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Development of CMS silicon strip detector module mechanics for Phase-II upgrade

01-01-2017, Behera, Prafulla Kumar, Singh, Ngangkham Peter, Sivasrinivasu Devadula, Alibordi, Muhammad

The CMS experiment will change it’s silicon tracker completely during phase-II upgrade. There is need to develop light and high precision and durable mechanical structure for silicon modules. The prime purpose of this should also be reducing material in the silicon tracker detector. The group at IIT Madras is involved in R&D of production of this structures. We have produced high precision bridge made of AL-CF material and carbon fiber stiffener.

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Fabrication of Aluminium-carbon fiber bridge, stump and pipe connector for Phase-II upgrade

01-01-2018, Singh, Ngangkham Peter, Ranjan, Rajesh Ravi, Srinivasu, D. S., Behera, Prafulla Kumar

The CMS experiment will change its silicon tracker completely during phase-II upgrade. There is need to develop light and high precision and durable mechanical structure for silicon modules. The prime purpose of this should also be reducing material in the silicon tracker detector. The group at IIT Madras is involved in R&D of production of this structures. The prime purpose of this should also be reducing material in the silicon tracker detector. We have produced high precision Al-CF bridges, stumps and Pipe connector 47 degrees for HgCAL detector.

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Machining Thin-walled 2 1/2 D Structure in a Novel Aluminium Carbon Fiber Composite Material by the Micro-Abrasive Waterjets–an experimental investigation

01-01-2022, Ravi, Rajesh Ranjan, Sivasrinivasu Devadula, Behera, Prafulla Kumar

Among the metal matrix composite (MMC) materials, aluminum carbon fiber reinforced (Al-CF) composites are suitable for thermal management applications in fields, such as space, automobiles, etc. However, the application of Al-CF composite material is limited due to manufacturing difficulties, such as brittleness, non-uniform dispersion of fibers, and failure under low loads being a soft material. Challenges further increase in the case of producing thin-walled structures and features with a high aspect ratio (e.g. 2D structures).In this study, an experimental investigation is carried out on the machinability of Al-CF composite material. The material response to AWJs is assessed by studying the kerf characteristics in through-cutting and analyzing the machined surface micrographs. From the results, it is observed that the kerf width and the erosion depth increase with the waterjet pressure (P) and abrasive mass flow rate (mf), and decreased with the jet traverse rate (vf). A minimum taper is obtained at low mf  and low vf  at an optimum P. The material removal rate is maximum at high P and mf  at an optimum vf. Based on this understanding, fabrication of a thin-wall (2D) structure with small features in Al-CF composite material is demonstrated by micro-AWJs.