Ethos, pathos, and logos to prevent sexual harassment at workplaces: A regulatory solution based on operant conditioning
Date Issued
Ghaisas, Smita
Sainani, Abhishek
Anish, Preethu Rose
Suriyanarayanan, Ramasubramanian
Rajaram, Perumal
Sexual harassment at workplace has been a criticalchallenge for women, especially in the service sector due to oddworking hours. Companies and Government on their part havetaken up measures to protect women employees but theproblem seems persistent. To address this, we have designed aregulatory solution based on operant conditioning. Operantconditioning argues that people's behaviors are primarilycontrolled by consequences. It is therefore possible to appeal totheir ethics (Ethos), emotions (Pathos) and logic (Logos) andshape their behavior for preventing harassment at workplace.