Now showing 1 - 10 of 17
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    Quantum Effects on Unconventional Pinch Point Singularities
    Niggemann, Nils
    Reuther, Johannes
    Fracton phases are a particularly exotic type of quantum spin liquids where the elementary quasiparticles are intrinsically immobile. These phases may be described by unconventional gauge theories known as tensor or multipolar gauge theories, characteristic for so-called type-I or type-II fracton phases, respectively. Both variants have been associated with distinctive singular patterns in the spin structure factor, such as multifold pinch points for type-I and quadratic pinch points for type-II fracton phases. Here, we assess the impact of quantum fluctuations on these patterns by numerically investigating the spin S=1/2 quantum version of a classical spin model on the octahedral lattice featuring exact realizations of multifold and quadratic pinch points, as well as an unusual pinch line singularity. Based on large scale pseudofermion and pseudo-Majorana functional renormalization group calculations, we take the intactness of these spectroscopic signatures as a measure for the stability of the corresponding fracton phases. We find that in all three cases, quantum fluctuations significantly modify the shape of pinch points or lines by smearing them out and shifting signal away from the singularities in contrast to effects of pure thermal fluctuations. This indicates possible fragility of these phases and allows us to identify characteristic fingerprints of their remnants.
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    Multiloop functional renormalization group approach to quantum spin systems
    Kiese, Dominik
    Müller, Tobias
    Thomale, Ronny
    Trebst, Simon
    Renormalization group methods are well-established tools for the (numerical) investigation of the low-energy properties of correlated quantum many-body systems, allowing us to capture their scale-dependent nature. The functional renormalization group (FRG) allows us to continuously evolve a microscopic model action to an effective low-energy action as a function of decreasing energy scales via an exact functional flow equation, which is then approximated by some truncation scheme to facilitate computation. Here, we report on our implementation of multiloop FRG, an extended truncation scheme recently developed for electronic FRG calculations, within the pseudofermion functional renormalization group (pf-FRG) framework for interacting quantum spin systems. We discuss in detail the conceptual intricacies of the flow equations generated by the multiloop truncation, as well as essential refinements to the integration scheme for the resulting integrodifferential equations. To benchmark our approach, we analyze antiferromagnetic Heisenberg models on the pyrochlore, simple cubic, and face-centered cubic lattice, discussing the convergence of physical observables for higher-loop calculations and comparing with existing results where available. Combined, these methodological refinements systematically improve the pf-FRG approach to one of the numerical tools of choice when exploring frustrated quantum magnetism in higher spatial dimensions.
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    Pinch-points to half-moons and up in the stars: The kagome skymap
    Kiese, Dominik
    Ferrari, Francesco
    Astrakhantsev, Nikita
    Niggemann, Nils
    Ghosh, Pratyay
    Müller, Tobias
    Thomale, Ronny
    Neupert, Titus
    Reuther, Johannes
    Gingras, Michel J.P.
    Trebst, Simon
    Pinch point singularities, associated with flat band magnetic excitations, are tell-tale signatures of Coulomb spin liquids. While their properties in the presence of quantum fluctuations have been widely studied, the fate of the complementary nonanalytic features - shaped as half moons and stars - arising from adjacent shallow dispersive bands has remained unexplored. Here, we address this question for the spin S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the kagome lattice with second and third neighbor couplings, which allows one to tune the classical ground state characterized by flat bands to one that is governed by shallow dispersive bands for intermediate coupling strengths. Employing the complementary strengths of variational Monte Carlo, pseudofermion functional renormalization group, and density-matrix renormalization group, we establish the quantum phase diagram of the model. The U(1) Dirac spin liquid ground state of the nearest-neighbor antiferromagnet remains remarkably robust till intermediate coupling strengths when it transitions into a pinwheel valence bond crystal displaying signatures of half moons in its structure factor. Our Letter thus identifies a microscopic setting that realizes one of the proximate orders of the Dirac spin liquid identified in a recent work [Song, Wang, Vishwanath, and He, Nat. Commun. 10, 4254 (2019)2041-172310.1038/s41467-019-11727-3]. For larger couplings, we obtain a collinear magnetically ordered ground state characterized by starlike patterns.
