Conclusion and Outlook
Date Issued
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Balakrishnan, V.
This chapter comprises a brief summary of the work described in the preceding chapters and the outlook for future lines of investigation. Our central theme falls under the umbrella of the quantum-classical overlap and the limitations of classical tools when applied to quantum systems. We have used the framework of quantum optics for the most part, and to a lesser extent spin arrays, to examine nonclassical effects. We have emphasized the role of tomograms in quantifying these effects, thus providing a possible way to avoid detailed state reconstruction in certain situations. As an extensive coverage of the usefulness of tomograms in continuous variable and hybrid quantum systems is rare to come by, the brief summary in this chapter should help the reader appreciate the relevance of this program and the present study. This chapter further describes concisely the scope for applying tools from classical dynamical systems theory such as time series and network analysis in order to understand the dynamics of quantum observables. Such an application naturally raises several important open questions pertaining to the gray area between quantum mechanics and classical mechanics.
Part F1035