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    Erratum for “Stability of Equivariant Vector Bundles over Toric Varietiesâ€
    Dasgupta, Jyoti
    Khan, Bivas
    We correct the proof of [2, Proposition 3.1.1].
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    Stability of Equivariant Vector Bundles over Toric Varieties
    Dasgupta, Jyoti
    Khan, Bivas
    We give a complete answer to the question of (semi)stability of tangent bundles on any nonsingular complex pro-jective toric variety with Picard number 2 by using combinatorial criterion of (semi)stability of an equivariant sheaf. We also give a complete answer to the question of (semi)stability of tangent bundles on all toric Fano 4-folds with Picard number ≤ 3 which are classified by Batyrev [1]. We construct a collection of equivariant indecomposable rank 2 vector bundles on Bott towers and pseudo-symmetric toric Fano varieties. Furthermore, in case of Bott towers, we show the existence of an equivariant stable rank 2 vector bundle with certain Chern classes with respect to a suitable polarization.