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    Gutzwiller projected states for the Heisenberg model on the Kagome lattice: Achievements and pitfalls
    (01-10-2021) ;
    Ferrari, Francesco
    Chauhan, Aishwarya
    Parola, Alberto
    Poilblanc, Didier
    Becca, Federico
    We assess the ground-state phase diagram of the Heisenberg model on the Kagome lattice by employing Gutzwiller-projected fermionic wave functions. Within this framework, different states can be represented, defined by distinct unprojected fermionic Hamiltonians that include hopping and pairing terms, as well as a coupling to local Zeeman fields to generate magnetic order. For , the so-called U(1) Dirac state, in which only hopping is present (such as to generate a -flux in the hexagons), has been shown to accurately describe the exact ground state [Y. Iqbal, F. Becca, S. Sorella, and D. Poilblanc, Phys. Rev. B87, 060405(R) (2013)10.1103/PhysRevB.87.060405; Y.-C. He, M. P. Zaletel, M. Oshikawa, and F. Pollmann, Phys. Rev. X7, 031020 (2017)10.1103/PhysRevX.7.031020.]. Here we show that its accuracy improves in the presence of a small antiferromagnetic superexchange , leading to a finite region where the gapless spin liquid is stable; then, for , a first-order transition to a magnetic phase with pitch vector is detected by allowing magnetic order within the fermionic Hamiltonian. Instead, for small ferromagnetic values of , the situation is more contradictory. While the U(1) Dirac state remains stable against several perturbations in the fermionic part (i.e., dimerization patterns or chiral terms), its accuracy clearly deteriorates on small systems, most notably on 36 sites where exact diagonalization is possible. Then, on increasing the ratio , a magnetically ordered state with periodicity eventually overcomes the U(1) Dirac spin liquid. Within the ferromagnetic regime, evidence is shown in favor of a first-order transition at .
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    Pinwheel valence bond crystal ground state of the spin-12 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the shuriken lattice
    Astrakhantsev, Nikita
    Ferrari, Francesco
    Niggemann, Nils
    Müller, Tobias
    Chauhan, Aishwarya
    Kshetrimayum, Augustine
    Ghosh, Pratyay
    Regnault, Nicolas
    Thomale, Ronny
    Reuther, Johannes
    Neupert, Titus
    We investigate the nature of the ground state of the spin-12 Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the shuriken lattice by complementary state-of-the-art numerical techniques, such as variational Monte Carlo (VMC) with versatile Gutzwiller-projected Jastrow wave functions, unconstrained multivariable variational Monte Carlo (mVMC), and pseudofermion/pseudo-Majorana functional renormalization group (PFFRG/PMFRG) methods. We establish the presence of a quantum paramagnetic ground state and investigate its nature, by classifying symmetric and chiral quantum spin liquids, and inspecting their instabilities towards competing valence bond crystal (VBC) orders. Our VMC analysis reveals that a VBC with a pinwheel structure emerges as the lowest-energy variational ground state, and it is obtained as an instability of the U(1) Dirac spin liquid. Analogous conclusions are drawn from mVMC calculations employing accurate BCS pairing states supplemented by symmetry projectors, which confirm the presence of pinwheel VBC order by a thorough analysis of dimer-dimer correlation functions. Our work highlights the nontrivial role of quantum fluctuations via the Gutzwiller projector in resolving the subtle interplay between competing orders.
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    Dimerization tendencies of the pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet: A functional renormalization group perspective
    Hering, Max
    Noculak, Vincent
    Ferrari, Francesco
    Reuther, Johannes
    We investigate the ground-state properties of the spin-1/2 pyrochlore Heisenberg antiferromagnet using pseudofermion functional renormalization group techniques. The first part of our analysis is based on an enhanced parton mean-field approach, which takes into account fluctuation effects from renormalized vertex functions. Our implementation of this technique extends earlier approaches and resolves technical difficulties associated with a diagrammatic overcounting. Using various parton ansätze for quantum spin liquids, dimerized and nematic states our results indicate a tendency for lattice symmetry breaking in the ground state. While overall quantum spin liquids seem unfavorable in this system, the recently proposed monopole state still shows the strongest support among all spin liquid ansätze that we have tested, which is further confirmed by our complementary variational Monte Carlo calculations. In the second part of our investigation, we probe lattice symmetry breaking more directly by applying the pseudofermion functional renormalization group to perturbed systems. Our results from this technique confirm that the system's ground state either exhibits broken C3 rotation symmetry, or a combination of inversion and C3 symmetry breaking.
