Thermoelastohydrodynamic analysis of tilting pad journal bearing—theory and experiments
Date Issued
Kumar Reddy, D. Sudheer
Swarnamani, S.
Prabhu, B. S.
Thermal and elastic effects play a very important role in lubrication of tilting pad journal bearings. This paper presents both theoretical and experimental analysis of tilting pad journal bearing. Theoretical analysis includes the simultaneous solution of Reynolds equation, energy equation and deformation equation. The computer code has been developed based on FEM which will work for large number of pads. Experimental study has been carried out on a four-pad tilting pad journal bearing, load between pad configuration and load on pad configurations with the rotational speed varied from 500-4000 rpm. Twelve thermocouples are used to measure pad temperatures. Coastdown time analysis results are presented in the form of Stribeck diagram of friction and compared with theoretical ones. Theoretical results are presented for steady-state and dynamic-state conditions of a four-pad tilting pad journal bearing. © 2000 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.