Measurements of the center-of-mass energies of e<sup>+</sup>e<sup>-</sup>collisions at BESIII
Date Issued
Ablikim, M.
Achasov, M. N.
Adlarson, P.
Ahmed, S.
Albrecht, M.
Aliberti, R.
Amoroso, A.
An, M. R.
An, Q.
Bai, X. H.
Bai, Y.
Bakina, O.
Baldini Ferroli, R.
Balossino, I.
Ban, Y.
Begzsuren, K.
Berger, N.
Bertani, M.
Bettoni, D.
Bianchi, F.
Bloms, J.
Bortone, A.
Boyko, I.
Briere, R. A.
Cai, H.
Cai, X.
Calcaterra, A.
Cao, G. F.
Cao, N.
Cetin, S. A.
Chang, J. F.
Chang, W. L.
Chelkov, G.
Chen, D. Y.
Chen, G.
Chen, H. S.
Chen, M. L.
Chen, S. J.
Chen, X. R.
Chen, Y. B.
J. Chen, Z.
Cheng, W. S.
Cibinetto, G.
Cossio, F.
Cui, X. F.
Dai, H. L.
Dai, X. C.
Dbeyssi, A.
De Boer, R. E.
Dedovich, D.
Deng, Z. Y.
Denig, A.
Denysenko, I.
Destefanis, M.
De Mori, F.
Ding, Y.
Dong, C.
Dong, J.
Dong, L. Y.
Dong, M. Y.
Dong, X.
Du, S. X.
Fan, Y. L.
Fang, J.
Fang, S. S.
Fang, Y.
Farinelli, R.
Fava, L.
Feldbauer, F.
Felici, G.
Feng, C. Q.
Feng, J. H.
Fritsch, M.
Fu, C. D.
Gao, Y.
Gao, Y.
Gao, Y.
Gao, Y. G.
Garzia, I.
Ge, P. T.
Geng, C.
Gersabeck, E. M.
Gilman, A.
Goetzen, K.
Gong, L.
Gong, W. X.
Gradl, W.
Greco, M.
Gu, L. M.
Gu, M. H.
Gu, Y. T.
Y Guan, C.
Guo, A. Q.
Guo, L. B.
Guo, R. P.
Guo, Y. P.
Guskov, A.
Han, T. T.
Han, W. Y.
Hao, X. Q.
During the 2016-17 and 2018-19 running periods, the BESIII experiment collected 7.5 fb -1 of e+e- collision data at center-of-mass energies ranging from 4.13 to 4.44 GeV. These data samples are primarily used for the study of excited charmonium and charmoniumlike states. By analyzing the di-muon process e+e-, we measure the center-of-mass energies of the data samples with a precision of 0.6 MeV. Through a run-by-run study, we find that the center-of-mass energies were stable throughout most of the data-collection period.