Balaji Ramamurthy

Resistance matrices of balanced directed graphs
01-01-2022, Balaji Ramamurthy, Bapat, R. B., Goel, Shivani
Let G be a strongly connected and balanced directed graph. We define the resistance (Formula presented.) between any two vertices i and j of G by using the Moore–Penrose inverse of the Laplacian matrix of G and define the resistance matrix by (Formula presented.). This generalizes the resistance in the undirected case. In this paper, we show that R is a non-negative matrix and obtain an expression to compute the inverse, determinant and cofactor sums of R.

Resistance distance in directed cactus graphs
01-01-2020, Balaji, R., Bapat, R. B., Goel, Shivani
Let G = (V, E) be a strongly connected and balanced digraph with vertex set V = {1, …, n}. The classical distance dij between any two vertices i and j in G is the minimum length of all the directed paths joining i and j. The resistance distance (or, simply the resistance) between any two vertices i and j in V is defined by rij:= lii† + l†jj − 2l†ij, where l†pq is the (p, q)th entry of the Moore-Penrose inverse of L which is the Laplacian matrix of G. In practice, the resistance rij is more significant than the classical distance. One reason for this is, numerical examples show that the resistance distance between i and j is always less than or equal to the classical distance, i.e., rij ≤ dij . However, no proof for this inequality is known. In this paper, it is shown that this inequality holds for all directed cactus graphs.