating the key. The orthogonal states correspond to three distinct paths in the delay line interferometers used by two (trusted) sources. The key information is decoded based on the measurement outcomes obtained by an untrusted third party Charles, who uses a beamsplitter to measure the phase difference between pulses traveling through different paths of the two delay lines. The proposed scheme combines the best of both differential-phase-shift (DPS) QKD and MDI-QKD. It is more robust against phase fluctuations, and also ensures protection against detector side-channel attacks. We prove unconditional security by demonstrating an equivalent protocol involving shared entanglement between the two trusted parties. We show that the secure key rate for our protocol compares well to existing protocols in the asymptotic regime. For the decoy-state variant of our protocol, we evaluate the secure key rate by using a phase-post-selection technique. Finally, we estimate the bit error rate and the phase error rate, in the finite key regime.