Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
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    On perturbations of Stein operator
    Kumar, Amit N.
    In this article, we obtain a Stein operator for the sum of n independent random variables (rvs) which is shown as the perturbation of the negative binomial (NB) operator. Comparing the operator with NB operator, we derive the error bounds for total variation distance by matching parameters. Also, three-parameter approximation for such a sum is considered and is shown to improve the existing bounds in the literature. Finally, an application of our results to a function of waiting time for (k1, k2)-events is given.
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    Pseudo-binomial approximation to (k1,k2)-runs
    (01-10-2018) ;
    Kumar, A. N.
    The distribution of (k1,k2)-runs is well-known (Dafnis et al., 2010), under independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) setup of Bernoulli trials but is intractable under non i.i.d. setup. Hence, it is of interest to find a suitable approximate distribution for (k1,k2)-runs, under non i.i.d. setup, with reasonable accuracy. In this paper, pseudo-binomial approximation to (k1,k2)-runs is considered using total variation distance. The approximation results derived are of optimal order and improve the existing results.
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    On discrete Gibbs measure approximation to runs
    Kumar, A. N.
    A Stein operator for the runs is derived as a perturbation of an operator for discrete Gibbs measure. Due to this fact, using perturbation technique, the approximation results for runs arising from identical and non-identical Bernoulli trials are derived via Stein’s method. The bounds obtained are new and their importance is demonstrated through an interesting application.