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    Static and dynamical signatures of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interactions in the Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice
    Ferrari, Francesco
    Niu, Sen
    Hasik, Juraj
    Poilblanc, Didier
    Becca, Federico
    Motivated by recent experiments on Cs2Cu3SnF12 and YCu3(OH)6Cl3, we consider the S = 1/2 Heisenberg model on the kagome lattice with nearest-neighbor superexchange J and (out-of-plane) Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction JD, which favors (in-plane) Q = (0, 0) magnetic order. By using both variational Monte Carlo and tensor-network approaches, we show that the ground state develops a finite magnetization for JD/J ≳ 0.03−0.04; instead, for smaller values of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction, the ground state has no magnetic order and, according to the fermionic wave function, develops a gap in the spinon spectrum, which vanishes for JD → 0. The small value of JD/J for the onset of magnetic order is particularly relevant for the interpretation of low-temperature behaviors of kagome antiferromagnets, including ZnCu3(OH)6Cl2. For this reason, we assess the spin dynamical structure factor and the corresponding low-energy spectrum, by using the variational Monte Carlo technique. The existence of a continuum of excitations above the magnon modes is observed within the magnetically ordered phase, with a broad peak above the lowest-energy magnons, similarly to what has been detected by inelastic neutron scattering on Cs2Cu3SnF12
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    Projective symmetry group classification of Abrikosov fermion mean-field ansätze on the square-octagon lattice
    Maity, Atanu
    Ferrari, Francesco
    Thomale, Ronny
    Mandal, Saptarshi
    We perform a projective symmetry group (PSG) classification of symmetric quantum spin liquids with different gauge groups on the square-octagon lattice. Employing the Abrikosov fermion representation for spin 12, we obtain 32SU(2), 1808U(1), and 384Z2 algebraic PSGs. Constraining ourselves to mean-field parton ansätze with short-range amplitudes, the classification reduces to a limited number, with 4 SU(2), 24 U(1), and 36 Z2, distinct phases. We discuss their ground-state properties and spinon dispersions within a self-consistent treatment of the Heisenberg Hamiltonian with frustrating couplings.
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    Evidence for a three-dimensional quantum spin liquid in PbCuTe2O6
    Chillal, Shravani
    Jeschke, Harald O.
    Rodriguez-Rivera, Jose A.
    Bewley, Robert
    Manuel, Pascal
    Khalyavin, Dmitry
    Steffens, Paul
    Thomale, Ronny
    Islam, A. T.M.Nazmul
    Reuther, Johannes
    Lake, Bella
    The quantum spin liquid is a highly entangled magnetic state characterized by the absence of static magnetism in its ground state. Instead, the spins fluctuate in a highly correlated way down to the lowest temperatures. Quantum spin liquids are very rare and are confined to a few specific cases where the interactions between the magnetic ions cannot be simultaneously satisfied (known as frustration). Lattices with magnetic ions in triangular or tetrahedral arrangements, which interact via isotropic antiferromagnetic interactions, can generate such a frustration. Three-dimensional isotropic spin liquids have mostly been sought in materials where the magnetic ions form pyrochlore or hyperkagome lattices. Here we present a three-dimensional lattice called the hyper-hyperkagome that enables spin liquid behaviour and manifests in the compound PbCuTe2O6. Using a combination of experiment and theory, we show that this system exhibits signs of being a quantum spin liquid with no detectable static magnetism together with the presence of diffuse continua in the magnetic spectrum suggestive of fractional spinon excitations.
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    Competing orders in a frustrated Heisenberg model on the Fisher lattice
    Maity, Atanu
    Mandal, Saptarshi
    We investigate the Heisenberg model on a decorated square (Fisher) lattice in the presence of first-neighbor J1, second-neighbor J2, and third-neighbor J3 exchange couplings, with antiferromagnetic J1. The classical ground-state phase diagram obtained within a Luttinger-Tisza framework is spanned by two antiferromagnetically ordered phases, and an infinitely degenerate antiferromagnetic chain phase. Employing classical Monte Carlo simulations we show that thermal fluctuations fail to lift the degeneracy of the antiferromagnetic chain phase. Interestingly, the spin-wave spectrum of the Néel state displays three Dirac nodal loops out of which two are symmetry protected while for the antiferromagnetic chain phase we find symmetry-protected Dirac lines. Furthermore, we investigate the spin S=12 limit employing a bond operator formalism which captures the singlet-triplet dynamics, and find a rich ground-state phase diagram host to a variety of valence bond solid orders in addition to antiferromagnetically ordered phases.